

  • Franklin AnyBook brings timeshifting to the voice recorder world, thinks of the children

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Hello there, Franklin -- sort of forgot you existed in the consumer electronics realm. Our bad. But being frank, we're pretty stoked about your newest educational tool, and we get the feeling that parents everywhere will be as well. The AnyBook digital pen is a voice recorder at heart, but it's actually far more unique underneath. Put simply (or as simply as possible), parents can record their own voices as they read aloud the favorite books of their offspring, placing a special sticker on each page as a marker and denoting page turns by pressing a button on the pen. Then, if the child(ren) wish to hear mum or dad read the text aloud in the future (say, while at daycare), they simply tap the pen to the aforementioned stickers and a familiar voice comes belting through. Think of it as comfort food for your tyke, but in aural form. The October-bound AnyBook will ship in two flavors: the DRP-3000 holds up to 15 hours of voice for $39.99, while the DRP-4000 holds 60 hours of soothing, loving words for $59.99. Touches your heart, doesn't it?