

  • World of Warplanes takes off into official launch

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you've been anxiously awaiting the day that World of Warplanes would shed its lingering beta title, today is the day. After a brief delay the game has officially opened its doors for everyone, letting all players download to start dogfighting immediately. If you've played World of Tanks you have a solid idea of the core game concept, but instead of focusing on lumbering land weaponry this is all about high-speed planes engaged in aerial arenas. If you already play World of Tanks on a regular basis, the new title hopes to entice you with the new unified account system for both games, allowing you to enjoy some premium bonuses in both titles rather than just in the one. While there's no direct integration between the two (your plane can't fly in and strafe some tanks, for examples) it's still an incentive to get players into the same cockpit that 4.5 million beta testers sat in. So take to the skies, would-be pilots! Then shoot everything else up there that moves, including ducks. Especially ducks. [Source: press release]

  • DayZ still not ready for release

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    You can't really call what's happening to DayZ a series of delayz, since the game haz never formally announced a release date. But a lot of potential playerz are still waiting patiently for the standalone version to see the light of day. Lead developer Dean Hall took to Reddit recently to respond to player questionz regarding the long-awaited standalone and explain why the game still isn't out. In short, it isn't the game itself; it's the strain of keeping the game going around a large enough number of people. According to Hall, the big element holding the game back iz the continued work on ensuring client stability and framerate with a large enough number of playerz and zombiez. Hall cites 15 FPS az a bare minimum for the game to function, something that haz yet to be achieved even with existing optimizationz. Not that thiz will assuage those looking forward to playing the standalone version of the zombie survival simulator, but at least it clearz up the reasons for the wait.

  • The Nexus Telegraph: Winter in WildStar

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Another round of beta testing is almost here for WildStar, after what seems to have been forever and a day. And that's with the promise of upcoming class reveals after a several-month-long information drought on the game, something that I suspect all of us felt pretty acutely. No more waiting! There's information that will be coming fast and furious, even if the developers are going to start off with a refresher of the information we already have. Thus far, there's not a whole lot to react to. We have a clearer picture of the Warrior, we have a peek at a new build from the livestream, and we've seen some hoverboard footage. It's not what I would call a coherent picture just yet. But we can suss out a few new bits here and there, as well as some things that might not be worth getting all that excited about just yet. Yes, I'm saying it might not be worth getting excited about something. You read that right.

  • WildStar's livestream serves up a big helping of Warrior fun

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Are you looking forward to WildStar's big Warrior livestream? Because... we've got bad news for you then; that was yesterday. It happened. You missed it. But there's no need to fret. The livestream is still archived, and you can take a look at the full thing just past the break. And what does it contain? A whole lot of Warrior time as well as a whole lot of time looking at what's changed compared to previous game builds. For starters, this build has a chance to show off both the new ability enhancement and AMP systems, replacements to the original Milestone setup (although the interface for both is still obviously in beta stages). The Warrior also gets to demonstrate some of the new elements of the UI, like telegraphs serving as cast bars, allowing you to know just when dodging out will be absolutely vital. No need to take our word for it, though; check out the full video just past the break!

  • Infinite Crisis shows off Harley Quinn

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Harley Quinn has gone from being a simple sidekick for the Joker to being a respected villain in her own right, albeit one that's generally seen as something of an airhead. It's easy to forget that she was a psychiatrist assigned to take care of the Joker in the first place. So it kind of makes sense that she'd be more than just another pretty smash-happy character in Infinite Crisis, instead taking a more subtle role as a healer and support. Harley's passive ability buffs movement and attack speed for all nearby allies, while her activated abilities consist of a direct heal, a ranged attack, a knockback, and a knockup. The net result is that Harley works as support for teammates, knocking away certain enemies while keeping her immediate team healed and buffed. Check out the video preview past the break for more details on how to make the most of Harley's specific arsenal.

