

  • Umbrella Chronicles looks horrifying - in a good way

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    The look of the upcoming Resident Evil on-rails shooter, Umbrella Chronicles, has grown by leaps and bounds since we first started to see screenshots. The November release dates are fast approaching, so what we're seeing here is probably a lot of what we'll be seeing on our televisions once this hits shelves. We discussed opinions on this title back in April, and it seems like a good time to ask if you're now more (or hey, less, for the haters) excited about this one than you were back then. We've updated the gallery with the latest screens, and the dates embedded with the images allows you to compare shots and see how things have come along since we got our first glimpses of the title. There's also a new trailer tucked away after the break for your viewing pleasure. We just love all the new trailers that surface for game conferences![Top image found here, along with others!]%Gallery-3286%

  • Updated Folklore gallery and new details to up the hype

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    We've updated our Folklore gallery with a load more images that really show off the great art style of this game. For those of you who don't find screenshots too exciting, take a look regardless. Monster designs, concept art and the final boxart are included. Just six of the game's monster designs are shown below, but rest assured that all 100+ are as creepy as stylish as the ones you see here. We have some more interesting information about this title that we gleaned from our time at 3Rooms yesterday. Here they are in handy bullet point form. 100+ monsters to catch and abilities to learn The game takes advantage of the internet by allowing user created dungeons, online leaderboards and Quest Packs The game includes seven different regions (read: levels): Hell Realm, Faery Realm, Warcadia, Endless Corridor, Netherworld Cave, Undersea City Ellen's costumes each correspond to one of the above regions You can start the game as either Ellen or Keats. You then play as that character for five chapters, before being able to switch between them at will during the final two chapters. %Gallery-3196%

  • MMO Art expanding, artists wanted

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our good friends at MMO Art are growing, and if you're an artist that's interested in working on commissions of MMO characters, they might be looking for you. They're working on a site called MMO Art Studio, which will consist of a stable of artists selected by Jomaro Kindred (glad to hear he's back) to work professional commissions under the MMO Art banner.To submit, they're looking for a couple of examples of your work, sent in via the web form. We've linked to their gallery before, but you can see examples of exactly what they're looking for over there. And even if you aren't an artist, their work is worth a look, and they've got some new art up as well. Unfortunately, most of it is City of Heroes-- WoW is woefully underrepresented, which I guess means that WoW players aren't commissioning portraits that much.But it's still great art, and the Studio site offers a pretty unique opportunity to get paid professionally for something you might already be doing for free.

  • New Heavenly Sword gallery shows Andy Serkis in a funny suit

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    We love Andy Serkis for everything he's done for Heavenly Sword. Helping turn a game into a cinematic masterpiece. We've loved him for years though, ever since his role in Lord of the Rings. In fact, we're no strangers to seeing Serkis in a mo-cap suit, seeing as we watched the extras on the LOTR DVDs several times.Our new gallery, found below, includes some fresh Serkis mo-cap pictures and some interesting King Bohan images. They are particularly fascinating to those interested in the specifics of 3D graphics generation. Low-polygon wireframes of King Bohan are found alongside high detailed mudbox renders. Fascinating!%Gallery-5899%

  • The story of Mana continues with new screens

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Just in time for release, we've got fresh new screens from Heroes of Mana, the RTS-take on the long-running series. Set after the never-released-here Seiken Densetsu 3, Heroes of Mana tracks the story of Roget, who crash-lands in the midst of an adventure of epic proportions. Early reviews -- which we'll take a look at later -- are all over the place, but one thing's pretty solid: the screens are looking nice. Check out the updated gallery to see for yourself.%Gallery-4132%

