

  • WoW Pod brings player housing to a different level

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    I know we've sometimes clamored for a player housing feature to make it into the World of Warcraft, but Blizzard has been adamant about it not being high on the list of priorities. A couple of artists decided that if Blizzard wasn't going to put player housing in the game, they were bringing player housing to players... in real life. Artists Cati Vaucelle, Steve Shada, and Marisa Jahn (Shada/Jahn) managed to con convince MIT's Council for the Arts and a few other gullible generous benefactors into funding a little project called the WoW Pod. The WoW Pod is described as an "immersive architectural solution for the advanced World of Warcraft player that provides and anticipates all of life's needs". Except, maybe, the need to bathe and not be the target of ridicule. Then again, that was probably the point of this exercise -- to create a self-sustaining gaming cubicle where a WoW player can eschew such gametime-consuming distractions such as bathroom breaks or sustenance. The glorified port-a-potty, patterned after an Orc hut, is equipped with a toilet, a kitchen, and a computer to play Warcraft on.

  • MIT's EMF detector bracelet takes all the fun out of radiation poisoning

    Stephanie Patterson
    Stephanie Patterson

    We've seen our fair share of EMF detectors and other tin foil hat apparel, but no endeavor is complete without the MIT stamp of approval. Cati Vaucelle's EMF sensor bracelet is designed to pick up on any potentially harmful electromagnetic fields, allowing you to dance around the veritable minefield of computers and cell phones in your workplace, unscathed by the -- maybe, maybe not -- lethal effects of radiation being emitted. Nevermind about looking like a freak -- better safe than sorry, right? The bracelet, sensitive up to 14-inches, features an integrated LED that's illuminated whenever an EMF field over 50kHz is detected. If you'd like to see this prototype in action, a video will be presented today at Ubicomp in Seoul, or save your air miles and see it here after the break.[Via Make]