
  • Google launches Chrome 78 with forced dark mode and password checker

    Rachel England
    Rachel England

    The latest version of Google's Chrome web browser has landed for Mac, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS, bringing with it a new customization menu for the New Tab page, forced dark mode, support for Password Checkup and a bunch of other features.

  • Distro Issue 78: the ASUS TAICHI 21 and Turquoise Jeep's Flynt Flossy

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    We've seen our fair share of convertible notebooks and shape-shifting hybrids over the last several months, but one particular offering from ASUS stood out. In the latest issue of our tablet mag, we spend some quality time getting to know both faces of the TAICHI 21. Brad Molen goes in-depth with his first week back to BlackBerry while Sean Buckley discusses Nintendo's digital content issues in Forum. Eyes-On gets modular with rucksacks, Recommended Reading recalls Monster's loss of Beats by Dre and Turquoise Jeep's Flynt Flossy dances through the Q&A. That's just a few pages of another jam-packed edition, so pull up a cozy seat and download your copy via that weekly link of choice. Distro Issue 78 PDF Distro in the iTunes App Store Distro in the Google Play Store Distro in the Windows Store Distro APK (for sideloading) Like Distro on Facebook Follow Distro on Twitter