

  • Chris Velazco/Engadget

    Apple explains iPad Pro build process in response to bending concerns

    When Apple first responded to concerns that its iPad Pros were shipping with a slight bend, the company essentially said that it's a non-issue. Since that will definitely not be enough for a lot of people, Apple has detailed the device's manufacturing process in an effort to explain why the tablets may have "subtle deviations in flatness." In the support entry, Cupertino said it uses a process called co-molding for its iPad Pro cellular models.

    Mariella Moon
  • Zombie thriller 'Days Gone' will need to find its humanity to survive

    Lots of people are burnt out on the post-apocalyptic zombie trope, but I'm not one of them. I was fairly insulated from the genre until I played The Last of Us, which quickly became my favorite game of the last five years or so. So the trailer for Days Gone, a new title set in a post-pandemic corner of the northwestern US that was unveiled at Sony's E3 event, piqued my interest. The attention to detail in the ruined world was excellent, the narration intriguing enough to make me wonder what went down, and the idea of a former motorcycle gang biking around an open-world felt like a concept worth exploring.

    Nathan Ingraham
  • Samsung fights fears of Galaxy S6 bending with a video

    Sadly, the he-said-she-said disputes over bending smartphones aren't ending any time soon. Samsung has responded to SquareTrade's allegations that the Galaxy S6 Edge is easily bendable by posting a video that shows the official stress tests for both the Edge and the regular S6. As you might expect, both devices hold up in this company-sanctioned clip -- they can withstand up to 79 pounds of force at three different points, which is enough to snap five pencils in half. Supposedly, this is more pressure than you'd put on your phone if it was in your back pocket. The Korean firm also notes that SquareTrade only tested on the front, not the back where tolerance levels are different.

    Jon Fingas
  • Those idiot kids who were bending iPhone 6s have (sorta) apologized

    Yesterday a video of two teenagers going into an Apple Store and forcibly bending an iPhone 6 spread with lightning speed across the internet. Apparently the heat has gotten to the teens, as one of them has issued a profane and half hearted, though seemingly terrified, apology on YouTube. If you've never heard a smart, in-over-their-head teenager try to smooth talk their way out of a bad situation, this is one of the best examples you'll find online. No word yet on if the police have contacted them. Here's the description of the video as posted on YouTube. Okay i just made this to say that we are NOT damaging anymore iPhones because we know what we did is wrong! We are taking full responsibility for this of course. we know hoq stupid it was. and for those who are thinking we broke MULTIPLE iphones thats a LIE!!! It was the same iphone just from different angles. Do not be put off buying an iphone 6 or iphone 6 plus because the chances of it bending in your pocket is highly unlikely. We have not heard from apple as of yet but if we are charged we will be selling out stuff to pay for the iphone as we are only 15 years old. You can view the video below. Please be aware if features some foul language and can be considered not safe for work. Enjoy.

  • That bendable iPhone 6 screen isn't a feature (update)

    Not sure if you want to hide your shiny new iPhone's newfangled design in a bulky case? Maybe you should -- apparently, it's quite pliable. iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users on Twitter seem to be finding small, but noticeable bends just south of the handsets' volume controls. Front-pocket storage is all it takes to give the handset a gentle slope, according to some users, but it can be bent other ways too. Back pockets and malicious YouTube users (video from Unbox Therapy after the break) can both bend the device to their will. Update: Just for kicks, the same guy tried the same thing with a Galaxy Note 3, and while its plastic frame gave some squeaking under the pressure, it showed only slight warping after two attempts. There's the difference in materials to account for, but of course we're not surprised -- we've seen how Samsung tests its large phones under pressure. Update 2 (9/24): For one final video, Unbox Therapy lined up a few more phones: the new Moto X, HTC One (M8), iPhone 6, iPhone 5S and a Nokia Lumia 1020. Unsurprisingly, none bent to the degree of the iPhone 6 Plus, with only the iPhone 6 (standard) showing a slight bend. The Moto X and Lumia 1020 seemed the most resistant to pressure, while the One M8 and 5S creaked, but did not bend noticeably. Meanwhile, UBreakIFix gave it a shot, using a machine to stress several phones with exactly 100 lbs of pressure. The result there? The iPhone 6 Plus bent less than other large phones, but because of its metal frame, it couldn't bend back into shape afterwards. Overhyped video trend or real issue? Only time will tell, but you can see the test after the break, and for now, it looks like most other phones -- including Apple's -- don't respond to stress in the way the iPhone 6 Plus does.

    Sean Buckley
  • Samsung to offer flexible displays in 2012, challenges Nokia to a twist contest

    Flexible displays? Samsung's got 'em, too. A few days after Nokia showed off its Kinetic Device prototype under the blue lights of Nokia World, Samsung made mention of its own plans to unleash some bendy mobile devices on the world. A spokesperson for the company was scarce on details, but noted that the flexible displays are targeted for 2012. The technology, which was showcased at this year's CES, will initially be incorporated into handsets, with tablets following down the road.

    Brian Heater
  • Researchers enable tactile feedback for e-readers using real paper, just like the olden days (video)

    Brainiacs from Osaka University have created what they've called the Paranga -- a device that fulfills the lack of tactile feedback of page turns when using an e-reader. It's got a built in sensor that detects when the book is being bent and will rotate a roll of paper strips against your thumb. The force exerted against the device will control the speed of the paper roll. Although it's not accurate enough to turn one page at a time, the researches believe that if foil is used instead of paper, the voltage will be discharged as soon as a page is turned, ensuring single-page accuracy. If you want to see a video of the Paranga imitate page-turning, press play on the embed below the break.

