

  • Wrath of the Lich King login screen video

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    There is a new addition to the login screen for Wrath of the Lich King tonight. A large dragon, which was previously just a white mesh, swipes down from the sky and roars at you as you log in. It is a very cool addition to the otherwise bland login screen.I was able to capture the video above, and the audio you hear is just as I hear it. I expect there to be a "roar" or something else eventually inserted for the dragon. Nonetheless, it's quite a neat feature. You can also watch a high quality version via YouTube.The new beta build just came out tonight, so stay tuned for more info and analysis as we get it all collected together.

  • Early Stargate Worlds combat video shows off enemy AI

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Jon Wood at MMORPG recently put up a hands-on video of gameplay in Stargate Worlds. This latest footage gives us an early look at combat in Stargate Worlds. Primarily, it shows the importance of using cover to survive. Wood seems to like what he's experienced of the game so far, particularly in terms of the AI in Stargate Worlds."Getting taken off-guard by AI opponents does not happen very often. But when it does, it's just fantastic. It gets your heart going, causes you to panic," he says. The comments related to the video are drawing comparisons with Tabula Rasa but keep in mind this footage is from an alpha stage of testing. That being said, what do you think about how Stargate Worlds is shaping up?

  • New Death Knight starting screen and skeletal gryphon mount

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Fresh from the new Beta build today: new Death Knight starting screens and our first look at the Death Knight flying mount – a skeletal gryphon! The starting screen pictured above is pretty cool. The Death Knight is standing on a terrace surrounded by Northrend. Neat. Be sure to click on the picture for a hi resolution image.The gryphon that we're seen, which is pictured after the break, is about the same size as a normal flying gryphon – but a complete skeleton. The actual name of the flying mount item is "The Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade." It is something that I'm really looking forward to picking up now, and I'm pretty sure most of you will be as well.Lots of great bits of information coming out from this beta patch – stay tuned for more

  • Changes in the WotLK Beta patch notes for Build #8681 [UPDATED]

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    There's a new Beta build out on the testing servers tonight, numbered at 8681. The patch notes themselves only have two changes from the other patch notes in them. However there are a ton of new glyphs which are going to be useable via inscriptions, and a lot of undocumented patch changes.The two main changes have to do with the calendar system and the mount / vanity pet interface. You can take a look after the break for the exact text, and also keep an eye out on WoW Insider for the latest on both of these new interfaces.One interesting thing to note: Elizabeth Harper is reporting that the mount interface isn't working. If you have a mount in your inventory, you cannot successful "train" it into your spell book, which means you can't cast or use it. This means those in the beta can't mount unless they already have their mount as a spell. An interesting tid bit that we'll keep you updated on.Updated July 29th, 2008 at 5:35 p.m. EDT: Elizabeth Harper has reported that the mounts are now fixed in the beta. Mount up!

  • Breaking News: In game calendar system revealed

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Elizabeth Harper managed to get onto the latest beta build of Wrath of the Lich King tonight and snap us a few screenshots of the new calendar system. It looks quite nice, and to me appears to be a step up from current in game calendar options.Blizzard has mentioned that they've been working on one of these for a while, and it's nice to see the results. If you look closely you'll see things like when the Darkmoon Faire is coming, and when the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravagenza is happening. It doesn't show what PvP weekend it is, but I have to believe that's something they'll be working on.Check out the screenshots below for the new UI. I'm sure you'll be happy!Update 12:57 a.m.: There is a way to add user events in the calendar. It also appears there is a way to share the calender items among individuals. More information incoming.%Gallery-28666%

  • Kaplan announces Outlands leveling to be shortened

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Jeff Kaplan, the lead game designer, posted in the forums under his username Tigole that Blizzard will be speeding up leveling in the 60 to 70 bracket just as they sped up the 20 to 60 bracket. This has long been rumored and it's great to see this get implemented.Initial reports tell us the amount of experience points necessary to progress to each level has been decreased by 30% (for the 60 to 70 range only). Additional posters are reporting that mobs which give 500xp on the live server are now giving 600xp on the beta server. There doesn't seem to be any increase in the XP rewarded by quests yet, but this might be a future change.Kaplan asks everyone to provide feedback on the change (if you're in the beta), and it looks like they've got his ear for the time being. So if you're in the beta and want to weigh in on the subject, now's the time.Many thanks to the various users who submitted this news tip.

