

  • Panasonic's Power Loader Light slims down, stays out of fights with aliens

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Panasonic's full-size Power Loader exoskeleton certainly has its place, but there are times when giant freaking robots arms might be considered overkill. Thankfully, Panasonic (or more specifically, its Activelink subsidiary) has considered such situations, and has now come out with its streamlined Power Loader Light (or PLL). As you can see, this model eschews the robot arms altogether, but it makes use of the same direct force feedback system that's able to predict your leg movements and increase your leg strength by up 40 kilograms. Of course, even the Light version is still a bit out of reach for everyday use -- it will initially cost around $223,000, but Panasonic is offering a grant program to potential developers that would cut the price in half.

  • The Road to Mordor: A haunted tour of Middle-earth

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Despite what the brochures may tell you, Lord of the Rings Online's Middle-earth isn't all puppy dogs, sparkly rainbows and ice cream wagons. In fact, when you take a moment to stop screenshotting the living daylights out of the Shire, you'll quickly realize just how dark, cold and brutal this world is. Middle-earth is a realm where good is under siege by evil, and in many places, the evil is winning. You can see this in many places that formerly held beauty, but now are covered with the decor of death: bones, blood, cages, pikes and filth. Evil isn't just Freddy Krueger-style splatter, either -- there are plenty of spots that are haunted by the spectral spirits of the beyond, and if you dare venture into their domain, you should probably have your will made up in advance. So in honor of one of my favorite holidays -- Halloween -- I want to take you on a haunted tour of Middle-earth, covering some of the most notorious spooky, scary and outright creepy places I've found. Grab your torch and let us push back the darkness together!

  • Aliens Blu-ray screenshots re-stir our appetite for upcoming anthology, not a hole in the chest

    Ben Bowers
    Ben Bowers

    Watching the Alien Anthology Blu-ray trailer definitely left us itching for the epic sci-fi collection's Blu-ray release on October 26th. But seeing Sigourney Weaver all HD'd up without an SD reference point did make it hard to tell how much effort has gone into the transfer process. Screenshots leaked on AVSForum of the Cameron-supervised remastering of Aliens for Blu-ray though show that the king of the world has clearly been busy de-graining his work to shine in 1080p. The SD to HD shot-for-shot comparison in the gallery below however does highlight some heavy use of blue filtering, hinting James' time on Avatar may have left him with permanent Navi goggles. Still, making the Alien Queen slightly more smurf-ish doesn't mean she's any less scary -- or gooey for that matter. To see for yourself, hit up the gallery below. %Gallery-104699%

  • Alien Anthology lays its eggs on Blu-ray October 26

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Rumors have been floating around for some time that Fox would provide a boxed set of all four Alien films this year, and today IGN blew out the details of the release, and promotional tie ins that will show up at Comic-Con. sporting a $139.99 RRP (it's already up on Amazon for preordering at a more reasonable $98) it will fill six discs with more than 12,000 images and 60 hours of special footage including everything from the earlier Quadrilogy and LaserDisc releases. Beyond the four movie discs, which include a "MU-TH-UR Mode" for interactive access to special content, disc five is all about the making of each flick, while disc six holds a wealth of production info and featurettes from each movie. Fans can dig in to the list of special features after the break or check IGN for all the info, but expect to be quite busy this Halloween one way or another.

  • First confirmed photo of alien planet makes us want to believe

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    The above planet -- whose existence was first detected in April of 2008 -- is the first confirmed alien planet (meaning that its orbiting a sun-like star) to ever be directly photographed. The system, called 1RXS 1609, is roughly five million years old (our own solar system is 4.6 billion years old), and the planet itself has an estimated temperature of over 2,700 degrees Farenheit. It's somewhat comparable to Jupiter within our own system, though this planet has about 8 times the mass. The star -- which is located 500 light years away in a large grouping of young stars called the Upper Scorpius Association -- has an estimated mass of about 85 percent of the Sun's. So, where does this leave those of us hoping for aliens to show up within our lifetime? Not much closer, unfortunately, but we suggest sending Mulder up there to check things out.