  • Players show off Lord of the Rings Online's epic battles in Helm's Deep beta

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The central feature of Lord of the Rings Online's upcoming expansion is battles of a truly astounding size. Battles large enough to truly earn the name of epic. With the drop of the NDA, players have taken it upon themselves to produce an equally epic assembly of footage for these epic battles. Narrators Andang, Ethelros, and Pineleaf have created five videos walking through all of the enormous battles, from smaller scale to the biggest possible encounters. As the videos show, success in these battles is not simply a matter of killing all of your enemies, focusing instead upon tactical management of the supporting NPCs while keeping an eye toward how many enemy forces are incoming. It also requires some amount of the calculation you'd expect, allowing some forces to fall so that your main force remains healthy. But you don't need to take our word for it -- click on past the break and start watching. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

  • Funcom opens LEGO Minifigures Online beta registration

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you still have sleepless nights mourning the loss of LEGO Universe, the announcement of LEGO Minifigures Online was like a ray of sunshine. For that portion of the audience -- and anyone else really looking forward to playing in a brick-based playground -- today's news will be even more welcome. Funcom has opened a registration site for players interested in taking part in the game's beta, with the first phase scheduled to start in... early November. Yes, it is early November right now; we told you it was good news. The gameplay focus will be familiar to anyone with a love of LEGO toys. Collect minifigures with unique abilities, collect bricks, and build new things to improve your abilities and learn new tricks. Cross-promotions are also planned with bagged minifigures, allowing you to jump in with your collected figures right off the bat. Go ahead and sign up for the beta if this sounds like just your cup of brick-based play. [Source: Funcom press release]

  • WildStar implores Dominion citizens to go space-west in a new arkship

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Do you feel the lure of the frontier? WildStar's Dominion certainly hopes you do. But as a citizen of the most powerful organization in the known galaxy, you won't be heading out into the frontier with nothing more than a spacesuit and a poorly written star chart. No, you'll be cruising to Nexus in the finest vessel ever built by the Dominion shipyards, the arkship Destiny! Assuming you pass the tests to be sent out there in the first place. The Dominion can't just send the rabble, after all. The latest installment of WildStar Wednesday details the luxurious amenities in all their glory, ranging from VIP lounges and ample recreational space to training simulations and a fully functional church. Those selected for the journey will be given every opportunity to excel once they touch down on the planet's surface, with experienced travelers given the option of bypassing most of the tutorial experience for a trip straight to Nexus. Take a look at the full rundown to get a better idea of how the Dominion travels in style, which will likely be contrasted by the Exiles arriving in a spacesuit with a poorly written star chart.

  • The Nexus Telegraph: WildStar reveals; we analyze

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    We've gotten some substantial updates about WildStar over the last two weeks. Not as substantial as we might necessarily want, but I don't think anyone realistically expected this much news. Frankly, after an extended drought of worthwhile information, I'm happy to get as much as we have. Some of it has been hinted at before, some of it's completely new, and some of it is both unexpected and highly welcome. And then we've gotten some hints worth speculating upon, even if we haven't been told what's happening outright. So in the grand tradition of this column guessing at things only to be proven wrong not long thereafter, it's time to analyze and speculate a whole mess of things, starting with the biggest element that I didn't expect from WildStar at all, and that's all the cross-realm features. That's way more intriguing than mere class speculation.

  • Excalibur's sidescrolling action now available on iOS

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last month, Android users got to taunt Apple owners with a nyeener nyeener when the sidescrolling action-brawler Excalibur's beta became available for Android devices only. But as of today, Apple users are no longer out of the loop; the iOS version is available for download free from the App Store. So now, no matter your device, you can adventure together in the realm of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table while on the go. To celebrate, R2Games and are planning some contests to give players a chance to earn some in-game goodies. With the beta release on both mobile platforms out of the way, devs can start to turn their focus on future game content, including the fourth playable class: the Archer. [Source: R2Games press release]