  • Wrath of the Lich King maps

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Wrath of the Lich King information is really flooding in. For the latest bit, let's take a look at some of the new maps in the game. These were obtained through a variety of sources and are 100% real, all right from the beta. Click through our gallery to see them all – including nice high res versions. You'll notice three maps missing - The Storm Peaks, Icecrown Glacier, and Dalaran. Those maps are not done yet. There are some composites that other sites have put together via the mini-map from the data files, but they're neither finished nor "normal" maps.I like the Stormwind Harbor one the best, if only because the Stormwind map hasn't changed in all these years and it's odd to suddenly see it different. The one I enjoy the least is the Borean Tundra, the color scheme doesn't sit well with me. It looks like...well...I'll let you all draw your own conclusions.Enjoy the maps! And stay tuned to WoW Insider all weekend, we've got some great content lined up for you. %Gallery-28087%

  • Wrath of the Lich King login screen

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    While we've had some fake Wrath of the Lich King login screens before, this one is the real deal. It's being reported on by numerous sites, and several people have confirmed its authenticity. The image itself is of a ice fortress. You can see the version, 3.0.1, along with the latest build number and date: July 15, 2008.Many people will notice that you have to sign in via an email address. This is part of a new system that Blizzard has put into place for the Wrath beta. Essentially, you'll have to create a new "Blizzard Account" to log into the beta. This account is separate from your retail WoW account, however you still have to have a retail WoW account and a beta key to get one. There's not a ton of information out on the new account system they are using for this, but when we have more information on it we'll post it.For now, enjoy your new login screen!

  • Playing with talent calculators

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Now that the NDA has been lifted from the official Alpha testing, and Beta is beginning, there's some real information out there about what the various classes' talent trees might look like. Of course, anything is subject to change, but it seems as though some classes, hunters and paladins in particular, are getting a much-needed overhaul. If you'd like to play around with your could-be future talent tree, both Wowhead and MMO Champion have updated their talent calculators to reflect the information revealed from the Alpha once the NDA lifted. When you're bored with that, you can head over to the official Beta forums and surf around.

  • How to constantly check your email for a Beta invite

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    If you're like me, you're constantly refreshing your email box right now waiting for a beta invite. Also if you're like me, you'll probably get bored eventually and go find some Horde to kill in a Batteground. After all, taking out your aggression on Orcs is what it's all about. But after that PvP session, you'll probably go right back to checking.There's a few key things you can do to constantly check your email and make sure you know when the beta key comes. Let's take a look at them.Press F5That's the magic refresh key. It works on all browsers, and is a throwback to the old days of computers.Press Control-R or Apple-RDoes the same thing as F5.Auto check your email every minuteMost email programs allow you to "grab" email off the server as often as every minute. This is how I have my clients setup, and it will more or less let you know as soon as you get an email.

  • Wrath Beta patch notes: Paladin part II

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    When Ghostcrawler mentioned on the closed Friends & Family Alpha that Paladins were the last to receive changes because the entire class was being majorly reworked, he wasn't kidding. The patch notes from the recently opened Wrath of the Lich King Beta revealed massive changes to spells and abilities as well as a shuffling of talents among the three trees. I covered an overview of the changes as well as the new Hand nomenclature for old Blessings in the first part of our beta analysis. It's now updated with the new Paladin talents in all three trees, so be sure to check it out.Before we get into the really juicy things, namely the new Wrath Paladin talents, we'll take a look at the changes to baseline spells and current talents. In some cases, these were totally reworked, and in others they were significantly improved. The first spell that leaps out with a huge buff is the change to Avenging Wrath, which no longer causes Forebearance. Its damage increase has been reduced to 20% (down from 30%), and now increases healing done by 20% (up from 0%).

  • Breakfast Topic: What kind of Achievements are you looking forward to in WotLK?

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    With the rumor of Achievements in Wrath of the Lich King finally revealed to be a certainty, there's a bit more excitement in the air about the expansion. When I told my somewhat obsessive-compulsive wife about the new Achievement system, she was filled with both dread and giddiness knowing she would obsess (and lose a lot of sleep) over unlocking them, particularly the whimsical ones. "You're probably not excited about all this, are you?," she asked me, knowing I didn't concern myself too much with some of the game's frills. "Actually," I replied with a smile, "there are PvP Achievements, too."So while my wife is looking forward to doing all the, ahem, frivolous things like getting a haircut -- she'll probably unlock that one in the first hour of the expansion's release -- or giving out ten hugs (!), I'll be grinding away at the PvP-oriented Achievements. Hot Streak is certainly doable; I've been an Alterac Valley All-Star more than a few times; but getting City Defender looks like it'll take a little bit more work. How about you? What category of Achievements are you most interested in? Are you a professions freak, a quest addict, or maybe an explorer? It looks like there's something for every type of player. What kind of Achievements do you think you'll be unlocking often? %Poll-16999%

