

  • NXE Avatars of the Rich and Famous

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/xbox/NXE_Avatars_of_the_Rich_and_Famous'; ...Well, OK, they're not that rich. Hell, if you want to get persnickety about it, they're not even particularly famous outside of a particular sphere. But you're reading Joystiq, so we're going to assume you're in said sphere and present you with some e-celebs, accompanied by their new NXE Avatars. Consider it a companion to yesterday's avatar look-a-likes.Along with those digi-stars, you're also going to see a lot of guys from Joystiq, because we know most of those guys and they have to do whatever we say. If you're a celebrity left off the list (or just know the gamertag of one) feel free to ping us: tips aat joystiq dawt com.[Update: We've added a ton more people, including 1UP's own Garnett Lee! Check it totally out.]%Gallery-37492%

  • NXE how-to: Avatars in XBLA games

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Now that your NXE Avatar is dressed and ready for ... Hey, yeah! Just what is an Avatar for? Well, if you're not ready to drop 800 on A Kingdom for Keflings, we're afraid your options are seriously limited. What you can play with are several older Xbox Live Arcade games, which should be updated with limited Avatar support. Specifically, Uno, Bomberman Live, Hardwood Hearts, and Hardwood Spades -- disc-based Scene It? Box Office Smash is also due to receive an update enabling Avatar support today.The Uno update will install itself just as any other XBLA title update has in the past (and we can confirm this), but the other three games require additional attention. Gamerscore Blog has laid out the process in a simple 1-2-3 and 4-step guide. We attempted to update Bomberman Live earlier today, however, and were not prompted for the initial update. We can only assume that the update's absence is linked to the current condition of Xbox Live Marketplace (read: wonky). We got hit with the "8000ffff" error -- that's Xbox's way of saying: Try again later. Curious about the New Xbox Experience? Check out our ridiculously informative nine-video feature, covering everything from Avatar creation, Netflix integration, and the 8-player party system to installing games to the hard drive, the new Marketplace, the Blade-like "Guide" interface, and more!

  • Avatars now available in Scene It? Box Office Smash

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    With all of the NXE excitement going around, it might have been easy to forget that Avatar support is now available for Scene It? Box Office Smash. It might have been easy to forget, except that we're totally reminding you about it right now. All you have to do is pop the game in and download the title update. Voila, instant Avatar support. And now, if you'll excuse us, we'll just go back to waiting for Avatar support in Left 4 Dead*. The freaky machinima possibilities alone will be worth the wait.*Avatar support for Left 4 Dead is not in the works and is something we made up (unfortunately).

  • The New Xbox Experienced

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Protip: Click on a phrase in the image above to view the related video. Did ya hear? NXE is out today! And we wanna know how it's treatin' you! Take our poll, and then take a gander at our extensive video preview after the break (use the image above for easy navigation). %Poll-22648% *Not just plain old boring "love" -- we're talkin' the "you love your Avatar enough to wish Mini-Me jokes were still funny" kinda love.

  • New Avatar fashions planned every two weeks for six months

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    An Avatar ad on the NXE states that new fashions will be added every two weeks and will be noted by a gold star. Xbox Live Product Unit Manager Jerry Johnson confirms that new accessories will be added for at least the next half a year.According to Johnson, the new fashions will be implemented in packs. We've already noticed that some clothing options have been taken away, like the "wife-beater" (no, it wasn't called that on the NXE). No word yet if these packs will cost anything, but we do know that Microsoft is considering it. What, you don't think the virtual Louis Vuitton bag or Marc Jacobs outfit (not the game designer) will be free, do you?Source - Avatar theme packs confirmed for next six months [VG247]Source - Avatar fashion selection to double in next six months [X3F] Curious about the New Xbox Experience? Check out our ridiculously informative nine-video feature, covering everything from Avatar creation, Netflix integration, and the 8-player party system to installing games to the hard drive, the new Marketplace, the Blade-like "Guide" interface, and more!