    Sam Sheffer
  • Video: ASU's touch-screen ePaper display evokes the future from the past

    With the Kindle back in the news, everyone's interested in showing off their E-Ink displays. Here we have the latest video from Arizona State University's Flexible Display Center. Their new bendy display is touch-sensitive (stylus or finger) and makes us long for Apple's old Newton for some reason. Check the video after the break to see why.[Via I4U News]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Resistance Retribution video chronicles franchise story

    If you own a PSP, chances are you're excited about Resistance Retribution. But what if you've never played one of Insomniac's PS3 games? Will you be in the dark?Most likely not. The story of the Resistance games are pretty easy to follow: evil alien things attack earth, you fight back. A new series of videos on IGN will chronicle some of the behind-the-scenes elements of the game. Today's video, which you can check out after the break, details the franchise's story and how it ties into the upcoming Retribution.(Also, does anyone else notice the "Rise of the Chimera" title that's in the background? Most likely it's an early name for Retribution, but it would be hilarious if we accidentally discovered a new Resistance game.)

    Andrew Yoon
  • Resistance Ret. pre-order demo also at GameStop, BB

    Previously, we've reported that those who pre-order Resistance Retribution from Amazon would be getting an early access demo ahead of the game's scheduled March 17 release. However, now we've come to learn that other retailers like Game Crazy, Best Buy and GameStop will also be receiving the goods.PS.Blog notes that GameStop patrons can pre-order via the online store, same with Best Buy (when their pre-order page goes up), but sadly Game Crazy is in-store only. For now, have a gander at that slick box art and make a decision -- pre-order and get demo? Or, uh, not.

    Majed Athab
  • Flexicord cables get bent... and stay that way

    Ever have a cable you wanted to strangle? Well you're not alone, apparently. A company called E-Filliate issued a new series of USB, HDMI, Cat5, S-Video, and composite cables called Flexicord at CES this year which will bend -- and stay -- in any position you please, thus eliminating that frustration you must feel every time you plug in your camera or hook up your high fidelity sound system. The cables act like pipe cleaner or Gumby, so you can twist and shape them as you please, though apparently Pokey had to be killed and dissected so the technology could be obtained. Enjoy your new cable, murderers.[Via Everything USB]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Infect your PSP with Resistance 2 and Retribution connectivity

    In addition to the newly announced PSP Plus, Sony unveiled yet another way for your PSP and PS3 to interact with each other. All you have to do is connect a PSP running Resistance: Retribution with a PS3 running Resistance 2. Under R2's option screen, select "Infect your PSP!" and your PSP will enter "Infection mode."This "Infection mode" will cause your character in Retribution, former British Marine James Grayson, to become infected with an alternate mutated form of the Chimera virus Nathan Hale is infected with. You gain a new uniform, R2 weaponry, additional abilities, access to new Chimera areas, and more. Even the story will be slightly altered -- characters in the story will be aware of your Chimerian infection which will alter their behavior accordingly. For more details, Andrew has written a hands-on over at Joystiq that you can access right here.Source -- JoystiqSource -- PS.Blog

    Joystiq Staff
  • Resistance Retribution: the full details (and trailer)

    Click for high-resolution image. Yesterday, Sony surprised PSP fans by announcing a brand new PSP-exclusive expansion of the Resistance franchise. Very little was known about the game from its initial debut: all we knew was that it came to us via Sony Bend, the incredible studio that brought us last year's PSP Game of the Year, Syphon Filter. The engine that they developed for that third-person action title was stellar, but from the early looks of Resistance, the team at Bend has just begun flexing their PSP muscles.Unlike Resistance on PS3, the upcoming PSP titles will play from a third person perspecitve, just like the Syphon Filter franchise on PSP. The story takes place in between Resistance and Resistance 2. Set in the weeks after Fall of Man, Retribution follows the story of former British Marine James Grayson. He is forced to kill his own brother inside a Chimeran conversion center, and thus inspires his bloodlust to destroy every conversion center he can find. Unfortunately, the Chimera have figured out a new way to convert humans ... and he must join the Mquis, the European resistance, in their fight against the deadly Chimera army. %Gallery-27814%

    Andrew Yoon
  • Third-person 'Resistance: Retribution' coming to PSP in Spring 2009

    At their E3 press conference today, Sony announced Resistance: Retribution, a new third-person shooter in the popular first-person Resistance series for the PSP, coming in Spring 2009. The game is being produced by Bend Studio, the people behind Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror. More as we hear it.

    Kyle Orland
  • Stretchy silicon circuits wrap around complex shapes, like your wife

    The first "completely integrated, extremely bendable circuit" was just demonstrated to the world. The team behind the research is led by John Rogers of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The process bonds circuit sheets measuring just 1.5 micrometers (50 times thinner than human hair) to a piece of pre-stretched rubber. That allows the circuits to buckle like an accordion when pulled or twisted without losing their electrical properties. Unfortunately, the materials used thus far are not compatible with human tissue. In other words, no X-ray vision implant for you. X-ray contacts perhaps... quantum-computers now, please Mr. Scientists? Watch a circuit buckle in the video after the break.[Via BBC, thanks YoJIMbo]

    Thomas Ricker