  • NASA's discovered hundreds of planets where aliens might live

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    The Kepler spacecraft, which is rooting about outerspace checking for habitable planets has apparently discovered 706 possible candidates by monitoring for subtle changes in brightness. Up next astronomers will run the results through a battery of other tests, identifying the most likely candidates. After that? A reality show featuring seven NASA astronauts in a competition to find the first actual ALF, or Cylon, Yoda or E.T. We're there, dude.

  • Obsidian CEO: Aliens RPG felt like a finished game

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Of the perils one encounters when writing about games, the most painful is arguably following the games that almost were; games that were canceled just shy of release. Some are simply vaporware, announced one day and then were never heard from again, and others are in the spotlight for years, before being banished to a dusty hard drive in a closet somewhere. Duke Nukem Forever will stand ... well, forever as the most prominent example of the latter, but the Obsidian-developed Aliens RPG that Sega canceled could very well hold the second-place trophy. At a press event last week, we asked Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart some followup questions about the axed title, which he'd previously asked us to do; however, it still hasn't been the required year since we first talked to him, so we're still missing the details as to why the title got the guillotine. But we did learn that the game looked and felt nearly complete before its cancellation. "Oh, if you had come in and played any of the last builds we were working on, you would have said it was a finished game," Urquhart told Joystiq. "That's how close we were. It looked and felt like it was ready to ship." He went on to explain that you only played as the Colonial Marines in the game (not to be confused with these Colonial Marines), and that missions would have involved tasks like protecting the robot sentry guns that were featured in a deleted scene in Aliens. One of the biggest challenges, Urquhart said, was, "How do you make a 15-foot long Alien turn around at the end of a hallway?" Besides terrifying turn-based hallway combat, there also would have been multiple types of Marines, lots of gear to play with and ... wait. This is just like pouring salt in a freshly reopened wound. Thanks, Feargus!

  • Sega replacing busted Facehuggers in AvP Hunter Edition

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Is the "Facehugger" figurine that came bundled with your Hunter Edition of Aliens vs. Predator missing its tail appendage? That's an important component for the Facehugger's chest-impregnating ritual, you know. How else is the little guy supposed to keep his balance whilst tenderly inserting its glistening ovipositor into your larynx and filling your chest cavity with its ripe brood-seed? Fortunately, Sega's replacing the broken 'huggers -- just fill out this form using the map pack download code that came with the Hunter Edition, and wait for your new, skittering friend to arrive. We highly suggest picking up extra flamethrower fuel during the interim.

  • Aliens vs. Predator system requirements de-cloaked

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Are you curious whether your computer's robot brain is beefy enough To Catch an Aliens vs. Predator? You don't have to stress about it any longer: Sega recently revealed the system requirements for the PC version of the game. There's nothing too prohibitive in there (unless you're still vehemently sticking to your Windows 95 OS), and as Big Download reminds us, AvP will be one of the first games to natively support DirectX 11. Check out the full list of requirements after the jump!

  • Rumor: Leaked footage from canned Aliens RPG

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's never been made clear just how far Obsidian got with Aliens RPG, a project that started back in 2006 and was then canceled in June of last year. If alleged footage from the uncompleted game is any indication, there was more than a solid foundation laid down. The brief snippet of supposed gameplay paints Obsidian's game as more of a third-person shooter than a traditional RPG -- though we're quite used to that sort of thing by now. Head past the break to see the footage, but make sure you turn up your brightness before doing so. This video is dark. [Via Superannuation]