  • Avatar fashion selection to double in a few months [update]

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Update: VG247 is reporting that Microsoft plans on releasing new fashion items every two weeks for 6 months! That's a lot of clothes.If you've started the Avatar creation process and found the clothing options in your Avatar Closet to be lacking in terms of variety, know that more apparel is headed your way in the weeks to come. We just came across an Avatar ad on the New Xbox Experience's Spotlight section (viewable above) that informs us that every two weeks new Avatar clothing will be available, which will double the current fashion selection over the next few months. And to keep everyone informed on the new goods, all new apparel will be marked with a yellow star when it's released. We should also mention that we are not sure if the the upcoming fashion choices will be free or paid content (please be free) as we've heard Microsoft express their willingness to monetize Avatars in the future. We'll just have to wait and see.

  • You got Avatar in my Xbox.com! [update]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Update: It looks like the online Marketplace is now viewable as well. Hey kids, remember the Xbox.com maintenance that went on earlier today? Oh, you say you were asleep. Well, it's not a big deal or anything, but we thought we would inform you that your Xbox.com profile page now displays your Avatar (assuming you have the NXE, of course). That's about it, really. As far as we can tell, the Xbox.com Marketplace still isn't open for business, so don't go thinking you can start blowing your Microsoft Points at work just yet. We expect that an any other major changes to Xbox.com will launch tomorrow alongside the NXE.[Thanks CapnJunkie]

  • BioWare releases new SWTOR concept art

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    New concept art has been announced for BioWare's recent MMO project Star Wars: The Old Republic. This new concept art shows a few new character, weapon and environmental designs such as as Assassin Droid, a Medical Droid, a Jedi and Sith Lightsaber, a few forms of the Blaster, Jedi and Sith scenery, buildings and more. Plus, the team has also added ten new forum avatars to their community section. These new avatars allow you to customize your profile with even more races, additional female options, and Republic and Empire allegiance icons. Head on over to the SWTOR forums for more information, and check out the new concept art added to our SWTOR Concept Art Gallery linked below.%Gallery-35034%

  • Fanfest details emerge on EVE's Walking in Stations expansion

    James Egan
    James Egan

    In further news coming from EVE Fanfest 2008, CCP Games has given a press-only presentation detailing the upcoming Walking in Stations expansion for EVE Online. While this is an aspect of the game that's so far been a divisive issue among EVE players, the expansion will allow players to step out of their ships and interact as highly detailed avatars in ship station interiors and captain's quarters aboard their own ships (presumably while docked in a station hangar). Walking in Stations is a project that's drawn on the talents of "special effects artists from the world of television and movies into the video game medium, a number of whom have been brought on to the team at CCP," writes Jon Wood of MMORPG.com, reporting from Reykjavik.

  • Kingdom for Keflings launches with NXE, Avatars playable

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    click to enlarge Gamerscore Blog has announced that A Kingdom for Keflings, the upcoming XBLA game from NinjaBee, will be available on November 19, the same day as the release of the New Xbox Experience. More importantly, GSB has announced something about as surprising as something that isn't surprising at all: Avatars can be used as playable characters in the game. You may recall that the game was shown though not mentioned in a recent video about Avatars. In the game, players can use their Avatar as the giant character, ordering their Keflings around and building their city. As you can see in the screen above, up to four players can play in the same game. The announcement also adds that A Kingdom for Keflings "works perfectly" with the NXE's party system. We hope party experience is a bit more seamless than it is with older 360 games.A Kingdom for Keflings will launch on November 19 for 800 Microsoft Points.

