assassins creed


  • Assassin's collector's edition pics sneak in

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The crew over at Xboxygen dug up and posted a few pictures of the Assassin's Creed collector's edition, the one that features one sexy statue of the main character Altair. As you can see in the picture above, the packaging is reminiscent of the BioShock collector's edition where the figure, game and extra goodies are all conveniently boxed together. Thumbs up to that. And then there is the Altair figure in all its Assassin's Creed figure glory (larger picture here). Thumbs up to the Altair figure for being so damn cool. He'll fit right in with the home we made for our Big Daddy figure.

  • Assassin's Creed comic provides more questions, few answers

    Dan Dormer
    Dan Dormer

    Oh tome, neither secret nor old, what information lies between the cover's fold? Whose to say if this promo material, reportedly obtained at a GameStop manager conference or a Best Buy Gamer's Day in Toronto if we're to "BELIEVE" NeoGAF, actually ruins Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed for you. It ultimately depends what you consider spoilers. Opinion: It doesn't contain any "Darth Vader is your father" level reveals, opting for more "Porkins dies in the Death Star fight" style non-spoilers. However, if you want to maintain your Assassin's Creed story virginity, you better steer clear of sidcuddlesGHIII's Photobucket account, which contains the entirety of the comic.[Via NeoGAF.]

  • Assassin's comic reveals some more secrets

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Making its way onto the internet (for your leaked enjoyment) in fully scanned form is an Assassin's Creed comic book that was given out at a recent EB Games conference compliments of Ubisoft. But what's so spectacular about this comic book you ask? Well, just a basic setup of the secretly secret Assassin's Creed storyline and hints at what the game is all about ... that's all. So, if you need that instant gratification and want to know a few tidbits about the game's storyline then go already, click and make the jump to page through the comic feature. We're not sure how much the comic will "ruin" the storyline, but we're chickens and don't want to take a look.[Via Digg]

  • New Assassin's Creed trailer does the trick

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A new trailer for Assassin's Creed has sneaked onto the web (see what we did there?). The trailer, which looks to be a cinematic from the game, features a group of apparently evil men trying to figure out what to do about a particularly nasty problem. As you can imagine, Altair, the game's eponymous assassin, has caused this group no end of trouble. Without ruining it, let's just say that they don't figure out what to do by the end of the trailer. Honestly, the more we see of this game, the more excited we are. Check it out (see it in HD here) and tell us what you think. [Via Joystiq]

  • Video: Assassin's Creed (off screen) gameplay [update]

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Update: Gamersyde took down the original video, but thanks to the power of YouTube you can't keep a man from his Assassin's Creed footage. Thanks for the (second) heads up Sadistik Roth.Coming straight out of TGS is some brand new off-screen Assassin's Creed video footage which should make you yearn for your Assassin's fix once again. Among the goodness that can be seen in this over the shoulder video is the game's incredible draw distance when we see Altair climb on top of one of the city's highest structures. Seriously, the draw distance is crazy far and reminds us of our Crackdown experience. There's also a few shots of the game's combat system of which we don't fully understand quite yet, but we have trust in the Ubisoft Montreal team so we'll forget about that for now. As always, video embedded above and know that Altair is impatiently waiting for you to click play. Ahem, click play ... now.[Thanks, Sadistik Roth]

  • Sessler: Don't judge unfinished Assassin's Creed

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    During Microsoft's E3 press conference, Ubisoft decided to demo their golden child Assassin's Creed, but things did not go as smoothly as they had hoped. You see, the demo was a tad buggy and suffered from bad collision detection, floating bodies and a somewhat questionable framerate. And everyone noticed. Assassin's Creed has suffered some negative press these past few days as some gamers have been bashing the on-stage demo and the game.Enter G4 TV's Adam Sessler who climbed atop his soap box to tell gamers that we have no right to judge the game based on the bugs, because it just isn't finished. Sessler makes a great argument stating that video games are one of the only artistic mediums in which the artists allow fans to preview their work before it's complete. Bugs are normal in unfinished products, it's as simple as that. And we have to agree. Let's just take a deep breath and ignore Assassin's floating bodies. See, we bet you feel better already.

