

  • PlanetSide 2 beta coming 'within the next month'

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Could it be true? A beta announcement? It could, and it is! That's right PlanetSide 2 fans -- your itchy trigger fingers will finally get some relief sometime "within the next month." Granted it's not an exact date, but the end is finally in sight. Sound too good to be true? Well the news comes straight from the mouth of Executive Producer Josh Hackney in the debut episode of Command Center, Sony Online Entertainment's new developer diary series for the latest and greatest on all things PlanetSide 2. You can hear it for yourself after the cut. As if the promise of the impending beta wasn't enough, the 21 minute video offers more juicy tidbits. Hackney goes on to assure that veteran PlanetSide players will get into to the beta first through high-priority access. Then hosts Matt Higby, Creative Director, and Tramell Isaac, Senior Art Director, talk about upcoming events, the infiltrator class, costumes, and E3. They end the show by displaying fan art.

  • PlanetSide 2 producer's letter teases beta plans, PlanetSide promotion

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    So how about that: two pieces of PlanetSide 2 news in a single day. We must be getting close to beta or something, right SOE? Right? On the subject of betas, Sony Online Entertainment has released a new producer's letter that spells out who will be accessing its new MMOFPS initially. As expected, PlanetSide vets and other gamers who have obtained third-party testing codes will get to fight first. Producer Josh Hackney also says that this Sunday (July 1st) is PlanetSide day. To celebrate, SOE is awarding former PlanetSide fraggers with 30 days of free game time. If you've ever had an active PlanetSide subscription, come back to Auraxis on the company dime and hone your skills while you wait for your beta invite. Hackney also says that this month's E3 demo was the first of many PlanetSide 2 appearances slated for the summer. Check out the full post for more details.

  • E3 2012: Crashing and burning in PlanetSide 2

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I used to think of myself as an OK pilot. Then I slid into the cockpit of a Terran Republic Mosquito at E3 yesterday and learned just how inapplicable real-world skill is in PlanetSide 2. In my defense, Sony Online Entertainment's demo stations suffered from a severe lack of joysticks, and the controls were also mapped to that goofy up-is-up and down-is-down standard that's, well, standard on every shooter ever made. This is completely unnatural to my way of thinking, and so I'm going to blame it for the fact that my Mosquito lumbered around the skies of Auraxis like a drunken elephant, listing hard to starboard and eventually porpoising down for the ugliest landing in the history of ugly landings. But hey, any one you walk away from's a good one, right?

  • GDC 2012: SOE's PlanetSide 2 gunning for the big time

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Our PlanetSide 2 bootcamp didn't start on the war-torn planet of Auraxis. It started on a plushly appointed hotel terrace in the middle of downtown San Francisco. Sony Online Entertainment brought its A-game to GDC 2012, and though its MMOFPS sequel is still undergoing internal alpha testing, the demo was striking enough to make us feel like battle-weary soldiers returning from the front. Executive producer Josh Hackney kicked things off with a short spiel that touched on what made the original PlanetSide unique (truly massive combat, ambitious open-world design, and a passionate/enduring community, in a nutshell). Hackney then turned the microphone over to creative director Matt Higby and a team of SOE devs who proceeded to wow the gaggle of game journos with an hour of pure awesome.

  • E3 2010: The Agency blows up in our faces... and it's a good thing

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    After seeing the new trailer yesterday for SOE's The Agency, we thought nothing could get us more revved up about this upcoming title. We were wrong. DEAD wrong. Ahem. Sorry. For aspiring Mr. and Ms. Kiss-Kiss-Bang-Bangs out there, The Agency is promising all of the hot, high-tech spy action that you can handle. Step into the shoes of James Bond, Jason Bourne, Inspector Gadget or Maxwell Smart, grab your favorite weapon, and throw yourself into one of many exciting locales where you and other players will compete for all the secrets and bragging rights. At E3, Massively got the chance to sit down with The Agency's Senior Producer Josh Hackney and check in on how this title is progressing. Hit the jump to read about specialized roles, PvP and why mindlessly spraying hot lead in all directions is completely passé.