

  • Saturday PSP background explosion

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Every week, PSP Fanboy brings you new backgrounds to beautify your PSP. Remember, you can save these images directly to your PSP by accessing the site wireless at We've just about filled all of our background requests, so if you've got a background you'd like to see, this is the week to do it. But that's the future, today we have a racing, FPS and an anime background. Backgrounds after the jump ... New for PSP: Get selected wallpapers delivered automatically to your PSP via our new RSS feed.

  • Saturday PSP background explosion E3 edition

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Every week, PSP Fanboy brings you new backgrounds to beautify your PSP. Remember, you can save these images directly to your PSP by accessing the site wireless at This week we have an E3 themed background explosion. So if you're still coming off an E3 buzz, these should help keep you company. If you already requested a background and it hasn't appeared, check the archive. It may have been previously created. Keep reading to see this week's background collection. Backgrounds after the jump ... New for PSP: Get selected wallpapers delivered automatically to your PSP via our new RSS feed.

  • Sunday PSP background explosion

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Every week, PSP Fanboy brings you new backgrounds to stylize your PSP. Remember, you can save these images directly to your PSP by accessing the site wireless at We had a few issues with our Internet connection yesterday, and were unable to put up the explosion. We heard your cries for backgrounds though, and now that our web connection is as strong as a Spartan, we're going to give you just what you want! Backgrounds after the jump ... New for PSP: Get selected wallpapers delivered automatically to your PSP via our new RSS feed.

  • Make your background un-boring: some sites to check out

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    Let's face it. Sometimes, you feel like powering on your PSP to something other than the color of the month. Say for instance, you wanted to power on your PSP to a flock of seagulls?Aside from our Saturday PSP background explosion, we have even more wallpaper suggestions we couldn't resist sharing. So here's to you, PSP Fanboy reader. Wallpaper your world, and enjoy this slice of life that you can customize and call your own.Here are our recommendations: ThemePSP and InterfaceLIFT. [Update: Removed one questionable source.][2nd Update: Added additional source.], Stef!)[Image source]

  • Saturday PSP background explosion [Update 1]

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Saturday is dwindling away, but it can't officially be over until there are new PSP backgrounds to enjoy. Like every week, we make or showcase new backgrounds for you to put on your PSP and make it look as good as you. Assuming you look good. This week we have backgrounds for 300, Crush and Card Captor Sakura. Check out the backgrounds after the jump ... [Update 1: Updated tags and links.]

  • The quest for Autumn: Windows XP's elusive backdrop

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's no secret that people have been fascinated, or at least intrigued, by wallpapers and screensavers since the desktop first graced their eyes, and judging by the sheer multitude of websites and man-hours devoted to perfecting the screen that you so rarely see once you launch that first app, it's also no shock to hear a tale of such obsession. Although Autumn may not be most people's default background in Windows XP, it's still well regarded, and for one Vanity Fair writer, it sparked a worldwide quest to find its origin. Expecting the task to be one of relative ease in the age of email, meta tags, and digital archives, he began by questioning the usual suspects about its humble beginnings, but to his dismay, was turned down time and time again by rights protectors who wouldn't divulge the author nor location of such a highly prized stock photograph. Eventually, his entire team was onboard in a furious (albeit seemingly futile) search to discover precisely where this image was shot, once leading to thoughts of permanent relocation if the locale was finally unearthed. After what seemed like months of running into brick walls, an email to Bill Gates himself resulted in an apparently automated response that belted out nothing more but the snapshot's place of origin, which incited fits of jovial celebration office-wide. To Campbellville, Ontario, Canada they headed, in desperate need to visit the orangey area so burned into their memories, and thanks to the purportedly mysterious workings of a co-worker, they even landed the shooter's name. Eventually, the journey led them to a rarely traveled path in the city of Burlington, where the old Harris Homestead quietly sat behind a vigilant row of bare trees surrounded by glistening white snow. It truly was Winter, at last for the adventurous crew, but it certainly gives us pause when deciding whether or not to seek out the origin of Ascent and Azul in our spare time.