  • New Aliens vs. Predator trailer says it's about story, actually about gutting

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    This is one of those situations where we wish we could just call up Mr. Sega (that's who runs Sega, right?) and ask him what he was thinking. How could he have possibly claimed this latest Aliens vs. Predator trailer has something to do with "story?" Here's the entire plot: There are humans, there are also Aliens, as well as a Predator. That's it! What else do you need, folks? Much like the snake and the mongoose (or 50 Cent and helicopters), these factions are natural enemies of each other. No story is required for them to make with the murdalizing -- they just do. Check out the trailer above for further confirmation of our position on the subject. %Gallery-63762%

  • Australian Attorney General offers insight into Aliens vs. Predator classification refusal

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    We've heard from Australian Attorney General Michael Atkinson in the past on why he thinks certain games shouldn't be available to Australian consumers. And when he was asked recently by ABC why the upcoming Aliens vs. Predator was refused classification in his country (read: banned), he echoed previous sentiments on the interactivity of games having a stronger affect on people than other mediums. "I accept that 98 percent, 99 percent of gamers will tell the difference between fantasy and reality, but the 1 to 2 percent could go on to be motivated by these games to commit horrible acts of violence," Atkinson said. When the subject of AvP comes up, though, Atkinson put on his game reviewer cap and offered, "You don't need to be playing a game in which you impale, decapitate and dismember people." So, what're you thinking, Mr. Atkinson -- 5.0/10 maybe? 4.7/10? We're all ears. [Via]

  • Three different Aliens vs. Predator bundles dated in Europe

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Sega, Rebellion, some Aliens, Predators, and even Space Marines are all teaming up in February to get your money. Sega announced that Aliens vs. Predator will be released in Europe on February 19 of next year. The game will arrive in three versions, each for three different levels of enthusiasm about the FPS. The Standard Edition is for the average gamer looking for a new game. The Survivor Edition comes in the requisite steel case and includes codes for extra multiplayer maps, to be released after the launch date. The Hunter Edition is for the collector who may not even be opening the game, as it includes a facehugger model, a lenticular postcard, and a "Weyland-Yutani sleeve badge." How do we sign up for the bundle Lance Henriksen's getting -- the one with your own likeness in the game? That one's probably really expensive. %Gallery-79584%

  • Aliens vs. Predator multiplayer trailer watches your back, stabs it

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Something's always struck us as kind of ... off about the title Aliens vs. Predator. For one, there are "colonial marines" up in there, mixing it up. More confusing, though, is the fact that both "Aliens" and "Predators" are, in fact, aliens. [And aren't all of them predators? - Ed.] At least Sega is keeping our minds diverted from these recondite questions with the latest multiplayer footage (found after the break). Aside from trotting out a handful of European game writers who all tell the same "This game is SO awesome" story, we're treated to a smattering of gameplay snippets from all three sides of the equation. We're only left wondering one thing after watching them – if you can play as a predator against eight colonial marines, who would ever choose the marines side? %Gallery-63762% [Thanks, Ikarop]

  • Latest Aliens vs. Predator trailer shows strengths of the former

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Alright, look. We've tried to remain as impartial as possible in the undying debate of Aliens vs. Predator, but we think the winner of this struggle is clear. Sure, Predators have cloaking devices and wrist-mounted swords, and humans have ... well, inimitable pluck, we guess. However, Aliens possess fanged proboscises. Sorry, other guys, but acid-coated tongue-jaws are an impossible act to follow. You can see the Aliens' strengths in action in the latest trailer for the Sega's AvP, posted above. For reasons which will become clear to you upon viewing, we've affectionately titled the video "Aliens vs. Predator: Sorry About Your Face." [Thanks, Ikarop.] %Gallery-70493%

  • Obsidian CEO almost talks about canceled Aliens RPG

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    We cornered Obsidian's CEO Feargus Urquhart with a motion tracker (notepad) and a an M41A1 Pulse Rifle (pen) at Austin GDC to ask him exactly what happened with the canceled Aliens RPG the company was working on for Sega. The game was announced back in 2006, and then canceled abruptly in February earlier this year. Of course, it took Sega four months to officially let us know about it. So what did happen? The good news? There's an answer. The bad news? You're going to have to wait until February 2011 to get it. We hope we remember the question that far in the future. If that makes anyone think about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you get bonus points. Read on after the break for what he said, which did not include the proper pronunciation of his name.

