

  • Raegwyn caps MoP content with solo Dark Animus kill

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Just when you felt like you were getting the last scraps of Mists of Pandaria under your belt and handling that business, along comes Raegwyn the death knight to make you feel yet light in your boots. Raegwyn's recent solo kill of Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder makes the rest of us feel like real underachievers. "This is probably the hardest boss of this expansion (at least p1) and a pretty good ending of the MoP soloing in my opinion," Raegwyn noted on his video of the boss take-down. So what's the master soloists's trick? As it turns out, practice. "Practise, Practise, Practise..." he wrote on the Blizzard forums, outlining the determination that led him to put in some 70 to 80 attempts at Dark Animus phase 1 and another few trial runs on phase 2. "I remember a time when i also was a noob as DK and then i soloed Hellfire Ramparts when i reached 60 on wotlk releaseday. ;D jk But for real im doing this kind of stuff since 2007. practise is the way to perfection and perfection isnt as hard to reach as you may think." As Raegwyn claims: "And remember... What doesnt kill you gives you Vengeance."

  • Son of Animus will tank all the things

    Kristin Marshall
    Kristin Marshall

    Patch 5.2 introduced a slew of battle pets, with a few as rare drops from bosses in the new Throne of Thunder raid, including Living Sandling, Ji-Kun Hatchling, and Son of Animus. Recently, I was lucky enough to obtain Son of Animus, and it's quite a unique addition to my collection. I couldn't wait to level it! This breed 4 (4/14 or P/P) Mechanical pet uses abilities inspired by the boss that drops it, Dark Animus, and are as follows: Slot 1 Metal Fist or Batter Slot 2 Siphon Anima or Touch of the Animus Slot 3 Extra Plating or Interrupting Jolt

  • Throne of Thunder: Halls of Flesh-Shaping Raid Finder bosses in 5 seconds

    Kristin Marshall
    Kristin Marshall

    The third wing of Throne of Thunder Raid Finder was unlocked this week after a short break from the last one. After our previous 5-second guides to the first and second wings, how could we abandon you now? You've almost made it through. If you thought the beasts in the Forgotten Depths were rough, just wait until you meet your new friends in the Halls of Flesh-Shaping. Here's a quick rundown to quickly share with your Raid Finder buddies (thanks for the help Lucid guildies!). Durumu the Forgotten There will be a tank swap, taunt at around 4 stacks of Serious Wound. Step into Life Drain to intercept. During phase two, the raid should split itself between the yellow, red, and blue cones. Move each cone around until the three fog adds are revealed, and kill them. Move out of Force of Will and pools on the ground. During the third phase, be patient and navigate the purple maze while keeping ahead of the death beam. In the maze, stuff on the ground hurts, so stick to the cleared melee or ranged path. Tip: Point your camera downward to better view the cleared maze pathing. Primordius Kite the boss to prevent him from picking up too many Living Fluids, and kill them. Tank swap at around seven Malformed Blood stacks and avoid dragging him over the purple Volatile Pools. Only tanks should stand in front of the boss. Collect the red Mutagenic Pools on the ground dropped by Living Fluids to become mutated, DPS the boss. Avoid the red pools when you are mutated.

  • Blood Pact: Thundering on and on about raid gear in patch 5.2

    Megan O'Neill
    Megan O'Neill

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Blood Pact for affliction, demonology, and destruction warlocks. This week, Megan O'Neill maybe decides that commenter-suggested Zul'duar is the better name than Thund'uar for the troll-like Ulduar raid instance, Throne of Thunder. I mentioned last week that I'd discuss the changes for warlocks while listing out loot in the new raid instance. I may have fibbed a little. I tried to slide in patch change discussion without it reading like I shoved two posts into the space of one, and I miserably failed. You can read the latest patch notes for yourself, but the PvE DPS gist is that affliction's petless power days are diminished if not over and demonology might be the new top dog. PvP warlocks might be more interested in Blood Fear's metamorphosis from an offensive fear to the Nature's Grasp-like Blood Horror and Soul Leech's change from a trickle heal to a stacking shield. Regarding of whether you chase Conquest or Valor Points, we warlocks will have a major problem in patch 5.2. I'm not talking about the endless debates of whether fire should be green or whether warlocks should always have a minion at their side. I'm talking about the removal of the imp ability Blood Pact, due to Dark Intent gaining the 10% Stamina buff to its effect. Future warlocks will wonder what this column is named for!

