

  • El calentamiento global es una realidad, diga Trump lo que diga - Getty Images/iStockphoto

    Major UN report says climate change is worse than first thought

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Even if nations stick to the Paris agreement and keep global warming below two degrees, it will still be a major disaster for the planet, according to a blockbuster UN report on climate change. What's more, we now have less time to act than previously thought. If governments don't take massive action over the next decade, we could see severe food shortages, increased forest fires and large scale coral reef die-offs by 2040. The report also predicts more serious issues, including the potential migration of tens of millions of people that would increase the risk of wars.

  • ICYMI: One day, devices will charge when they're pushed

    Kerry Davis
    Kerry Davis

    try{document.getElementById("aol-cms-player-1").style.display="none";}catch(e){}Today on In Case You Missed It: Michigan State University engineers built a handful of devices that have one thing in common: They all charge when they're pressed on or otherwise pushed because the silicone wafers inside have ions in each layer that create energy when folded or manipulated. If the phone Gods care a thing about us, this could mean that one day our devices won't need to be charged at all-- except by being used.