  • X3F Hands On: Assassin's Creed

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Earlier today we got a chance to sit down with Ubisoft and get shown Assassin's Creed up close and personal, while at the same giving us a chance to actually control Altair ourselves. The demonstration was the of the same mission shown at Microsoft's Press Briefing from Tuesday night. Fortunately, we got to see the objective through to its completion, whereas Jade Raymond's cut off as soon as the slaver was assassinated. After our Ubi rep went through the mission, he handed us the controller and let us have a go at the streets and rooftops of Jerusalem, which is 15 times larger than the previously demoed city at E3 06. Did it play as good as it looked?

  • No demo planned for Assassin's Creed

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    More fresh news from E3, Joystiq learned during their hands-on (don't worry, ours is coming) that Ubisoft has "no plans" to release a demo for Assassin's Creed. If you've been sitting on the fence about this title, it looks like it's time to put it in the ol' rental queue. We wouldn't worry too much though. So far, all signs point to "Yes."

  • Joystiq hands-on: Assassin's Creed

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Fueled solely by caffeine and pure grit, we managed to get some hands-on time with Ubisoft's much anticipated action game, Assassin's Creed at E3. Our session with Ubisoft began with a representative walking us through a sample mission (which, incidentally, is the same one Jade Raymond walked us through last night at the MS press conference) to show us the ropes. Of course, like any good company rep, he also made sure to lay down some readily quotable stats. First of all, the city featured in the demo, Jerusalem, is fifteen times larger than the city featured during last year's E3. Pulling the camera back, we could see that the city was indeed pretty damned big. What's more, our rep informs us that all of it is interactive. You can climb it, throw enemies into it, use it to hide, whatever. Every surface that extends more than 2" from a wall is scalable, and Altair -- AC's protagonist -- will make his hand-holds realistically. In other words, there is no canned climbing animation. Finally, the city is populated with lots of NPCs, some of which can be hostile (guards and mad vagrants), others can be helpful, and the rest are neutral. And of course, they all have dynamic AI and other quotable features. But how does it play?

  • Assassin's Creed shows chases, combat, and Matrixish code

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Ubisoft shed some more light on Assassin's Creed with a demonstration, where plenty of tidbits could be gleaned. The level demonstrated was Jerusalem, using ancient texts as a source for creating the environment. Speaking of the locale, every building visible in the city can be climbed by you, and all are accessible, which definitely is good news. The combat system is allegedly advanced, where your performance is dependent on well timed button combos, and countering your opponent's attacks, based on their animation. When hunting down a target, you may end up chasing them through the city streets. The "Chase AI" is advanced and will make each chase a different experience, especially since your target's mannerisms are dependent on their personality. Also, through the demonstration, characters and the immediate area around your character would see flickering and feedback, giving it a psuedo "Matrix Code" feel. All in all, Assassin's Creed is looking like a solid winter release, though we'll have to see how it compares to the big guns.

  • Shhh ... Assassin's Creed gets cover arted

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    We already know that Assassin's Creed will be hitting retailers sometime in November, but now we have the pleasure of previewing what we'll be looking for on store shelves. Ubisoft just released the official Assassin's Creed cover art (viewable after the break) in all its simplistic assassin glory. Notice the subtle use of motion blur, soothing color blue, and how our assassin friend's hood perfectly shields his identity. Or maybe you didn't notice any of that and just zeroed in on the retractable and highly concealable hand knife. Oh yeah, we're going to love using that piece of hardware.

