

  • ICYMI: Delivery drone for humans, VR gaming and more

    Kerry Davis
    Kerry Davis

    #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-809076{display:none;} .cke_show_borders #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-809076, #postcontentcontainer #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-809076{width:570px;display:block;} try{document.getElementById("fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-809076").style.display="none";}catch(e){}Today on In Case You Missed It: The Ehang 184 is a Personal Flying Vehicle (PFV) that promises to deliver human cargo to its commuting destination in a way that has us intrigued and also, of course, mildly terrified. It can hold one person and fly anywhere within a 23-minute flight time radius. The person inside will use a very simple interface to take off and land, and be able to sit back and chill. Now we jsut have to wait while the at least $200,000 (but, probably more like $300,000) drone gets built, with a goal of reaching production by next year.