  • iRiver's NV PMP / navigator hits Korean shelves

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    As far as elegant design goes, it doesn't get much classier than the iRiver NV, the oversized jog wheel havin', GPS sportin', DMB streamin', music and video playin', Swiss-army-knife of devices. Apparently, the NV has gone from geek-lust fantasy to pocketbook-lightening reality this week, as iRiver officially released the player / navigator to Korean audiences. In case you've forgotten the details, the NV rocks a 7-inch, 800 x 480 screen (plus a small PMOLED display on the wheel), a 1.3-megapixel camera, utilizes a "dual core" processor, runs on top of Windows CE 5.0, and does all the typical media playback (OGG, MP3, WMA, XviD, AVI, AAC, and so on). The player also boasts T-DMB, a SiRFStar III GPS chip, two SD slots, stereo speakers, and USB connectivity. The wonder-device is on sale now in Korea for 498,000 Won, or about $536. Cross your fingers and maybe (but probably not) we'll see this puppy Stateside. For now, check all the NV's angles in the gallery after the break. %Gallery-5836%

  • Ghost Squad screens marked by a distinct lack of panda suit

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Ghost Squad is headed from the Arcade to Wiis everywhere, and while we could go either way on the screens in our new gallery, we are intrigued by the four-player co-op possibilities. This is definitely one game, however, that should benefit from Zapper functionality for those who want to recreate the arcade experience. Too bad the Zapper is a little smaller than giant plastic assault rifles, though!All we can say is: unlockable panda suit, please. %Gallery-5667%

  • Knights of Ratatoskr battle screens

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Well, at least we can say that the game isn't scheduled for release anywhere until spring of next year, which means these screens are probably far from final. When last we checked in on the follow-up to the 'Cube's Tales of Symphonia, things were looking pretty nice. These latest battle screens, however ... let's just say they're looking a little geometric. Still, with months yet to go, we can only hope for a sharper, crisper take on the first game's action. After all, there's an entire extra GameCube taped on there!%Gallery-5354%

  • The latest from Warhammer 40k: Squad Command

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Remember those Warhammer 40k: Squad Command screens we mentioned a few weeks back? Now you can see them for yourself, sans watermark, in their original glory. This is one we think will definitely look great in motion, and the online battles promise hours of fun. We're always interested in more Wi-Fi games, especially when there are strategy elements. [Via GoNintendo]%Gallery-5510%

  • First look inside the BlizzCon Exhibition Hall

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The hall opened up not an hour ago, and BlizzCon is on! Here's your first look at what's inside the Exhibition Hall, including booths from all the exhibitors and vendors, lots of game playing (Starcraft II and the Arena tourneys are underway), and what we've most been waiting for: Wrath of the Lich King art. Pretty! Sorry, Arthas fanboys and girls, but the post above says we're going to meet the LK himself.Browse through the hall (as I just did), and enjoy. The opening ceremony kicks off in a little over half an hour, and we should be liveblogging live from there as well. It's BlizzCon, baby!%Gallery-5496%

  • Nokia E90 hands-on gallery extravaganza!

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    It may lack the necessary internal gizmos to grant us 3G data this side of the pond, but that really didn't stop us from touching, holding, and loving Nokia's E90 Communicator just the same. Check out as we bring the latest, greatest QWERTY device out of Espoo from sealed box to power-up in the gallery here -- or if getting your hands on one of your own is more your thing, rumor has it Nokia should be launching it stateside within a couple months. 'Bout time!Special thanks to Wireless Imports for the hands-on time!%Gallery-5477%

  • Tales of Rebirth shows off 2D splendor

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    If you love 2D gaming as much as most RPG fanatics who buy handhelds do (seriously, it's practically the only medium left to see it on if you don't count Nippon Ichi's continued support of 2D niche titles on consoles), then you'll probably salivate over the Tales of Rebirth gallery we've compiled for you. Taken from the official Japanese website, you can get an idea of what to expect -- a 3D map a la Symphonia with 2D battles a la Phantasia, Destiny, and Eternia/Destiny 2. While our review for Tales of the World wasn't exactly glowing, we still stand behind the franchise as a decent RPG experience and Rebirth might be the best Tales experience next year. Enjoy the gallery!%Gallery-5384%

  • Take a peek at Knights of Ratatoskr

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Informative tidbits on Namco Bandai's upcoming Tales game, Knights of Ratatoskr, may be few and far between, but we do have some nice new screens from the official site to tide us over. The sequel to Tales of Symphonia is currently slated for release next spring in Japan, so it'll likely be late fall before we start to hear more. Time can't pass quickly enough![Via Siliconera]%Gallery-5354%

