

  • Touch Detective sequel continues to taunt us with fungus

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Before Touch Detective hit shelves, we were obsessed with it -- the dark, unique look, the intriguing characters ... we couldn't get enough! The game itself, however, didn't really deliver; there was too much going on to enjoy Mackenzie's wackiness on the top screen, and the puzzles were less-than-optimal.And yet ... faced with a sequel ... we're back on the love train. We can't help it. It must be the rapidly multiplying shape of Mackenzie's sidekick, Funghi, shown in the opening movie. He's hypnotic and we're powerless before him. We love the music, we love the wacky parade of characters, and when the localized sequel lands near us, we'll probably pick it up again and hope for the best.Sometimes, even knowing better just doesn't matter in the face of pretty, pretty art.

  • Touch Detective 2 on the way?

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We can't decide if this is surprising or not, but from the new page at the Success site, it looks like Mackenzie will be back (with her funny-shaped pal) for another round of quirky mysteries. Considering the mixed reviews, we can't say we expected another Touch Detective game immediately, but hey! What fun would it be if the industry didn't offer up a few surprises here and there, amirite?For now, we'll hope that they focus on the things they got right with the first installment -- like the humor, art style, and characters -- and work a little on the opaque mysteries that were, at times, somewhat like pounding one's face with a sledgehammer. [Via 4cr]

  • Touch Detective's sinister boxart

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Touch Detective leaves us a little speechless around the DS Fanboy offices. The game looks great, but there's just something about the art style that seems ... well ... sinister. Creepy, even. Sure, the game will be a blast. It's the new Phoenix Wright -- offbeat and interesting story and touchscreen-centric gameplay. But just look at the characters! We can handle the robot butler, though with that beaky nose, he resembles some sort of evil muppet refugee from the '80s. But Mackenzie, the heroine, looks perpetually terrified and it makes us wonder if she's just traumatized by the death of her father or if maybe that little phallic mushroom guy is exploiting her offscreen.Or maybe we just have too much time on our hands. Touch Detective will be available for a little hands-on next month.