AI News

The latest news and reviews on artificial intelligence software, hardware and AI research.


  • Gesture recognizing QB1 computer attends to your every desire

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Scouting a computer that's "attentive to one's desires?" Good news, friends! Frédéric Kaplan's QB1, which was unveiled at the LIFT Conference in Geneva this past week, aims to be just that. Reportedly, the machine was designed in order to "alter the fundamentals of human-machine interaction," and rather than relying on the traditional mouse and keyboard approach, this one works entirely via gestures. QB1 is capable of recognizing inputs from both hands at once, with one example having a human select a record and adjust the volume by simply flicking their fingers through an on-screen album collection. We're told that the related patents behind the sophisticated 3D gesture interaction technology have been filed, but there's no word yet on when we'll be able to actually buy one. 'Til then, it's up to you to handle those "desires" yourself.[Via The Inquirer]

  • EVE Online developer explains new AI for the Sleeper race

    James Egan
    James Egan

    One of the major new features to EVE Online's forthcoming Apocrypha expansion is the introduction of an ancient race of NPCs called the Sleepers. They're a breed apart from any NPCs ever seen in EVE, largely because of their AI. They react intelligently to threats, focusing fire on primary targets but diverting their attacks to counter whatever else they're faced with. They can 'spider tank' or protect and even repair one another as combat ensues. Added to their tactics is evasive maneuvering, making the Sleepers even deadlier. We recently showed you video footage of the Sleepers in action and while taking them on will, in some cases, be a daunting experience, this is not to say that they can't be defeated. EVE developer CCP Incognito wrote on the forums, "If you try to use the same-old, same-old tactics against Sleepers then you will have problems. Think out of the box and you will win." CCP Incognito's comments were in the context of his dev blog on the new AI, which discusses the challenges that the Sleepers will pose for players seeking fragments of their advanced technology. More than anything, the AI revamp is designed to make PvE more like PvP. Anyone planning to venture through EVE's wormholes should abandon their mission-centric ship setups and be prepared for PvP; that's what fighting the Sleeper NPCs will be like -- fighting other players.

  • Navy report warns of robot uprising, suggests a strong moral compass

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    You know, when armchair futurists (and jive talkin' bloggists) make note of some of the scary new tech making the rounds in defense circles these days it's one thing, but when the Doomsday Scenarios come from official channels, that's when we start to get nervous. According to a report published by the California State Polytechnic University (with data made available by the U.S. Navy's Office of Naval Research) the sheer scope of the military's various AI projects is so vast that it is impossible for anyone to fully understand exactly what's going on. "With hundreds of programmers working on millions of lines of code for a single war robot," says Patrick Lin, the chief compiler of the report, "no one has a clear understanding of what's going on, at a small scale, across the entire code base." And what we don't understand can eventually hunt us down and kill us. This isn't idle talk, either -- a software malfunction just last year caused US. Army robots to aim at friendly targets (fortunately, no shots were fired). The solution, Dr. Lin continues, is to teach robots "battlefield ethics... a warrior code." Of course, the government has had absolutely no problems with ethics over the years -- so programming its killer robots with some rudimentary values should prove relatively simple.

  • IBM develops computerized voice that actually sounds human

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If there's one thing that still grates our nerves, it's automated calling systems. Or, more specifically, the robotic beings that simply fail to understand our slang and incomprehensible rants. IBM's working hard and fast to change all that, with a team at the company's Thomas J Watson research division developing and patenting a computerized voice that can utter "um," "er" and "yes, we're dead serious." The sophisticated system adds in the minutiae that makes conversation believable to Earthlings, and it's even programmed to learn new nuances and react to phrases such as "shh." The technology has been difficulty coined "generating paralinguistic phenomena via markup in text-to-speech syntheses," and while exact end uses have yet to be discussed publicly, we can certainly imagine a brave new world of automated CSRs.

