

  • Rob LeFebvre/Engadget

    Meet Jon Hamm's latest character in AR before the movie debuts

    Rob LeFebvre
    Rob LeFebvre

    Jon Hamm and Lois Smith take on the future of personal assistants in Marjorie Prime, a movie set to release on August 18th. Co-starring Tim Robbins and Geena Davis, the film explores Marjorie's failing memory of her late husband, Walter, with a digitally recreated 40-year old version of him. Now you, too, can meet Walter as a hologram before the movie debuts via iOS or Android and developer 8i's Holo app.

  • Mars astronauts could use VR to remind them of home

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    To put it mildly, Mars astronauts are likely to feel isolation on a level that even the most daring space explorers can't understand. How do you feel connected when Earth is just a dot in the sky? NASA, Smart Information Flow Technologies and 8i might help. They're researching the prospect of using virtual and augmented reality experiences to fight the "sensory and social monotony" of a Mars mission. The aim would be to create a library of inspirational messages that remind astronauts why they're on the Red Planet, and connect them to family -- a bit like the video messages in 2001, only more immersive.