

  • PSA: Xbox Live Update is ... live

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    This one is for all the unlucky souls that didn't make it into the Xbox Live Update preview program: Your wait is over! The Xbox Live Update is finally here, and it's here for everyone. That's right, now everyone has access to the update's many riches and wonders, including better (and "exclusive") Netflix functionality, Avatar Awards, Games on Demand, User Ratings and more. And let's not forget you can also purchase clothing for your digital doll.Getting the update is easy. Just turn on your Xbox, connect to Live and BAM, instant update. For a quick look at some of the new features, check out the video above, and find a Netflix video tour after the break.

  • Xbox Avatars to appear in Guitar Hero 5

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We're always lamenting how few things our precious Xbox Live Avatars are good for, but this seems like a darn fine implementation of them: Activision announced today that you'll be able to import your e-doppelganger into your Guitar Hero 5 band to rock alongside the other characters that you've created. (We're hoping there won't be any prejudice against the curiously malformed musicians taking the stage, but you never can tell.)The possibilities are endless. For starters, your Avatar could play alongside Kurt Cobain and whisper the encouragement in his ear he so desperately needed, thereby keeping him from taking his own life and changing the very course of history. Or, if you want to keep it simple, an all LeChuck band. The mind boggles.

  • New dash update enables color choices for select Avatar apparel

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    click to super-duper sizeAfter having the weekend to explore the upcoming Xbox 360 dashboard update, we came across a very welcome addition to select Avatar clothing: the choice of color!Within' the new dash update, the classic Avatar "Power Tee" (which is currently available in both green and red flavors) can now be color customized. A small color palette icon can be seen attached to the tee and, once chosen, offers the option of nine different colors. Don't believe us? Check out the video footage of the color choosing process, embedded after the break.From what we can tell, the "Power Tee" is the only item that offers a color choice, but we hope more items (if not all) will receive this option in the future. Having the ability to change the color of Avatar clothing has been a popular request among the community and is a feature that adds an extra layer of customization. We encourage Microsoft to keep these color options coming!%Gallery-68760%

  • Gears of War COG and Locust Armor coming to Xbox Live Avatars

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    During the Gearsiverse panel at Comic-Con, Epic's Cliff Bleszinski and Ron Fergusson revealed that there will be Gears of War-themed armor of both the COG and Locust variety coming to XBL Avatars soon. One rule that Microsoft imposes on Avatar clothing and models is that they "can't look inhuman," according to Bleszinski. So they pieced together a workaround set of Locust armor that you can check out beyond the break.Look for these new Avatar upgrades to be available when the next Xbox Live dashboard update becomes available soon. Meanwhile, we're going to scurry out to our preview builds to see if they're already available. Be sure and peep the Locust image, just around the corner.

  • Rumor: Xbox Avatar golf game

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Supposedly leaked footage of Avatars playing golf has hit YouTube this week (find it after the break) and some are wondering if it's video of an upcoming golf title featuring the Xbox 360 characters. At E3 2009, Microsoft revealed the casual racing title Joyride -- a free, upcoming XBLA game featuring Avatars -- so it isn't out of the question for Avatars to star in another casual game. The footage showcases Avatars enjoying a rousing game of golf, but still looks very early in development (if it even is). Perhaps it is an actual upcoming game, but it could also be some an Avatar update to the XBLA title 3D Ultra Minigolf or even some XNA-based genius. Time will tell on this rumor.

  • Video tour: Xbox Live Update, Netflix and Avatar Marketplace

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    You may have noticed that Joystiq managed to get its grubby mitts on the latest Xbox Live Update a little early. Now, we could have been super selfish and kept it all to ourselves, but that's just not how Joystiq rolls. Thus, we bring you this video tour of the major new features introduced by the upcoming update. Above, we have an overall video tour of the update, which shows off the new Achievement browser, Friends list sorting, Avatar Marketplace and the new-and-improved Netflix application.After the break, we have more detailed looks at Avatar Marketplace and Netflix. You can also check out some screens of the new features in the gallery below. Enjoy!%Gallery-68685%