  • EVE Online to introduce new NPC race with Apocrypha expansion

    James Egan
    James Egan

    PvE gameplay in EVE Online can be profitable, but blasting apart NPC ships can also get repetitive after a while. Anyone who's run a solid week of missions knows this all too well, and the combat dynamic between players and NPCs is something CCP Games will start remedying in the next game expansion: Apocrypha.EVE dev CCP Ytterbium's dev blog "When Evolution Leaps Forward" has some big news about what's in store for players as of March 10th in Apocrypha. The devs tasked with revamping the game's PvE experience are making some substantial changes to the distribution of bigger and badder NPCs. They're also introducing a new NPC race to New Eden: the Sleepers, an ancient race with technology beyond what is currently available to players, but whose secrets can potentially be unlocked.

  • Basil the Robot trained for symbolic recognition, beer toting

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Though not much of a looker -- feel free to insert your own beer goggles joke here -- Basil the Robot is an experiment by Jim and Louise Gunderson to train an AI to identify its surroundings symbolically. That way, the couple hopes, he can react dynamically in new environments. Basil was intended to be shown off at a Cafe Scientifique meeting by having him go to the bar and order drinks for his creators, but that proved unsuccessful when Basil's battery died. The couple did videotape a successful trial run from the night before, which you can see after the break. Basil will next receive a microphone for voice commands and be upgraded from his current sonar navigation to a video sight system. The eventual goal is to teach Basil to go to the local brewery and pick up beer. Sure, we're still terrified of the robot revolution, but let's get serious here -- who are we to deny our mechanical overlords if they keep proffering us six-packs? Hit up the read link for the full story.[Via Metafilter]

  • MMOGology: Braindead

    Marc Nottke
    Marc Nottke

    You tiredly trudge up the cliff-side path, the rhythmic squish of your soaked boots beating a slow dirge. Cresting the ridge of the trail you see the full moon shining over Bloodstone's harbor where several galleons rot in their moorings. It almost looks like a peaceful town from up above the sweat and fish-soaked stench of the city. You sigh. It's been an exhausting trip dodging banshees and hollow men through the slime of Wraithmarsh. All you can think about is a mug of ale, a warm bed in the inn and perhaps a little company to take your mind off things. Bloodstone is known for its "hospitable" women after all. With a renewed sense of purpose you pat your faithful dog on the head and take the sloping trail down into town. As you reach the outskirts of Bloodstone the rancid smell of a fish merchant's stall nearly slaps your nose off your face. You vainly wave your hand to clear the air."Wot's a matta gov?" the merchant asks, sneering. "Can't 'andle a little fresh fish?""That fish is as fresh as my feet," you reply. The short tempered merchant draws a rusty cutlass and grimaces. Several ruffians milling about sense an impending fight and begin to circle you."If ya don't like it, you and that mangy dog can bugger off!" he responds, kicking your dog in his hinder. Your dog whimpers and sits next to you, tail between his legs. The bolder members of the encircling crowd brandish knives and mock you and your dog. They see a tired traveler and easy pickings. As tired as you are, you can't help but laugh to yourself and shake your head. Your eyes begin to glow a soft white hue. The humid air of Bloodstone begins to crackle. Time to teach these lowlifes a lesson.

  • DARPA enlists IBM to build computer brain as smart as a cat

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Researchers have long been trying to model actual brains in order to build a better computer "brain," and it looks like IBM is now getting a helping hand from none other than DARPA in its attempt to create one that it hopes will one day have the intelligence level of a cat. To that somewhat unnerving end, DARPA is pouring $4.9 million into a project that'll include five universities and scientists of all stripes, who will work together to create an artificial brain that behaves like a real one right down to the neuron level. As the BBC reports, the researchers are describing this latest initiative as a "180 degree shift in perspective" from previous efforts, as they're now seeking an algorithm first and problems second, as opposed to starting with an objective and devising an algorithm to achieve it. As for DARPA's ultimate goal, well, that's still a bit of a mystery, though let's just say we won't be surprised if future robots start to become very easily distracted. [Via Daily Tech, image courtesy Mack J, Truth and Beauty Bombs]

  • The Army's Artificial Intelligence invades WoW

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Joe Martin at picked up an article on Gizmodo talking about the coming invasion of Army Artificial Intelligences masquerading as real players in World of Warcraft. According to Dr. John Parmentola, the plan is to test the AI's ability to be a "fake" human by letting it interact with real humans in a virtual world.My first reaction was, "Whoah, cool. All your base are belong to us." But after a moment's thought, this might not actually be such a great idea. Given the communication skills of some players (especially in the battlegrounds), I'm not seeing this as a litmus test of what in-game speech can pass for spoken by real people. While I'm pretty sure the AI won't communicate like a roleplayer, the AI could probably get by with a series of "lol" and "kek" typed out in rapid succession.This isn't the first time we've heard about the military using WoW (or WoW-like systems) for training purposes, which is the nominal purpose of this new AI research. Maybe it won't be too long before we're logging in to have a Gnome Rogue named Joshua quietly whisper us, "Shall we play a game?"