  • Heva Clonia Online moves into open beta on October 17th

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The first Heva Clonia Online beta test went well. Quite well, in fact. So well that the team has decided that it's time to move straight into open beta. It's a bit like having a good date and then volunteering to move into the other person's home at the end of the evening. On October 17th, the game opens up to everyone who signs up for another round of testing, with no date announced for the close of testing. If you've been holding off for the usual fear of having none of your progress matter, you can take heart that no further progress will be wiped between now and the conclusion of testing. Whether or not this will be the final test phase or an interim step is not announced. But test away, knowing that the only difference between now and launch will be the addition of the cash shop. And presumably some bugfixes along the way. [Source: OGPlanet press release]

  • Aura Kingdom offers its first installment of story

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Let's face it, every MMO's lore is fundamentally an explanation for why there's something to kill and what you hope to accomplish by killing it. But even in the games that only need the thinnest veneer of a plot anyway, there's still some lore, and someone's going to be happy to learn about it. Aura Kingdom is aiming at having a bit more than an excuse plot, evidenced by the fact that a large piece of lore has just been placed up on the main site prior to the game's beta test commencing. The crux of the game's history hinges around the Cube of Gaia, an immensely powerful artifact that was discovered roughly 1,000 years prior to the game's present. This first bit of lore covers the first empire to control the Cube, with a normadic warchief rising to worldwide domination through careful use of the Cube's power. Take a look at the lore, and if it appeals, go ahead and sign up for beta while you're there.

  • Battle and usability being improved in The Repopulation

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Someone always wants to play a melee character. You could give everyone in an MMO the ability to shoot something dead from two zones over and there would be at least one player rushing into melee range to smack at it. Hence why The Repopulation has made a point of upping melee's viability by improving its ability to hit a moving target; if someone's going to do it anyway, it may as well be viable. Medical abilities have also been improved, and the game's crosshairs and aiming assistance have both received an upgrade. The other two major areas of improvement for the game's past month of development has been the addition of new content near Plymouth (including a truly massive cave network) and improvements to missions and mission templates to make the game easier to jump into. The inquiry system also allows players to collect data on the game world, and the Surveying skill allows players to figure out where harvestable resources are located. Take a look at the full patch notes for an in-depth look at how the game has changed as it moves ever closer to its beta test phase.

  • Sidescrolling MMO Excalibur available for download on Android devices

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Have you recently found yourself playing a fantasy MMO while thinking that it would be better as a sidescrolling brawler on your Android device? Really? Because that's kind of specific. But, as it turns out, you are in luck. Excalibur has opened the beta gates to Android players, allowing anyone who wants to kill and loot in a sidescrolling environment a chance to do just that. The game is also aiming at an iOS release in October. Regardless of what images the terms "sidescrolling free-to-play fantasy brawler" might conjure in your head, the team at R2Games and Elex emphasize that the game features more than simply action combat. Players choose between three classes and can take part in both group and solo content, join guilds, and engage in PvP. It might be just the thing for anyone looking for a bit of a break from the norm on the go.

  • Ask Massively: The order of all the things

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    This week in Ask Massively, we're fielding two queries about how we position games in some of our weekly roundup columns. As an obsessive list-maker, I understand the need to make sense of list chaos, believe me. I actually have lists of my lists. I'm not kidding. Our first question is from Siphaed, who wondered about the entries in our Week in Review: I'm a bit confused why The Elder Scrolls Online and Star Citizen got above FFXIV. Don't get me wrong, I honestly don't like either game and still prefer the one above all three (Guild Wars 2). However, I see that FFXIV has four key articles dedicated to it this past week and the other two have only three each. I would think that it would get a slight priority in the pecking order based on that. If not, what are the credentials for one game getting priority over the others in the article listing? I love that you guys think we're sitting around steepling our fingers trying to decide which game should go on top and get the golden star sticker for the week, but unfortunately, it's nowhere near that much fun!