  • A fashionable look at the new Avatar Marketplace

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Seeing as we just got our mitts on the new Xbox 360 dashboard, we figured we'd share the dash love with a preview of the upcoming Avatar Marketplace. Click through the gallery to experience Avatar shopping, view the stylish pirate apparel and, if you're daring enough, take a peek after the break for a look at Avatar cotton swabbing. Yes ... cotton swabbing.%Gallery-68679%

  • Microsoft patents advertising Avatars for MMOs

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    As seen in documents dug up by Siliconera, Microsoft has patented what the site calls "advertars" -- Avatars generated by advertisers to pimp their products in MMOs and virtual worlds. According to the plan as it's laid out in the patent, players could be compensated with real-world currency or in-game items for listening to the pitches.OK, we're sure that at this point, some of you have already spun around three times and thrown your 360s out the window hammer toss-style. But are there any of you who, like us, are captivated by the idea? If there's something that says "futuristic" more than being accosted by virtual Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker as they beg you to see Rush Hour 8: We Made Another One of These Movies, we haven't heard of it.

  • Sweden extending taxation into the virtual

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Sweden is taking aim at online tax evasion and the estimated five billion Swedish krona (SEK) in annual undeclared income by the country's citizens. (This equates to roughly USD 645 million.) While much of this is revenue from "online marketplaces, porn, and astrology sites", undeclared income from games and virtual worlds are included in that figure. In fact, the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) looked at the sales of avatars and characters in 'computer games' over a 14 month period, with a collective advertised sum of 662 million SEK (USD 85 million). No income was declared on any of these transactions so it's a safe bet they'll be scrutinizing these sales moving forward. Although the specific virtual worlds and games aren't named, GameCulture adds that the virtual property Skatteverket is looking at exchanged hands between 7000 gamers and residents. Also interesting is what GamePolitics turned up on the situation -- "even U.S. citizens could be subject to Swedish taxation on such virtual transactions, according to the Economics of Virtual Worlds blog."

  • Possible pictures of new NXE features emerge

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    GameCinema HD is hosting some images of what could be some of the new Xbox 360 features announced at E3. In the screen above, you can see sections for both the Avatar Marketplace as well as a space for Avatar Awards. Other shots show off these areas themselves, though they are understandably empty right now. The screens also include new Xbox Live Marketplace entries for Games on Demand and Indie Games (no shots of the inside of either of these areas, unfortunately).We find it a bit strange that someone willing to leak images of the new features would fail to edit out their own gamertag, though -- you'll notice it's in the upper left corner, clear as crystal. A quick check reveals that there is no Hobbtao gamertag listed on Xbox Live, which could mean a couple of things. One, these images are from an Xbox 360 dev kit, meaning Mr. Hobbtao is probably in violation of a Microsoft NDA. Two, the images are fakes.Regardless, we're talking about menus here, which aren't nearly as exciting as what they contain.[Via VG247]

  • NinjaBee adds Avatar support to Band of Bugs, new Tales of Kaloki campaign

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    click to enlarge So, remember how NinjaBee teased us with fireball-tossing Avatars last week? It turns out that the developer isn't creating a brand new Avatar game after all. Instead, NinjaBee is adding Avatar support to its turn-based strategy game, Band of Bugs. Yeah, it's not as exciting as the Avatar fighting game of our dreams, but it might be enough to make us blow the digital dust off of the XBLA title. Players will be able to use their Avatars in both the single-player campaign and in Spider Hunter multiplayer mode. The Avatar support will be coming as a free update on July 8.In addition to Avatar support, NinjaBee is also set release an entirely new campaign for Band of Bugs entitled Tales of Kaloki, though it's very different from traditional DLC. Instead of simply expanding Band of Bugs, Tales of Kaloki actually plays like an entirely new game set in a different universe with different characters. Rather than pitting bugs against one another, players will control spaceships -- which utilize new weapons and abilities -- and try to blast their enemies out of the sky. And, judging from the above image, you can also wreak urban havoc with your Avatar.As the title implies, Tales of Kaloki is based on another NinjaBee XBLA game, Outpost Kaloki X. The DLC will be available July 8 for 240 ($3). NinjaBee will also be releasing a Band of Bugs dashboard theme on the same day for the same price.Check out screens of Tales of Kaloki and Avatars in Band of Bugs in the galleries below.Now, NinjaBee, seriously ... about that fighting game ....%Gallery-67129%%Gallery-67130%

