

  • The Daily Grind: Is lore important to you?

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    Lore is the keystone of every good MMO, it crafts the raid instances and pushes the game to new heights in the form of expansions and patches. For many it is the lure of the lore -- and by extension the playable races -- which pulls them into the game. When I was a little younger than I am now, I studied classics and religious studies and theology at a uni in London for almost four years. I dig religion, I adore translations of ancient texts and I really, really like mythology. As a result fantasy games are especially fascinating for me to me. When everyone else sees Titans, I see a mishmash of the actual Titans and the Olympians given new life, where you see Anubisath I see the ancient Egyptian protector of the dead. Where you see Val'kyr, I see Odin's barmaidens. So come on readers, how important is lore to you? Do you dig finding all the references in game? Does the lore make a game more rich and appealing? Does it make it feel more real? Do you not give a fig? Are you more interested in just killing things? Do you play titles like AoC or LotRO just because of the books they were inspired by?

  • One Shots: Were you there when...

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Ahh, bragging rights. In-game events give us the ability to say "I was there when..." We've almost all seen one larger world event at some point in our gaming lives. The above World of Warcraft picture, as my personal example, was from the night that Ahn'Quiraj opened on my server. While there were most definitely huge server crashes, we braved the worst of it and saw our way through to wind up staring at an enormous collection of Anubisath, poised and ready to stomp our faces in. (For the record, they did exactly that a few moments later -- but what can you expect from a Mage, a Priest and a Druid attacking them for fun?) As we're looking for more One Shots submissions, I hereby challenge you, good readers -- send in your bragging rights screen shots and stories! Were you there when Morpheus walked among us in The Matrix Online? Do you have screens of when Luclin came in EverQuest? Were you around for the opening of the Dark Portal in WoW? Send them along to us at, and you could find your screen-shot and story featured here for all to see! %Gallery-9798%