  • A closer look at Elbot's Turing test conversation

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Earlier this week, Elbot made a fairly impressive showing (comparatively speaking, at least) when fooling three judges into thinking it was human; had it fooled one more on the dozen deep panel, it would have successful passed the famed Turing test. Auntie Beeb now has a report on what exactly Elbot said when asked a litany of questions away from the competition, and there's also a video with the related experts dissecting its performance. To be totally honest, its responses weren't too far from being completely passable as ones from a tired, potentially inebriated Earthling (in our humble opinion), but we'll leave the final determination to you. Touch the read link for a one-on-one with ones and zeros.

  • New round of Turing test fails to crown a winner

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    While some folks are considering taking the Turing test one step further and applying it to military robots, a group of researchers in the UK led by none other than would-be cyborg Kevin Warwick are doing their best to keep things as Turing intended and simply trying to fool some humans into thinking that the robot they're taking to is actually a person. Fortunately for us on the human side of the equation, they weren't quite successful, though one "robot" known as Elbot did get relatively close to the goal, fooling 25% of its human interrogators, which is just 5% off the mark set by Alan Turing. Each of the four other "artificial conversational entities" also managed to fool at least one of their questioners, though they eventually showed their true colors with random answers like "soup" when pressed as to what their job was.

  • TR's Deployment 13 introduces new Command System

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Tabula Rasa's Deployment 13 has just hit the Public Test Server, and we think you might be excited to hear about the new Command System being implemented with it. Previously referred to as the Minion System, this enhancement gives better control over AI pets and controllable NPCs, also called subordinates, in the game.Subordinates now have better control features where you can set their aggressiveness or defensiveness, assign an anchor point, order them to attack or heal a particular target or set them to simply follow you. All of these commands are done through a set of easy commands and hotkeys. To find out more info on the complete Command System, check out today's Feedback Friday.

  • Cognition Technologies' Semantic Map paves the way for the robot uprising

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Cognition Technologies' new Semantic Map lets computers -- and, conceivably, evil robots -- "understand" the English language in much the same way humans do, based on word tenses and context in a sentence. With this technology, a computer or search engine can understand virtually every word in the English language -- for a vocabulary about ten times that of a typical American college graduate. The system is already being employed in search engines, allowing people to ask questions in human-phrasing instead of unnatural, machine formatted word strings. Researchers say the ability to understand language is an important building block of the nascent Semantic Web, and will make the Replicants of the future extremely difficult to detect.

  • Philosony: Yea, though I walk through the uncanny valley...

    kylie prymus
    kylie prymus

    I wrote a few weeks back about the uncanny valley and Hideo Kojima's possibly telling observation that war machines of the future may exploit the creepiness of robotic simulations to instill fear in their prey. I want to turn my attention now to a discussion of the valley as it applies more directly to us as gamers - overcoming the creepiness of computer generated people. Quantic Dream has already boasted of successfully traversing the valley with its upcoming (and secretly acclaimed) PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain. While realistic graphics are one thing (and it's up to interpretation whether they succeeded in the tech demo almost two years ago), is there more to escaping the valley than mere realistic modeling?

  • Gen Con 08: Turbine tells us what's in store for Asheron's Call

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    At Gen Con, we spoke with Turbine's Andy Cataldo, the Community Manager for Asheron's Call, about the future of this historic game. Cataldo told us a lot about AC's epic 100th update. The update is coming within the next few weeks, and it's a doozy. According to Cataldo, AC players will get a whole new faction system, three land areas to battle over, tons of new loot and spells, and various other improvements to the game, particularly to enemy AI.In addition to working its regular monthly event and patch schedule, Turbine is attempting to respond to player demand for a variety of new features in the 100th and all future updates. Particular emphasis is being placed on adding features common in modern MMOs, such as a quest tracking menu. AC has been around for almost ten years, so it has some catching up to do!Learn more about Turbine's big push to modernize the game, add lots of new content, and more in the interview after the break.