  • Sega sticks with 'early 2010' AvP release, despite own website announcing February launch

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Like a magnifying glass over a Xenomorphic ant (scariest image today!), Sega has quietly focused its release ray on February for Aliens vs. Predator's spawning at retailer. As noticed by Destructoid, the company's game page now gives the title a sub-orbital drop window of February, where the game previously had a vague early 2010 release.We followed up with Sega and a company spokesperson stated, "Early 2010 is all we can confirm at the moment." Better talk to the website guys, huh?%Gallery-63762%

  • Aliens vs. Predator 'Marines' trailer highlights the plight of puny humans

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Sega's Aliens vs. Predator recently received a new trailer, titled "Marines" -- seriously, are they trying to make us confuse this game with Aliens: Colonial Marines? It's bad enough that there's like, seven Aliens games being developed right now. You don't need to make this any harder on us, guy-in-charge-of-naming-trailers.However, the moniker does fit -- the video above tells the terrifying story of the unsung third party in the AvP conflict: Humans. Traditionally, most shooters let their human protagonists mow down waves of extraterrestrials with little trouble -- however, said extraterrestrials usually don't have acid spit. Nor can they turn invisible. Nor do they have giant arm swords. Nor do they make alien babies in our chests. Hey, we had a good run, humanity. Looks like it's time to pack it in.

  • Obsidian confirms the cancellation of Aliens RPG [Update: Sega agrees]

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    [Update: And, not with a bang but a whimper, Sega has confirmed the cancellation of Aliens RPG, telling Giant Bomb, "At this point, SEGA has no plans to move forward with the Aliens RPG. The Aliens franchise offers us so much content to choose from that we feel it important to take a step back and carefully consider the type of game we want to release. We plan to continue working with the Aliens franchise and ask fans to be patient and stay tuned for more information about what SEGA has coming out for the Aliens series of games, starting with the upcoming Alien vs. Predator game. We are very excited about and focused on Alien vs. Predator, which promises gamers a fantastic single player game and an equally compelling multiplayer experience. We are confident that it provides all the excitement and fun that the Aliens and Predator fans are looking for!"][Original: Finally, Aliens RPG's will it, won't it dance has come to an official, if disappointing, end. We were hoping the many, many rumors of its cancellation would be for naught, but a moderator at the Obsidian forums has confirmed that the project is dead; "unfortunately, it is true that we are no longer working on the game, and we wanted to finally announce that officially to everyone who has been following its development."Hopefully the same isn't true for Aliens: Colonial Marines, or that would leave Sega with only Aliens vs Predator in development. The Japanese publisher further confirmed the project's termination to GameSpot, saying, "At this point, Sega has no plans to move forward with the Aliens RPG."] [Via Big Download]

  • Sega: game not over for Aliens: Colonial Marines, Aliens RPG

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    The big, green gooey eggs containing Sega's long in development Aliens: Colonial Marines and Aliens RPG are going to hatch -- just not soon. When we asked why the games were absent from this year's E3, Sega replied, "Aliens vs. Predator will be the first to ship out of our triplet of Aliens titles; hence it was shown at this year's E3. We'll have more news to share about the other two games in the near future so stay tuned." Rumors of both titles being jettisoned out an airlock have been swirling since earlier this year.In addition, Gearbox Software prez Randy Pitchford has confirmed to Kotaku that Colonial Marines lives on in now-gen console and handheld form on DS. Pitchford told the site that Gearbox is not developing the portable title, lending more credence to purported footage of a WayForward-developed Colonial Marines that leapt out of the darkness last month. We've put word into Obsidian, developers of Aliens RPG, for confirmation of that title's status.