  • Microsoft beta testing Avatar awards

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Joystiq tipsters -- and Xbox.com regulars -- have noticed a strange Beta 2009 icon appearing on some Xbox 360 'Played Games' profiles. While speculation (or hopes and dreams) was that the icon was related to something important, sources tell Joystiq that Microsoft is internally testing Avatar awards. Sorry, no megatons here.From what we've been told, the test is an executable built for Beta users to play with the awards program before it launches. Avatar awards are triggered by in-game achievements: when a player unlocks an award -- clothing was the only specific award mentioned -- it is made available in the Avatar customization menu of the NXE. Select Xbox 360 users are already sporting fancy new threads, which are presumably related to this beta test.Avatar awards were one of the many new features coming to the NXE revealed at E3 2009 -- including the smart evil idea of charging users for the real "cool" stuff.%Gallery-65338%

  • Create unique avatars and contact pics with Persona

    Kevin Harter
    Kevin Harter

    Some people like to have unique avatars for forums and instant messaging clients. I don't. My avatars usually end up being silly pictures of myself because I'm a shallow narcissist...and a bit lazy.However, for those more creative than I, Persona [iTunes link] is a nice iPhone app in which to invest the price of a quarter-pounder. It allows the user to create a cartoon face by choosing from a variety of facial features. Hair style, eyes, nose, beard, and more are all up for grabs. When you're done creating a mini-you (remember my personality issue described above), you can set it as the contact picture for any of your iPhone's contacts. You can also save your creation to the Camera Roll where you'll be able to export it via email or MMS (assuming you have the new 3.0 firmware and don't have AT&T), publish it to MobileMe, or use it as your wallpaper if you did a particularly good job. Once on your computer, you'll be able to use it as the avatar for that cute-cat-picture forum you visit eight times each day.Persona is simple enough; in fact, perhaps too simple. The faces tend to look very similar as the options are quite limited for a dedicated app such as this. Also, what's going on behind my left shoulder? Every avatar I create is staring in that same direction! Choosing from the available options isn't very intuitive. You choose the "parts" category and then pick the individual attribute, but no moving or resizing of the facial features is allowed. And very few accessories are presented, other than odd inclusion of a plethora of choices for nicotine deployment. (Note to self: see if the folks at Persona are sponsored in any way by Philip Morris.)Overall, it's a nice idea for an app that will have moderate appeal to the forum crowds. I doubt you'll be using it again and again, though, because the app just doesn't offer much depth. But it's the user interface and lack of extensive options that tend to make the $2.99 $.99 a bit hard to swallow.[NOTE: Thanks to those readers that pointed out the incorrect price. The developer's web site showed $2.99 when I wrote this, however the iTunes store had it at $.99. I have talked with Alfonso Bozzelli, the app's author, and he is changing the site to reflect the correct price -- $.99.]

  • Avatar summer wear brings out your Federline side

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Major Nelson sends word that new summer fashions are now available (and free!) for Xbox 360 Avatars. The ladies get the bulk of the new clothing options, with the flower vest, surfer hot pants, surfer skirts, surfer shorts and the surfer dress (protip: Don't surf in a dress). Male Avatars get the rashguard, swim shorts, surfer shorts and what Microsoft calls a "white vest." Come on Microsoft, we know a K-Fed tank top when we see one.

