

  • Zoov launches an ebike sharing system that fits in with existing roads

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Whether they take the form of scooters or bikes, pedestrian mobility programs have sprung up quickly around the globe, occasionally angering people and governments in cities that hadn't asked for a rack of vehicles in the middle of their sidewalk. New French startup Zoov claims its approach to bike sharing "respects public roads" with smaller stations that can fit 20 bikes in the area of a single parking space and comfortable bikes that don't need an external lock.

  • Engadget/Steve Dent

    Withings returns at a dark time for wearables

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Withings, which briefly became Nokia Health, is now Withings again. Nokia bought the health-tracking business in 2016 and rebranded it, hoping to compete with Fitbit and even Apple. Amid a bad wearable-market slump, though, the division foundered. To make things worse for Nokia, it was also having other problems elsewhere, like with its costly Ozo camera. Withings co-founder Eric Carreel just bought the company back (for undisclosed terms) with plans to revive the original name and develop new products. But wearables have struggled to become the must-have gadgets they were once framed as, and without Nokia's resources, Withings will have a tough time.

  • Engadget

    Nokia is selling its Health business back to the former owner

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Nokia has has entered negotiations to sell its Digital Health business to its original owner, Withings co-founder Éric Carreel. The move is part of the company's plan to exit the consumer market and "focus on becoming a business-to-business and licensing company," it said. The company paid $191 million for Withings back in 2016, but recently announced that it had written off $175 million in goodwill, and would do a strategic review of its wearable businesses.