

  • Fire TV Cube

    Alexa Routines now work with Amazon Fire TV

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    You can turn on your TV, coffee machine and smart lights with a single command.


    Amazon adds location-specific reminders and routines to Alexa

    AJ Dellinger
    AJ Dellinger

    Alexa isn't just for at home anymore. Thanks to an update from Amazon, Alexa devices can perform time- and location-based routines and reminders, triggered at a given time or when you enter for leave a specific area. The update, which includes some features first introduced earlier this year, also adds the ability to place calls to businesses in your city and provide a summarized version of your emails.

  • Engadget

    Alexa Routines can now include music and podcasts

    Mallory Locklear
    Mallory Locklear

    Amazon launched Alexa Routines last year and they let users set up a list of automated smart home actions that can be triggered with a simple command. For example, "Alexa, good morning," could launch a Routine that turns on the lights, reports the weather forecast, reads news briefings and starts the coffee maker. Missing from the Routine capabilities, however, has been music. Well, no longer, because Amazon is now rolling out the ability to add playlists, podcasts and radio shows to your Alexa Routines.