

  • The Strong/National Museum of Play

    The Strong Museum's latest addition digs deep into gaming history

    Rob LeFebvre
    Rob LeFebvre

    Video games are a unique, nascent art form and it makes sense to preserve them. While efforts by the Internet Archive have been underway for a while, it hasn't been a priority for the gaming industry to archive their own products. Most archival projects happen thanks to the unpaid efforts of super fans bent on saving their beloved gaming experiences. Today, though, The Strong Museum, also known as the National Museum of Play, announced that Scott Adams, the developer behind 1978's text adventure game Adventureland, has donated a ton of materials from his long career in the industry.

  • Dilbert's missing 4G phone

    Aron Trimble
    Aron Trimble

    In an interesting experiment to see how long it takes to have a comic published, Scott Adams (the author of famed work-humor comic Dilbert) penned a pair of strips that are particularly relevant to recent events. Due to the extended lead time for comic publishing in newspapers, Adams decided that these topical toons would be published web-only. I'm a big fan of Dilbert, and I read the strip on a daily basis. Thanks to John Gruber for pointing out this excellent work on the official Dilbert blog. I've provided the first frame of the series to the right, but you'll have to visit the source if you want to see how Wally's story ends -- if you think you know, you're probably right.