  • Closed beta begins for Heva Clonia Online

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Why should only a select few classes get to play around with pets? That's a question posed by Heva Clonia Online, a new free-to-play title entering closed beta testing today. Heva Clonia Online allows players to clone monsters encountered throughout the game, use them as pets, and even pit them directly against other pets in arena battles. This is somewhat reminiscent of a title from Nintendo, but it is completely legally distinct. If pets aren't so much your thing, the game also features a variety of minigames and two-person dungeons to break up the usual format of MMO gameplay. OGPlanet is also giving away a free gamepad to 10 lucky players who manage to reach level 10 between now and the time the beta ends on September 30th. If you'd like a chance to get in and start pocketing monsters, you can sign up for the beta test on the official site. [Source: OGPlanet press release]

  • Lord of the Rings Online: Helm's Deep launches on November 18th

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's the news every Lord of the Rings Online player has been waiting on for what seems like a long while. Helm's Deep is launching on November 18th, bringing with it new regions to explore, an increase in the level cap to 95, and of course the eponymous battle itself. And there's even a new trailer to get players all pumped to wage war against a whole lot of orcs. Now that the launch date is announced, Turbine is also willing to take your money for the expansion. The base edition costs $39.99 and includes a cosmetic chestpiece, a title, and 1000 Turbine points, while also providing a new mount and experience booster usable right now. The Premium edition costs $59.99 and offers everything in the base edition along with another title, a full suit of cosmetic armor, 10 extra quest log slots, another 1000 Turbine points (so 2000 total), and an item to add a Legacy to your weapon. Oh, and a special cloak to use right now. Click on past the break to see the trailer, and get ready for the siege starting in November. [Source: Turbine Entertainment press release]

  • The Elder Scrolls Online's Paul Sage talks about dungeons and player experience

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    How closely have you been following The Elder Scrolls Online? Are you eagerly devouring every new piece of information that's trickled out following PAX Prime? Because there's a new video interview out with creative director Paul Sage that should provide you plenty to devour. Sage comments on some of the major changes made to the game for its PAX appearance (such as the implementation of the new compass and a more "weighty" feel to the combat) as well as the game's launch dungeons. He also mentions the Veteran Point system currently in development, a form of alternate advancement after your character hits the level cap. Of course, anyone eager for information has no doubt signed up for beta, which means you'll want to check your mail religiously today as a new round of testing invitations has gone out. Would-be players can also take part in an emote contest to win beta access as a grand prize. Or you can just check out the full interview video after the break. [Thanks to Jeff for the tip!]

  • Anarchy Online opens beta testing for new graphics engine

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    A new graphical engine can make an old game feel new again. Anarchy Online has had a new engine in the works for what feels like forever now, with one delay or another pushing back implementation repeatedly. But fans of the game can rejoice, as the end is in sight -- the new graphical engine is open for beta testing, with all of the same content as the existing game and a much prettier way to look at it. The team at Funcom is starting in closed beta, with players asked to create new characters rather than copy over existing ones to test out the included new player experience. Those interested in testing will need to sign up, with invitations coming in waves until the NDA is dropped and open testing is put into place. And there are some improvements to social items and the like, but what most players are going to be focusing on is the facelift. [Thanks to zendadaist for the tip!]

  • The Repopulation introduces new event systems in its August updates

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    One of the major design goals of The Repopulation is a sense of a world in motion, shaped by players but also influencing player actions. August's updates to the game included the implementation of the Area and World Event systems, facilitating just that sort of gameplay. According to the most recent development blog, these systems track what's going on in the world, direct players to unexpected happenings, and then start to chain new events based off of those metrics. There are also NPCs in place to direct players toward hotbeds of activity. The game's other mechanics have also received further tuning. Cities can now benefit from new happiness-increasing structures and more flexible placement options, combat values have been tweaked, and new engagements have been added for siege warfare. There is also a variety of bugfixes and general balance tweaks, which can be found in the full patch notes included with the development blog.