  • Gen Con 08: Turbine tells us what's in store for AC, Part 2

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Given that the game has been around for so long, do you see this addition of modern MMO features as something that the player base is really clamoring for, or are you sort of scaling that against what other games have right now?Really, it's what the players are asking for. That's one of the things we pride ourselves on: listening to the players. Feedback and player concerns are very important to us.

  • Supercomputer Huygens beats Go professional: no one is safe

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    You know how Go nerds are always going on about how magical they are since supercomputer AI hasn't yet cracked the ancient board game, and rarely beats even an average Go player? No? Maybe those are just our nerdy friends. Well, those folks can wipe the smug grins off their faces as they're faced with the sobering reality of defeat: Dutch supercomputer "Huygens" has defeated a human Go professional in an official match at the 24th Annual Congress of the game Go in Portland, Oregon. The newly-minted supercomputer was aided by the recently-developed Monte-Carlo Tree Search algorithm, a whopping 60 teraflops of processing power and a considerable 9 stone handicap. Poor Kim MyungWan -- who managed to beat the computer in three "blitz" games leading up to the actual match, and probably won't be hanging up his Go hat just yet -- didn't stand a chance.[Via Tech Digest]

  • Bungie acceptance video teases new Halo goodies

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Bungie could have strutted all the way back to home base with the "2nd Annual Halo 3 award for Interactive Innovation" without saying a word, but the developer was graceful enough to record an extremely cool acceptance video taped somewhere within the Halo universe. And it looks like it's filled with some new Halo goodness.Are these some teasing tidbits about a possible Map Editor? Check out that last shot when our soldier pal lobs a plasma grenade towards the camera. Verrrrrrrry interesting. It's definitely a lot more robust-looking than Halo 3's Forge editor. Also, those look like new AI models of past cast members ... including Cortana. Playable models? In-game NPCs that'll be on your squad? Cats and dogs, living together? Who knows. What's for sure is that Bungie is saying "the ride isn't over yet."

  • Interview: Stargate Worlds aims high with artificial intelligence

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    MMORPG has posted its second video interview with the folks working on Stargate Worlds. Last time, it connected with Howard Lyon to talk about customization the game's user interface. This time, studio head Dan Elggren tells the site a little bit about the artificial intelligence that guides the actions of Stargate Worlds' hostile entities.Elggren explains that there are different types of AI behaviors -- personalities, if you will. An aggressive enemy might throw caution to the wind and charge the player with a knife, while a defensive one will play it safe behind cover. Elggren hopes this will make combat more dynamic in Stargate Worlds than it is in other MMOs. He also said that enemies might run away or retreat for the sake of self-preservation. Of course, enemies do that in plenty of MMOs already, but hopefully it's a bit more complicated than the "run at 15% health" trigger that we're used to seeing.

  • Bungie's not ruling out working on other consoles

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Bungie and Microsoft have been attached at the hip for awhile now. Some gamers are Halo haters, a lot more are Halo lovers (folks do like to buy those games). While the likelihood of Halo releasing for other consoles is pretty darn slim, any future projects from the company could see release on platforms other than the Xbox 360.During an interview with, Bungie's lead AI programmer, Damian Isla, didn't discount the possibility of his company working on other systems, stating that for now "we are working on Xbox 360 with Microsoft but I don't know beyond that." His own interests lean toward the Wii, however, as he lauded it for its interface and appreciated the industry "moving in a direction where a much more casual gamer can come and pick up your game and wave a wand at a screen rather than learning ten different buttons to play Halo with the current Xbox 360 controller. That's really exciting and I think that's a very positive trend for the industry." We guess Damian isn't a subscriber to the Scott Steinberg philosophy of gaming.We couldn't agree more, Mr. Isla. We couldn't agree more ...[Via Videogamer]