  • Saturday PSP background explosion: fan edition [Update 1]

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Every Saturday you can count on coming to PSP Fanboy to get new backgrounds for your PSP. Usually I create the backgrounds myself out of official game art, but this week one of our readers sent in his PSP backgrounds and wanted us to put them up. So with that in mind, I present PSP backgrounds by Brad Hodson. Backgrounds after the jump ...

  • Visage Login - customize Mac OS X's login screen

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    If the design of Apple's Mac OS X login screen just isn't floatin' yer boat, Visage Login might be worth a look. With two separate versions - one for 10.4 and another for 10.1-10.3 - this is one of the few apps I remember where 10.3 users have some features to brag about over Tiger users. As an app for 10.4 Tiger, Visage Login allows you to alter the login screen's logo and desktop image, while a preference pane for 10.1-10.3 has the ability to run screen savers as your desktop background, personalize system alerts, randomize the login screen background, and more.Visage Login is shareware with a fully-functioning 3 day demo. A single license costs a mere $4.95, while a 50+ machine license for businesses and corporations is $29.95.[via digg]

  • Custom backgrounds on your Sidekick 3

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Where there's a will, there's usually a way. Sidekick 3 owners miffed about being trapped inside Danger's walled garden of content will be happy to know that some resourceful peeps have managed to drop custom backgrounds and themes on their units -- and it appears to be a pretty simple process, to boot. Modify a text file, drop a few images via USB, and you're good to go. At least until Danger decides to patch to get you non-conformists back in line, that is.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Darken apps in the background with Doodim

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    For those times when you need complete, uninterrupted concentration on a particular app you're working in, there is Doodim: a simple menubar utility that creates an Exposé-like dimming effect on the desktop and all background app windows. Doodim's product site offers a simple animated screenshot demo to help you see what really goes on, and users can even take the dimming effect all the way to black, so no nothing else is visible, save for the app you're working in. It's a slick idea and is done well, and toggling the dimming effect is simply handled from the menubar (the menubar, if you're wondering, is not dimmed). The site lists one known catch so far, which I personally haven't run into while playing with this: apparently, the dim effect can fail sometimes while switching between apps. Bouncing from Firefox to Mail, Adium, NetNewsWire, Safari and iTunes hasn't produced any issues for me yet though.Doodim is provided free from La Chose Interactive, and I'm not sure if it's 10.4-only or not.

  • ChatFX - video effects within iChat

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    ChatFX can bring some fun to your iChat video conferences by adding quirky video effects; basically it's like Apple's Photo Booth for iChat. Using the power of Quartz Composer (built into Mac OS X 10.4), ChatFX can apply eight different effects to your video conference in real time, including a green-screen effect for that perfect "sure, I'm still at school/the office" cover story. Using  the green screen, you can even place a movie in the background - the sky's the limit with that feature.ChatFX offers a demo download and sells for $20.

  • List of Mac OS X's processes and their purpose

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Have you ever opened Activity Monitor to check on what processes and apps your Mac is running, only to be greeted with a list that's about as understandable as ancient Greek? (This of course assumes that you don't know how to read ancient Greek). Well, through the beauty of (all the del.icio,us, digg and Slashdot posts with none of the snarky comments), I found this fairly thorough list of Mac OS X's processes that attempts to explain just what is going on under the hood. Scott blogged this a year ago, but I figured this couldn't hurt even if it is review for some of us.The author reminds us that this list is by no means complete, so don't panic if you have a process running that isn't on the list. With that said, this should be a fairly educational resource for most of us, as the list is written in plain English (as opposed to the aforementioned ancient Greek) to help make sense of just what our Mac is doing with all those little processes. Check it out.

  • Create your own OS Xesque background

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Who amongst us hasn't thought, 'If only I could make my own Apple-esque OS X abstract background I would be a happy man.'Well, Buster, this is your lucky day because here's a tutorial that will show you how (the tutorial was done on a Windows machine, you can do it on a Mac).