  • A Kingdom for Keflings: First Xbox Avatar game on Nov. 19 with NXE

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Microsoft is ushering in the New Xbox Experience with A Kingdom for Keflings, the first Xbox 360 title to feature playable, in-game Avatars -- as GIANTS, no less. Developed by NinjaBee, who teased the game in June, the city-building sim supports 4-player Xbox Live multiplayer and "works perfectly with Xbox Live Party" (we should hope so!). While you can carry and assign jobs to Keflings (uh, the game's tiny, humanoid slaves), we have yet to confirm the ability to use Keflings to poke out other Avatars' eyes. But what an experience that would be!A Kingdom for Keflings can be yours -- and your Avatar's -- for 800 ($10) when it hits Xbox Live Arcade on November 19th. %Gallery-36277%

  • A new way to show off your NXE pride

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    With the upcoming release of the New Xbox Experience, our friends over at MyGamerCard put together a new card theme for you to share your NXE enthusiasm with all of the internets. The new theme - shown above using Mr. SenseiRAM - was created to mirror the NXE's 3D panel navigation aesthetic and shows off a person's custom Avatar on the right hand side. It's a slick looking badge and one we think most fanboys would be proud to show off. That is, if you embrace the use of Avatars.

  • Video: In-game Avatar use explained

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The latest in Gamerscore Blog's running series on the New Xbox Experience is a video about how Avatars can be used in certain Xbox 360 games. First and foremost, the video reveals that certain older Xbox 360 and Xbox Live Arcade titles will inocorporate Avatar use once they are updated after the release of the New Xbox Experience. The games shown include Bomberman Live, UNO, Hardwood Hearts, and Hardwood Spades. And no, you can't play as your Avatar in Bomberman, which is a bummer. Another game that is shown, though not named, is Ninjabee's A Kingdom for Kelflings. Scene It? Box Office Smash will also be receiving an Avatar update.As for how far we might see Avatars integrated into future titles, Microsoft is keeping the details close to its chest. Whatever the extent of the integration, we somehow doubt you'll ever see your Avatar ripping a Locust in half with a chainsaw.

  • Surprise! Avatar store coming next Spring

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    According to the peeps over at VideoGamer.com, Microsoft will be launching an Avatar store next Spring where gamers can purchase and download additional customization options for their 360 Avatars. "The plan of record will be to launch a more extensive Avatar Store from spring time onwards next year," said <a href="http://www.eyewonderlabs.com/ct.cfm?ewbust=0&&file=http://cdn1.eyewonder.com/200125/755069/1021684/NOSCRIPTfailover.gif&&eid=1021684&&name=Clickthru-NOSCRIPT&&num=1&&time=0&&diff=0&&click=http://www.rockstargames.com/midnightclubLA" target="_blank"> <img width="300" height="250" src="http://cdn1.eyewonder.com/200125/755069/1021684/NOSCRIPTfailover.gif" border="0" alt=""> </a> <iframe valign="top" width="300" height="250" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" bordercolor="#000000" src="http://wrapper.teamxbox.com/a?size=300x250&sizew=300&sizeh=250&js=false&pagetype=txb_article&articletype=news%20story&subdomain=news.teamxbox.com"> </iframe> Live EMEA product manager Robin Burrowes. "That store in theory would have branded content in there, game publisher IP stuff in there as well." No surprise there.To be honest, we're still torn about Avatars, the role they'll be playing in our New Xbox Experience, how Microsoft is approaching the monetizing of them and whether or not we'll be willing to pay for a Gears of War 2 t-shirt for our Avatar next Spring. Because ... you know ... an Avatar rockin' a Gears 2 tee would be rather badass.

  • New Xbox Experience videos let you vicariously play dress up

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    You already know the Xbox 360 is getting new community features, a revamped dashboard, Avatars, and of course Netflix video -- all things we've been excited about since we saw them in action at E3 this year. There hasn't been much to go on since then, but we recently came across some short videos exhibiting Parties (which let users socialize and make plans while engaging in separate games and activities) and Avatar customization options; hopefully they'll hold you over until the features go live November 19th. We won't be held responsible for the brain deterioration caused by the vacuous marketing-speak accompanying the moving images, however. "It is where you get to enjoy entertainment -- that's the vision." Yes, it is.

