

  • Around Azeroth: Maraudine War Horn

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    It's not often that I run across sites I have never before seen in Azeroth, but I must admit that this is one of them. Reader Shane has sent us this interesting image of the Maraudine War Horn. This is apparently what I've missed for skipping over those centaur quests on every character I've ever created... If you want to see this sucker in game, you'll have to work your way through the Gelki clan faction quests. (And good luck with that!)Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • Around Azeroth: The loneliest farm in Kalimdor

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I love the interesting and unknown places you can locate when exploring Azeroth, and reader Bodah of Hallowed Arcana on Kirin Tor sends in two great shots of a tiny abandoned farm at the Southwestern tip of Kalimdor (the overhead shot seen above and this player's eye view of the place) With a fifteen minute swim (in aquatic form) from the nearest accessible beach, it's no surprise the place was abandoned. Bodah further informs us that there's a large network of caves in the area. So what did Blizzard have planned for this place when they put it together, and what might become of it in the future? Your guess is as good as mine!Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • Around Azeroth: Thunder Axe Fortress

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Desolace certainly lives up to its name -- its desolate and lonely plains are a solid mass of grey. (Well, I imagine the plains aren't lonely if you happen to be a scorpid, vulture, or centaur -- but to the rest of us...!) This particular shot, courtesy of reader Chris, shows Thunder Axe Fortress, base of the Burning Blade's operations in the region.Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • Around Azeroth: Inside Blackrock Spire

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Blackrock Spire is an interesting dungeon, because it tends to be divided into two parts -- upper and lower. And heaven help you if you happen to fall off one of the bridges in upper and fall down into lower.... trust me, you just don't want to try it. (And for some reason there's no guardrail on these bridges -- so take care!) You don't think of the size of Blackrock Spire until you hit certain spots -- like this screenshot, sent in by reader Sean -- where you can gaze down and see how very cavernous the zone is.Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • Around Azeroth: How not to use Divine Intervention

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Are you familiar with the paladin's Divine Intervention ability? Well, if not, it's an ability that sacrifices the life of the paladin in order to put a protective shield around another player. It's a handy thing to cast on someone who can rez when you're sure a full-party (or raid) wipe is imminent. However, Suricate sends in this screenshot of a less traditional use of the skill -- to save the life of a rogue. (Hey, can't you guys vanish?!)Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • Around Azeroth: Stormwind vacation!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Reader Taima sends in this... unique screenshot of a vacationing Tauren. Was this adventurous Tauren welcomed into Stormwind City (with open arms and a desire for fresh steaks)? I would imagine it's quite a fight for any member of the Horde to reach the very heart of Stormwind, and for every fight, there's a story of which this picture tells only a portion.Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • Around Azeroth: Barrens by moonlight

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Reader Alan has passed along this shot of a late-night romp through the Barrens. This is as pristine as the zone gets -- with the interface (and chat window!) hidden. Perhaps I'll take to hitting alt-z whenever I'm in the area...Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • Around Azeroth: Wandering on Raven Hill

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Reader Jimmy attempted to send us a cool shot of the Raven Hill Cemetery -- but his Voidwalker seems to have gotten in the way. That's fine by me, though, as the Voidwalker's eyeless stare fits the cemetery's creepy atmosphere perfectly. No idea where Raven Hill is? Well, it's in the Alliance zone Duskwood, which means most Horde players miss out on the fun of being ganked by Mor'ladim. (Definitions of "fun" may vary.)Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • Around Azeroth: Approaching Orgrimmar

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Reader James sent in this charming shot of the gates of Orgrimmar. For the Horde player, these towering gates represent security and all the comforts of a major city. For the Alliance player, the gates are an ominous threat -- with an unknown number of enemies lurking within. So what, I wonder, do these gates represent to you?Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • Around Azeroth: Inside the Caverns of Time

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Reader Bendak sent in this incredible picture taken inside the Caverns of Time. Oh, sure, you can't get inside by official means, but Bendak notes that it is accessible to anyone inclined to explore enough. Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing! You can attach a picture file or send us a link to one -- and don't worry about formatting, we'll take care of that part.

  • Around Azeroth: Moon over Dun Morogh

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Reader Ray sends in today's screenshot. And I have to say -- there's something about the pristine, gleaming snow across Dun Morogh that always makes me look forward to starting a new Dwarf or Gnome character. Doesn't it look so calm and peaceful? Well, perhaps it's just because I live somewhere that it never snows making these scenes fascinate me so. Around Azeroth is WoW Insider's daily screenshot feature. Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Let us know about it and you may see it here next!

  • Around Azeroth: Those sneaky, sneaky druids...

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Reader Scott sends in this image showing off a small cadre of druids in their natural habitat -- Stormwind City, of course! What sort of plots might they be forming, I wonder... as a non-druid, I am forever out of the loop!Around Azeroth is WoW Insider's daily screenshot feature. Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Let us know about it and you may see it here next!

  • Around Azeroth: Jameiro's Point

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you aren't familiar with the name, this statue of a welcoming Goblin in front of Booty Bay sits on a tiny island named Janmeiro's Point. Not that this information is particularly necessary for your gameplay experience, but you never know when it might show up on a trivia quiz ten years down the line. Also, it's pretty! Nuff said. Around Azeroth is, you guessed it, a new daily screenshot feature. Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Let us know about it and you may see it here next!

  • Around Azeroth: Inside the Undercity

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Today's screenshot ventures into what is, I think, a seldom-visited part of the Undercity. Down a tunnel in the Apothecarium you'll find this interesting lab where, apparently, the monstrous abominations that guard the city are carefully pieced together. Around Azeroth is, you guessed it, a new daily screenshot feature. Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Let us know about it and you may see it here next!

  • Around Azeroth: Mysterious Dalaran

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I always find the glittering blue-colored dome enveloping Dalaran (it's near Hillsbrad, if you can't place the picture) to be fascinating to look at -- and I've taken many a screenshot attempting to capture its unique color and glow. While no screenshot seems to do justice to the shimmering dome, this one does well enough, don't you think? Around Azeroth is, you guessed it, a new daily screenshot feature. Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Let us know about it and you may see it here next!