Krystalle Voecks

Krystalle Voecks

Krystalle originally joined the Joystiq network as part of the team on WoW Insider. When Massively started up in 2007, she took the opportunity to jump over, and has been happily going on about various MMOGs ever since. Krystalle is in charge of scouring our reader submissions daily for great One Shots, writing news, and keeping the beta code server from screaming like a little girl. <br /> <br /> When not writing or mucking around in Photoshop and Dreamweaver, Krystalle can be found Stage Managing with a local theatrical group, playing <em>EVE Online</em> and<em> DC Universe Online,</em> working on her photography, hanging out at Walt Disney World, or volunteering her time as part of the Dragon*Con MMO track staff. 

Articles By Krystalle Voecks