  • NXE Avatars get URL'd

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    Avatars may be doing more than just meandering about on-screen when the New Xbox Experience launches on November 19. Our sister site, X3F, has learned that the virtual paper dolls will also each be given their own unique URL pointing to a PNG-format graphic of their full cute and cuddly self, along with two smaller icon-style versions as well. Numerous Microsoft employees appear to already be taking advantage of the service, including Major Nelson and Xbox Live front man, Aaron Greenberg. However, plugging in our own gamertags into the service simply returns an original Xbox logo, which while nostalgic, is considerably less exciting. As for why, we assume Microsoft plans to use the graphics on its own sites and forums, or perhaps as part of a larger social networking scheme, assuming this feature doesn't get dropped as well.

  • Unique NXE Avatar URLs discovered

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    An anonymous tipster has informed Xbox 360 Fanboy that Avatars -- the cute, customizable user characters that will launch with the New Xbox Experience -- will each have their own unique URL (which won't open in Firefox or Safari, by the way). The URLs in question lead to PNG files of a users Avatar. The URLs lead to images of at least three sizes, as demonstrated in the image above. The Avatars belong to Microsoft's Trixie and Chris Paladino by the way (we tried plugging in one of our own gamertags and were greeted with nothing but the original Xbox logo). There is a full body image along with two smaller images of user created Avatar Gamerpics. All of them are stored at the site avatar.xboxlive.com, which currently leads to a blank page. Will these images be part of a broader social networking platform? For now, we'll just have to wait until Microsoft decides to share more about the NXE.

  • Major Nelson awarding a select few the NXE prior to its official release [update]

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Update: Just to be clear, Major Nelson says to visit his website NEXT WEEK for the NXE giveaway surprise. So, don't be disappointed if there is no NXE handout this week.Thanks to the handy transcription of GamePlay Unlimited, we now know that Major Nelson will be giving a few lucky 360 fanboys the chance to download the New Xbox Experience prior to its official release on November 19th. Word comes from his latest podcast, where Major and E have a brief discussion regarding a listener receiving the NXE before anyone else. E inquires about the possibility of a MajorNelson.com visitor winning the chance to download the NXE early, to which Major answers, "that's pretty much what I'm saying." We don't know how or when, but we guess a few lucky MajorNelson.com visitors will be getting the NXE before it releases to the masses, allowing them to get a head start on their Avatar customization.[Via Evil Avatar]

  • Pirates of the Burning Sea to get revamped avatar combat

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Swordfighting in Pirates of the Burning Sea is going through a major overhaul, not unlike how ship combat has evolved since the game launched. Flying Labs' Isildur has written a dev blog titled, "Avatar Combat Revision" which explains why changes were necessary, and how they envision the new system working. Ultimately, the changes are intended to bring Pirates of the Burning Sea's combat closer to Isildur's ideal system: "I wanted a system that would let me slice through armies of minions like a hot knife through butter, but that would be tactical and complex in a one-on-one duel between evenly matched opponents." Read on below the cut for a listing of the fundamental changes coming to the game's avatar combat.

  • Daedalus Project updated

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Nick Yee's excellent MMORPG survey and data site, the Daedalus Project, has been updated with new survey results on the following topics: Guild demographics: What influences players to choose certain guilds, how attached they become, the likelihood of their knowing guildies in real life, and how long they stay. What I find fascinating here is the graph displayed above -- 26% of surveyed players have been with their guild 2 years or more. Alex Ziebart mentioned the other day that his guild has been together so long across multiple games that guild chat's gone from talk of teenage dates to coaching expectant parents through morning sickness. I get the feeling that this is only going to become more common in long-haul games like Second Life and WoW. Character creation: How players choose characters, the elements of character selection they consider most important, and whether classes and races tend to be researched extensively before they're picked, or chosen based on impulse. Character class seems to matter to the most people; starting area the least.