

  • New Server Monday: Maybe Not!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    While two new transfer servers were supposed to go live today, it sounds like there are some technical problems.  Players hoping to transfer from Shadowsong or Azjol-Nerub to Norgannon or Alleria or Hellscream  to Thrall will have another chance tomorrow, when transfers should re-open at 3AM PST.

  • Two More US Realms on Monday

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I imagine the server folks at Blizzard have had a hard week - because they've announced another two realms, transfer only, opening Monday.  Players on the servers Shadowsong and Azjol-Nerub can transfer to Norgannon while players on the servers Alleria and Hellscream can transfer to Thrall.  As usual, transfers are open from Monday to Friday, 3AM to 3PM PST, and the transfer period closes on Thursday, after which point normal character creation will be available.