

  • Upcoming Authentication Upgrades

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    You can't have played World of Warcraft long without noticing that there are login issues - times when the servers are up, and your friends may be playing, but you are not able to connect. These problems are with the authentication system, which has become more and more overwhelmed by the amount of traffic it's handling.  However, these troubles may be coming to an end - during Tuesday's US maintenance, Blizzard will be bringing online new authentication hardware, which will hopefully make a difference.

  • Connection Woes

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    In addition to authentication difficulties and emergency maintenance on several servers, there are also, apparently, ISP issues that are causing players to become disconnected.  Maybe this is some sort of message suggesting that we should spend more quality time watching television.  Hopefully some of you are having better luck tonight than I am!

  • Authenticating...

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    It should be no surprise to anyone that the authentication servers are having issues lately - the servers themselves may be running fine, and perhaps you have a few friends whom you know are connected and playing, yet you can't get past login.  Or perhaps your server doesn't even appear on the server list when you do manage to log on.  Well, Eyonix has made a post in the general forums providing some clarification on the problem.  Apparently last night's troubles were due to a hardware failure, and because the failure occurred during peak playing hours, all players will be receiving a day's credit to their account.  However, while the hardware failure was fixed, we should continue to expect slow logins during peak hours.  However, there is hope - they should soon be moving to an improved authentication platform, which should reduce the login lag.  No ETA on this system, but at least it's coming.