  • Coolin' at the EA Playground

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Every time we get a glimpse of EA Playground, we can't help but think that it looks like a SimCrossing tie-in. Strangely, we're okay with that; the character designs in MySims are adorable, and these do look more rounded and less immediately omg-kawaii! And while we may be a little over minigames in general, EA really does seem to be trying to get a good handle on the Wii, and it seems likely this'll be worth at least a few minutes of our time. There's always time for dodgeball, after all.%Gallery-5291%

  • New screens show off Trials, a few Tribulations as well

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Only a few scant months stand between us and the release of the next Ace Attorney game in its localized form, and believe us when we we say we are ready. It's hard to decide if the new screens (some of which are merely English versions of other screens) make the waiting better or worse, but we couldn't withhold them. That would just be mean. So make us feel good about sharing, and check out the updated gallery below. If you missed the newer trailer a few weeks back, check it out, too. Or watch it again -- we did! %Gallery-3478%

  • Engadget hits the LG Masterpieces event at Christie's Auction House

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    LG pushed the "masterpiece" line to the limit at this night's Christie's Auction House product showcase -- the official tag line of the event was "LG Masterpieces, a Celebration of Technology and Design" -- but we came away with a few pleasant device announcements and got to chat with some fancy tuxedoed men wearing white gloves, so we'd say the evening was a success. Check the gallery after the break to glance at all the product on display, or just read the posts below to catch the new stuff.%Gallery-5060%

  • Post-E3 BWii update

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    In the midst of all the excitement and videos of E3, we seem to have missed a very important update -- Battalion Wars 2, aka BWii! By "update," we of course mean "a couple of new images," but hey, it's better than a poke in the eye with the proverbial sharp stick. Or, y'know, with a tank. It's been a while since we've seen images from BWii, and while these new shots are long on artwork, there are a couple of screens in there. Now we just need some new video footage so we can see what's up. We'd also love to see some more detail on how this one is coming along, since it's slated for a fall release and we haven't seen much yet ... like the online multiplayer modes. Guess we'll just have to trust for now that things are all good on the battlefield.%Gallery-4966%[Via press release]

  • An updated peek at Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Oh, Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, how we wish you were out already. Like, yesterday. And then delivered to our doorstep wrapped in pretty pink bows, along with an IV filled with espresso, ready to power us through long gaming sessions. Or maybe that's just our own twisted personal fantasy. What can we say -- we're ready for some handheld Ninja Gaiden action, and this version is just as it should be: no frills, all thrills. For now, we'll just have to settle for sweet new screenshots. Check 'em out in the gallery! %Gallery-4937%

  • Jam Sessions gets the demo treatment

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Advertising for Jam Sessions may be somewhat less than good, but that doesn't make the title less worthwhile -- nor does it detract from this hilarious E3 demo! We've tucked it away after the jump, but first you have to run the screenshot gauntlet. We're bad, bad people.We do find some of the screens a little disturbing, however. Is that redheaded chick puking? We really only need so much rock-and-roll realism in our video games, thanks ....%Gallery-3427%

  • Show and Tell: In Dreamland, cake eats you!

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Okay, we admit it. We're cheating a little. Instead of letting someone come to us with their nifty gaming goodness, we saw something that was simply so awesome we had to ask if we could share it with you ... and luckily, NeoGAFfer cloudwalking had no problem with us showing off this incredible cake. Hey, if it was ours, we'd want to show the world as well!Birthday girl cloudwalking's good pal jarosh had this Kirby cake made, but the fun didn't stop there. As he was slowly dismembered devoured, the pair had fun changing his features around, as you can see in the gallery ... though the reddish filling on the knife is a little disturbing. Poor Kirby! We're not sure we could have made ourselves eat the little guy. Then again, it could be revenge for the times we've been inhaled in various Smash Bros. matches. Can you top a nummy Kirby cake? If so -- or if you have anything else you want to show off -- you too can be in this spot, with everyone cooing over your awesome stuff. Just take some pictures and send them to showmeit at dsfanboy dot com. We'll take care of the rest.%Gallery-4771%