

  • Apple iOS 4.3.4 software update may fix iPhone hole, block PDF jailbreak

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Remember that PDF exploit from last year that JailbreakMe 2.0 was using to unlock your iPhone with just a few taps? Well, Apple patched it. And now it's apparently back. According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple acknowledged the exploit, and is working on an update at this very moment. In addition to the JailbreakMe 3.0 hack that came to light last week, the hole can also be used for some not-so-noble efforts, like grabbing your contacts database, accessing saved passwords, or activating your iPad or iPhone's built-in camera. And nobody wants that. For one reason or another, German authorities have taken the lead on encouraging Apple to investigate, and have also warned all users to avoid opening PDF docs from untrusted sources. And we're happy to echo that rather solid advice, given the implications. Ironically, JailbreakMe includes a patch for the very hole that allows it to function in the first place, so if you're terrified that rogue PDFs will take over your devices, that's an option to consider in the meantime.

  • JailbreakMe for the iPad 2 is finally live / not live, just keep refreshing (update: video)

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    We just mashed our refresh button about a million times to get the screenshot you see above, but it was worth it. JailbreakMe 3.0 with support for the iPad 2 is finally live, and we're already getting word from tipsters who claim to have successfully jailbroken their iPad 2s running iOS 4.3.3, as evidenced by the pseudo-blurry jailbroken Verizon model below. Thankfully, all of this suggests we're not dealing with the dodgy release that was leaked previously, but let us know in the comments how it's working for you this time around and hit the break for another screenshot.Update: Austin wrote in to tell us about a new jailbreaking tutorial from YouTube user Duncan33303 -- head past the break to watch it for yourself.

  • Leaked iPad 2 jailbreak available now? (updated: better wait)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Can't say it happened at Mach 3, but the iPad 2 jailbreak that we saw teased back in mid-March seems to have made its way out into the wild at long last. According to the video hosted up just past the break, JailbreakMe 3.0 is now available with support for the iPad 2. It's bruited that the version making its way around now was leaked by a beta tester (read: it ain't the final build), and we're seeing mixed success / failure stories in the related YouTube comments. We'd encourage the daring to tap the links below in order to get started, and if you do, let us know how it all works out below. Per usual, you'd be doing yourself a solid by fully syncing and backing things up before diving off the deep end. Update: This is working only for iOS 4.3, so if you've updated, you're sadly out of luck. Update 2: We've received multiple reports that this particular jailbreak is available for iOS 4.3.0, only. It looks like users rocking 4.3.3 will just have to wait. Update 3: We've received notice that this version is actually a pre-release of the upcoming jailbreak that is not finished, not intended for public consumption, and apparently leaked by a beta tester. For this reason we're pulling the video embed because we wouldn't recommend using it -- especially given the final version is probably not far off. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]