  • Lichborne: More death knight loot from patch 5.2's Throne of Thunder

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Lichborne for blood, frost, and unholy death knights. In the post-Cataclysm era, death knights are no longer the new kids on the block. Let's show the other classes how a hero class gets things done. We continue our loot preview this week by delving into the Forgotten Depths and Halls of Flesh-Shaping in the Throne of Thunder. The same disclaimers apply as did last week. Since this is based on PTR information, drops can change. In addition, this preview focuses on normal gear, so your gearing priorities may change if you get Thunderforged gear or heroic gear. With that in mind, lets dig in and see what the next six bosses of Patch 5.2's Throne of Thunder raid have to offer.

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Killing Throne of Thunder's Dark Animus

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Dark Animus is the ninth boss in the Throne of Thunder, followed by Iron Qon, Twin Consorts, and Lei Shen. It's preceded by some fairly stern trash, and on entering the room players are greeted by the image seen above. It's all a tad confusing to the uninitiated, but what you're essentially fighting against is that red, gloopy substance. The story goes as follows: During his reign, Lei Shen labored to build a mechanical servant that would defend his citadel without fear. When this experiment failed, rage took hold of the Thunder King. He poured this negative emotion into his next, amd most successful creation: the Dark Animus. To this day, the ornate construct observes its duty, empowered by the mysterious substance at the heart of all the Mogu flesh-shaping experiments. This fight is definitely one of the most interesting ones I've attended on the PTR. Again, I was privileged to join Lore from TankSpot and his guild Months Behind for testing on my restoration shaman. The fight begins with the spherical blob you see in the center of the room. It will not aggro onto nearby players until struck, but when aggroed, it will explode, activating a number of the smallest robots visible above by powering them with Anima.

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Further raid testing for Throne of Thunder

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    The raid testing for Throne of Thunder is coming fast. 10 player raid tests will be held on back-to-back dates for Thursday, January 31st and Friday, February 1st. Tests will be conducted at the usual 10:30 AM PST and 4:00 PM PST slots. If this is your first time testing, your gear will automatically be scaled up. I strongly recommend logging in before the test is scheduled to occur in order to look for any testing groups that are in need your role or class. Here's how you can get into the Throne of Thunder. WoW Insider Throne of Thunder boss impressions Jin'rokh, the Breaker Horridon (Olivia's take) Iron Qon Lei Shen, the Thunder King Raid Testing Schedule - January 31/February 1 On Thursday, January 31, and Friday, February 1, we will be testing more raid encounters in the Throne of Thunder. Each encounter should be available at approximately the listed times below for all Public Test Realms. Thursday, January 31 Tortos - 10 Player Normal 10:30 PST (13:30 EST, 19:30 CET) Megaera - 10 Player Normal 16:00 PST (19:00 EST, 01:00 CET) Friday, February 1 Dark Animus - 10 Player Normal 10:30 PST (13:30 EST, 19:30 CET) Twin Consorts - 10 Player Normal 16:00 PST (19:00 EST, 01:00 CET) As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a beta environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the boss being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc. This is particularly true for these early tests as we are still nailing down overall patch stability. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback. Important Testing Notes Q: How do I get into the raid zone? A: At the northeastern edge of the swamp on the Thunder King's island, there is a Shado-Pan camp in a small cave. A sewer grate in this cave will take you directly to the zone-in point for the raid zone. (As more of the island unlocks, players will be able to access the main gate directly.) Q: What gear do I use to test the raid? A: As we did for Beta raid testing, we will be scaling players' gear inside the raid in order to facilitate testing. Gear will be scaled (up or down, as appropriate) for the purposes of testing the encounters, depending on difficulty and their location within the zone. source