  • Be an assassin, film it, win cash and prizes

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The time has come to blend your fanboy love of Assassin's Creed with your movie making talents. IFC and Ubisoft are hosting an Assassin's Creed Short Film Contest where they want you to film an assassin inspired short film and send it in for a chance to win cash and prizes. Sounds fun doesn't it? Entries must be six minutes or less focusing on the assassin lifestyle, history, and the overall stealth killing mystique. The top three short films will be included in the limited edition version of the game and be aired on the IFC network. Not only that, but the grand prize winner will also receive $10,000 cash ($2,500 for runners-up) and Xbox 360 hardware. Get your assassin film making material together as entries are being accepted from now through August 20th. Happy filming.[Via IGN]

  • Ubisoft yanks Haze 360, PC from release list

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Didn't we play this game already? After unleashing yesterday's avalanche of release dates and promptly crushing the month of November in the process, Ubisoft has removed any date and mention of the PC and Xbox 360 versions of Haze from the list. Speaking to an Ubisoft UK representative, Joystiq was told that the mysterious disappearance could be attributed to the PlayStation 3 being "the only confirmed platform for Haze." Oh dear, it's Assassin's Creed all over again.Just last month, Ubisoft described the politically charged shooter as "leading on PS3," noting that "no exclusivity for any platform has been officially announced." Despite Free Radical's director, Steve Ellis, stating that the developer's chief challenge was "designing a solution that will work well across the platforms," Haze was theorized to be at the very least, a timed PS3 exclusive. The week-long release gap between the PS3's Haze and other versions shown on Ubisoft's initial schedule rendered such a conclusion comical, but not untruthful. What of the vanishing Xbox 360 and PC versions then?When we asked directly whether Haze was a PS3 exclusive or not, Ubisoft simply reiterated that the system was "the only confirmed platform." It's the same line we kept hearing when Ubisoft was dodging questions about the exclusivity haze surrounding Assassin's Creed -- a game which started out on "PlayStation 3 and at this time, no other platform has been confirmed." Ubisoft later admitted a PC version would "indeed see the light some day" (the same day, actually) and then finally confirmed an Xbox 360 version to an unsurprised audience. Can we expect the same sequence of events for Haze, or are negotiations between suits still active? We expect to get some answers (simple "yes" or "no" ones, preferably) at next month's Min-E3.

  • Ubisoft dates Haze, Splinter Cell, Raving Rabbids 2, more [update]

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Ubisoft has revealed the release dates for all of its major 2007 titles, asking the majority of them to form a neat line in November and proceed to remove the contents of your wallet one by one. You're more than welcome to make a fuss about it, but having the sneaky men of Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell: Conviction within grasp of your neck renders such action unwise. A more notable entry in the release schedule (as posted by Eurogamer) is Free Radical's sci-political first-person shooter, Haze, previously described as "leading on PS3" in a display of timed exclusivity: Haze (PS3) -- 23 November Oh, you'll be wanting the release date for the other platforms as well: Haze (Xbox 360, PC) -- 30 November [Update: Oh dear, Ubisoft has removed the Xbox 360 and PC versions of Haze from the current release list. We're waiting to hear back from Ubisoft on the matter.] Other key titles dated after the break include Assassin's Creed, Dark Messiah: Elements, Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, and Splinter Cell: Conviction.

  • Ubisoft dates its winter titles

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's been said by many people for months now: 2007 looks to be a big year for gamers. It seems like every company is pulling out all the stops and quality games are getting ready to rain from the heavens. Some say that 2007 may be the best year EVAR. True or not, Ubisoft is playing a large role in the 360's holiday season. As proof of that, Eurogamer has unveiled Ubisoft's official release list for this holiday season, including planned release dates for major titles like Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell Conviction. Check out the list after the break.