  • WotLK Alpha NDA lifted

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Nethaera posted in the beta forums that the NDA for the Wrath of the Lich King Alpha has been lifted. In response to a question asking if people could share things from the Alpha, Neth says "Feel free to discuss at will." This is great news for everyone that wants to talk about the alpha material legally. Those who've been part of the Alpha will get to post troves of information and stories that they've collected. I'm sure some of them will be going up on WoW Insider soon enough, and these will only expand as beta invites become more active.The Alpha NDA was a source of tension for a lot of people, especially those in the Alpha. Several set up or contributed to sites like and It was very difficult, if not impossible, for Blizzard to enforce the NDA. However they were successful in forcing to relocate.It will be interesting to see what the repercussions of the lifted NDA end up to be. One thing is for sure though, and that's that we're starting to see new and exciting information about WotLK come out minute by minute. Stay tuned!

  • More leaks from the Alpha forums on Shamans, Warriors, and Death Knights

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb
    07.17.2008 has just posted another batch of info from the Alpha forums, this time with Wryxian and Slorkuz talking about Shamans, Warriors, and Death Knights. Primarily, they focus on the tanking abilities of Death Knights and Warriors and delve into some possible improvements to the Shaman Enhancement tree in WoTLK, including possible new talents: Shamans Enhancement Shamans, says Wryxian, will probably see further review. It looks like a lot of the new Enhancement talents will see some changes as well: Weapon Specialization (which gives special abilities based on which weapon type the Shaman uses) will likely be removed Improved Shamanistic Rage (which made Shamans using SR immune to all movement impairing effects and stuns at 2 points) will also probably be removed. Wryxian mentioned a possible replacement for Weapon Specialization: Each melee critical hit would give a stacking buff that reduces cast time by 20% and lasts for 15 seconds. That would mean that at 5 stacks, you'd get a free instant cast spell. Feral Spirit, the 51 point enhancement ability that summons ghost wolves to aid the Shaman, may be getting a second look as well. For Enhancement DPS, they hope that totems and shocks make up for the lack of melee abilities to keep it interesting, though they may consider a new melee move for Shamans as well. In addition, he promises new totem changes soon. Read on for some juicy information on Warriors, Death Knights, and Blizzard's vision for tanking in WoTLK.

  • Wrath of the Lich King friends & family alpha concludes

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    The Wrath of the Lich King alpha is a wrap. Several days ago, WoW informants tipped sister site WoW Insider the news that the Wrath of the Lich King alpha was offline. Yesterday morning the rumorang came full circle as World of Warcraft, Community Manager Eyonix confirmed the fears alpha players had suspected all along. The official notice stated the WotlK alpha had closed down and a message of thanks was left with a reassurance that all alpha testers would be able to participate in the beta which would start soon. The message was leaked on No actual date was given on when the WotlK beta will start, but active WoW players who were not in the alpha or already guaranteed a beta slot can take a gamble with the optional-in beta signup that went live recently. It shouldn't be long now. WoW Insider is also reporting on some scuttlebutt from a purported family member of a developer, and their belief that Blizzard is rushing development to meet an arbitrary deadline. With the first phase of beta starting soon there is still plenty of time left for the WoW developers to polish out the 76-80 content. If WotlK is not ready Blizzard will more than likely push the release back as they did with TBC. [Via WoW Insider]

  • WoTLK Friends and Family Alpha now over, say sources

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Various tipsters and sources from around the web are reporting that the WotLK Friends and Family Alpha is now over. reports that Eyonix has posted the official notice on the closed alpha boards, thanking everyone for participating. There is, of course, no date given for the start of the beta, he only says that the team is hard at work preparing it. All alpha testers will be invited back for the beta, and will even be allowed to keep their characters after a short lockout period to allow new testers to catch up. A poster at claims to have information from an alpha tester who is a member of a developer's family. The source says that they believe that Blizzard is rushing to meet an arbitrary deadline, as the game doesn't seem ready for beta testing -- this part, at least, is a bit hard for me to believe, since Blizzard has always marched to the beat of their own drum when it comes to release dates and deadlines. They also predict that we may need to wait until August to see the beta actually begin. Regardless, it looks like beta will be upon us swiftly -- or at least soon. If you haven't opted in, now is a good time to do so. Once you've done that, keep checking WoW Insider. We'll let you know what we know as soon as we know it.

