

  • The Joystiq Indie Pitch: TwinKomplex

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Indie developers are the starving artists of the video-game world, often brilliant and innovative, but also misunderstood, underfunded and more prone to writing free-form poetry on their LiveJournals. We at Joystiq believe no one deserves to starve, and many indie developers are entitled to a fridge full of tasty, fulfilling media coverage, right here. This week, Berlin's Ludic Philosophy team explains how TwinKomplex, its social hybrid title featuring real actors, is a game, but isn't a game. You really have to see this one for yourself: What's your game called and what's it about?TwinKomplex. It's about you and me -- and what happens to us when we partake in the DIA, a Decentral Intelligence Agency. It is also about conspiracy theories, how we try to understand our reality.What's the coolest aspect of TwinKomplex?The performance of our actors. The fact that we blur reality and fiction, that we use the Internet as a background for our fantasies. This reflects in the way our interface looks like and in the fact that we run a multitude of fake websites. One of these is a clinic for plastic surgery in Switzerland -- and it looks so real that we have received a few inquiries for silicon implants, etc.