  • New Assassin's Creed info, demo next month?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Speaking to Eurogamer, Ubisoft's Jade Raymond revealed some tasty new bits of info regarding Assassin's Creed, one of the Xbox 360's most anticipated titles. First and foremost, a demo is evidently planned for next month, though the article makes it unclear whether this will be an Xbox Live Marketplace demo or a public demonstration. Of course, we'd be excited about either, but just a twinge more excited about a playable demo. Raymond also refuses to comment on theories around the game's plot elements, though Veronica Mars fans already know the full story.Raymond does reveal that helping certain people in the game will net players several new strategic options. Previously, we heard about helping monks in order to gain their help in later missions. Apparently this extends to other groups. Apparently, each group will inhabit different areas of a city, allowing players to utilize them during escapes. For example, save village women from military abuse, and their husbands will block guards that chase you. All you have to do is remember where these men live when you're making your escape.Finally, remember the leap of faith that ended the recent trailer? That is a move taken directly from the game, though conceivably a player would know where he was going to land. In context, a player might climb a tall building to evade capture and then leap off the top into a bale of hay. When guards finally make it to the top of the building, the player will seem to have disappeared.All in all, it sounds like great stuff. Here's hoping we do see a demo next month.

  • Assassin's Creed set for November worldwide release

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Altair has been sent to kill some key players on both sides of the Third Crusade and with you in control of his movements, his survival lies in your skills in stealth and asskickery. Ubisoft wants everyone to enjoy this game at the same time, it seems. They have issued a statement that Assassin's Creed will be launched in "all major territories" this November. So, it may not be a "worldwide" release, but for the gaming market, Ubisoft considers it may as well be. Ubisoft expects the game to exceed all expectations, and expectedly, expect commercial and critical success. Funny how a single word will contort to fill up an entire set of ideas. Or not. Funny to wordsmiths, we guess. The game will ship for the PS3, 360, and the PC with both a regular and special edition. Most people really hyped up for this game should snag the special edition, since it has a decent amount of goodies to keep you satisfied. [via Joystiq]

  • Assassin's Creed set for November release

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    There's nothing more pleasing than infiltrating a dense crowd of oblivious strangers, stabbing your intended victim in the back and then making a daring escape by scurrying up walls and leaping across rooftops. Of course, on a rainy day you'll probably just want to play Assassin's Creed. 1UP reports that Ubisoft plans to release the hugely anticipated medieval stalker sim on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC this November in standard and limited editions.You'll surely want to inform all your friends via your Mybook or Facespace page, so please try to avoid embarrassment by spelling the game's title correctly. We'll advise you to remember the first part by breaking it into three simple and highly memorable words: "ass", "ass" and then "in." Don't bother using this technique to talk about your recent visit to the psychotherapist though, as that becomes an unsettling "Psycho the rapist."[Via Game Stooge]

  • Assassin's Creed to assassinate in November

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you find yourself harboring a keen interest in both assassins and the creeds to which they are bound, you will no doubt be interested to learn that Assassin's Creed should be hitting Xbox 360s everywhere this November. The announcement comes directly from Ubisoft, though we are left with no specific date. Also "revealed" by Ubisoft, a limited edition of the game will also be sold in addition to the ordinary vanilla edition. The limited edition will retail for $69.99 and comes packed with the game (in a tin box, of course), Penny-Arcade comics, a mini strategy guide, an Altair figurine, as well as plenty of trailers and behind-the-scenes content. The limited edition isn't exactly news -- we've known about it for some time -- but it sounds pretty cool nonetheless. Anyone out there plan no plunking down the extra cash for a spiffy new doll action figure? [Via GameStooge]

  • Assassin's Creed will have limited edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    As our significant others are so keen to remind us, we're easily swayed by advertising here at Joystiq. Take, for example, the announcement that Assassin's Creed will have a limited edition release on PS3 and Xbox 360. Normally we'd like to know a little more about a product before we agree to buy it, but after watching the trailer we posted yesterday, we were ready to mail our credit card to Ubisoft with a heart-shaped slip of paper with our signature on it. For those who demand a little more info with their purchases, we humbly oblige. The $69.99 tin-encased game apparently really will be in limited quantities and will come with a figurine of titular assassin Altair, Penny Arcade comics and some short films, along with some other bonuses that we didn't have time to read before we totally went to the store to buy it. Not that it was on sale yet, but, like we said, we're really susceptible to advertising. Let's just hope there's no marketing for GTA IV or BioShock ... ah, crap, we'd better just start saving. [Via Xbox 360 Fanboy]