  • Ninjabee hints at fireball-tossing Avatars

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Here's an interesting one. Ninjabee, creator of some of the better XBLA games out there (Cloning Clyde, A Kingdom for Keflings) recently posted a somewhat cryptic Twitter message. The tweet reads simply, "Here's the big news for the day: Ever wanted to throw a fireball with your Avatar?" The message is followed by a link leading to the image above, with the somewhat less cryptic message, "Soon you'll be able to use your Avatar in ways it hasn't been used before..."First, the obvious answer to the question is a hearty "yes." We want our Avatars to do a lot of things, including some of the things they aren't allowed to do. Second, just what is this message all about? Dare we hope that Ninjabee is working up some kind of Avatar fighting game, perhaps in the manic style of Super Smash Bros. or possibly, dream of dreams, Power Stone? We've reached out to Ninjabee and will let you know as soon as we hear more.In the meantime ... speculate.

  • Making an XNA game? Don't maim the poor Avatars!

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    It appears that a short while back, XNA developers were informed by the lordship at Microsoft of the things they can't have the Xbox 360 Avatars do in their games. The list is pretty much designed to stop some ambitious developer from making the most adorable Grand Theft Auto clone ever. Here's some of the rules: Avatars can't engage in violence that causes "blood, gore, dismemberment, decapitation, maiming, or mutilation. ... Avatars can die temporarily to depict failure" They can't talk. Forget any sexual innuendo or "mildly explicit sexual descriptions or images or sexual posturing." No bodily fluids can come from the Avatar. Avatars can't go on glamorized crime sprees. Avatars can't spend time with Mary Jane, shoot up, snort or do any other "controlled substances" ... they can't even smoke normal tobacco. All use of Avatars must be approved by Microsoft -- and the full list is much longer. Check out the nitty gritty details here.[Via CVG]

  • E3 2009 highlights: The Xbox roundup

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    E3 was brütal! If you blinked, for a split/second, you missed something. Even if you were trine to keep up, it was a blur -- staying a.wake like that, you only pushed yourself to the brink of your own dark void. That's where Joystiq comes in; to crackdown on the madness; to reach out ... with conviction -- phew! Crysis averted. We've scoured the dark corners and survived the inferno to piece together this roundup of all things Xbox at E3. Why? Just 'cause we love you. So, draw nier and shift your eyes past the break.

  • Microsoft announces Avatar Marketplace, unlockable apparel

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    During Microsoft E3 2009 Blogger / Enthusiast Luncheon -- you know, this one -- Xbox Live General Manager Marc Whitten announced the Avatar Marketplace for the Xbox 360. The Avatar Marketplace, unsurprisingly, will allow 360 owners to download new apparel for their Avatars. Players will be able to browse game specific storefronts. Yes, storefronts, so don't expect all the apparel to be free.In addition, Whitten also announced Avatar Awardables. Awardables, as their name implies, are articles of clothing that can be awarded by Xbox 360 games for completing certain tasks. "I think you're going to see a ton of new content that comes from that," said Whitten. The apparel won't be limited to things like shirts and shoes either, as the ODST Avatar above illustrates, it's conceivable we could see little Alan Wakes and Raidens running all over Xbox Live soon.Whitten didn't announce any release date for Awardables or the Avatar Marketplace, but given the ODST apparel, we'd say Fall 2009 is a good bet.

  • Evolve your 3D avatar

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Evolver (currently in alpha) is an interesting service. It allows you to build a 3D avatar either from scratch and components or from a photograph of yourself, and export that avatar as an image, a functional 3D model in a couple of different formats (presently Maya [MA] or Kaydara 3D Data Exchange Format [FDX]), or a ready-made avatar for a number of 3D virtual environments. They've got more planned it seems, like the ability to potentially embed a little animated 3D avatar in places where you might today be using a 2D image. Think Gravatars only in 3D.

  • New Avatar shoes available, fear the socks and sandals option

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Now your Avatar can commit a high crime of fashion: wearing socks with sandals. Seriously, it's not OK. We're totally Mommie Dearest "no wire hangers" serious about it. The abomination is only one of pret-a-porter options the Avatars have available in the latest clothing update. His: Flip Flops High Top Sneakers Socks and Sandals 70's Leather Platforms Hers: Sunny Day Sandals White 60's Boots Remember that new Avatar clothing options are marked with a gold star. Also, remember to immediately block and remove any friends with the socks and sandals on their Avatar. It's a sin! [Image]