  • Common Sense: There is no beta hack

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    There has been a YouTube video that has been circulating around the internet lately claiming to show how to get into the Wrath of the Lich King beta via a backdoor security flaw. The video directs you to another site, which you then must enter your user name and password that you use to get into WoW. Surprise, surprise: this is nothing but another trick to steal your account.This video has been showing up in links around the WoW community lately just about as much as a certain great music video. This initially caught my attention when it was posted here in our comments a few times.Since the real beta signups are under way, and access to the beta is expected to begin any time, we were expecting and indeed seeing a large uptick in the number of beta scams. Be sure to protect yourself.

  • Zarhym: Wrath changes are still coming

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Just in case, like Jaguarpaw, you thought that the little we heard about Mages in Wrath of the Lich King at WWI was all they were going to get, worry not: changes, believe it or not, are still coming. Zarhym says it, but did he really have to? We haven't heard the end of all the changes in Wrath -- not from the alpha, not from the upcoming beta, and odds are that we won't even have found everything in the expansion when it actually releases. That was certainly the case with Burning Crusade, and it will undoubtedly be the case with Wrath.Unfortunately, that doesn't actually mean that all of your concerns will be answered -- Blizzard has promised, specifically for Mages, to make these same changes before, and the changes haven't been made to players' satisfaction. And players, as I know because I happen to be one myself, are picky people -- even if Blizzard fixes everything, we'll still find something to complain about. But don't write off Wrath just because you were disappointed by what you heard at WWI -- we've only seen the earliest of previews so far.And just in case you missed it yesterday, Wowhead decided to go ahead and release all of the talents for all of the classes they could see in the alpha, including all of the new talents for Mages. This is far from the last we'll hear about Wrath, but that info, official or otherwise, should tide you over until the next round of releases.

  • Have faith. Paladin changes are coming.

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Paladin class hasn't gotten much love from Blizzard from what we've seen so far in the development of the Wrath of the Lich King. Of all the class updates delivered during the recently concluded Worldwide Invitational in Paris, France, the Paladin was one of two classes (the other was the Mage) that didn't receive much by way of news. On the other hand, leaked information from the Alpha revealed some new whopper spells for Mages, including cool and explosive (literally) 51-point talents. Hunters don't have new talents yet, either, but the exciting news is that in WotLK, their pets will.From out of the blue.But good things come to those who wait. Tipster Delsin helped shed some Light on the slow development pace by linking to what is purportedly a forum discussion with Ghostcrawler, a developer of the new expansion. The responses from the blue were supposedly sprinkled over a couple of weeks, with the first and oldest post revealing little we didn't already know. It detailed the design directive the developers were taking, noting four important points: Retribution Paladins need to have better utility in raids Holy Paladins shouldn't feel so punished during encounters which require lots of movement Protection Paladins need to be great tanks not only for 5-person content but also for raids; at the same time, all four tanking classes should maintain their niche Paladins, more than any other class, need diverse sets of gear depending on their spec and role. Itemization is being fixed across the board to make it easier for healers and tanks to do damage without needing a whole new set of gear These key points illustrate that Blizzard has a good grasp of what plagues the class, and is moving in the right direction. In two more responses in the same thread, the developers explain why the Paladin developments are taking so long and the issues they're looking at. Read more after the break.

  • Rumor: Wrath of the Lich King box revealed

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Tipster Nigel sent in these curious-looking photos of what appears to be the packaging for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. We've already gotten wind of the possible packaging for a Collector's Edition, so why not the basic box? Apparently, the person who leaked the Collector's Edition photo is still working at the printing press and puts his cell phone camera back to work with these photos of the regular edition.Could it be the real thing? I'm not so sure myself, but if they're fake, they're pretty good ones. The box design includes clever elements that I didn't consider were I to make a mock-up myself... such as a small disclaimer stating that the game requires The Burning Crusade. The layout of the box closely resembles that of the previous expansion, too, with the exact same font used for the words 'expansion set' and identical placement of logos. One of the most telling signs that point to its authenticity, however, was a printer's mark usually found on print material before they're cut (and made into a box). Nigel smartly states that he didn't take the pictures himself. Check out the pic of the inside flap with the telling printer's mark after the jump.