blackberry 6


  • RIM says BlackBerry Enterprise Server 10 users will get legacy device support, IT admins (may) rest easy

    Corporate server managers everywhere were given a jolt this week when rumors emerged that RIM might implement a hard cutoff for BlackBerry Enterprise Server 10: any devices based on BlackBerry 7 and earlier might not connect at all, leaving IT leads with the uncomfortable choice of either running a BlackBerry server platform that's supposedly without a future (BES 5) or having to upgrade both the servers and phones all at once. RIM is putting minds at ease -- more or less. The company's Kim Geiger has confirmed in a statement to the media that BES 10 will support legacy devices when it ships in the first quarter of 2013, and that existing server customers will get an upgrade for smooth sailing around when BlackBerry 10 arrives. That's no doubt a comfort, but there are lingering doubts. Rumor source BGR maintains that companies will have to run both the old and new servers side-by-side to address everyone, which could make a truly harmonious environment complex, expensive or both. We've reached out to RIM for a more definitive explanation to hopefully settle the matter. In the meantime, we wouldn't panic; no one is being pushed to adopt BES 10 right away, and those that want to upgrade don't have to give up their legacy hardware.

    Jon Fingas
  • Leaked BlackBerry Bold Touch simulation offers tire-kickers a bumpy joyride

    If you ache to get your hands on the BlackBerry Bold Touch and lack any semblance of patience, RIM's recently leaked simulator offers an opportunity to vicariously manhandle its upcoming creation -- all from the comfort of your Windows computer. Although the software isn't without quirks (as evidenced above), the 177MB download includes system v6.1.0.55 -- more commonly known as BlackBerry 7 OS. The functionality is rather robust, and we happily took the web browser for a quick drive around the block. It provided a pleasant rendering of our sister-site Autoblog, but the simulator started sputtering once we approached our own domain. Perhaps you'll have better luck. So, if you're suitably equipped and a wee bit curious, you can start kicking these tires by following the source. [Thanks, Zaoist]

    Zachary Lutz
  • AT&T bestows BlackBerry OS 6 upon the Bold 9700

    AT&T's Bold 9700 owners undoubtedly cringed with jealousy as T-Mobile announced BlackBerry OS 6 for the 9700, though less than a month later, Ma Bell is making amends with an OS 6 release of its own. Yes, the long wait is over, and rather than watching us play with RIM's creation (as you have for months), just hit the source link for some download action to call your own.

    Zachary Lutz
  • RIM to launch 6.1 update as BlackBerry 7 OS at BlackBerry World next week? (update: yes)

    CrackBerry has just dropped word via "numerous sources" that RIM will be revealing the next iteration of its mobile OS at the fast approaching BlackBerry World conference -- and no, it's still not QNX. Despite consistent rumblings that upcoming devices like the Bold Touch, and Monaco would be launching with OS 6.1, it seems that RIM has decided to re-brand the update completely as BlackBerry 7, perhaps to increase the value proposition and differentiate new devices being announced along with it. However, the site also speculates that current phones running BB6 may not get any BB7 action right off the bat -- which could make sense, given that new features like NFC are only present in upcoming devices. All this is naturally unconfirmed, but if this is indeed yet another version of the BlackBerry OS, well, that certainly won't help the platform get any more developer love. Update: It's offficial. CrackBerry is reporting that RIM Co-CEO Jim Balsillie has informed investors of the new nomenclature on its earnings call, adding that "It's such a big update from 6." We can't wait to see for ourselves.

    Jacob Schulman
  • BlackBerry Bold Touch 9930 gets the hands-on treatment, complete with elevator music (video)

    Have the leaked specs and tutorial video got you yearning for more BlackBerry Bold Touch coverage? Well, today's your lucky day, RIM-o-philes, because we've got new some moving pictures with real, live human fingers doing the touchscreen two-step on the diminutive display of a next-gen Bold 9930 (codename Montana). Though a small sample, the footage does confirm earlier reports that the screen is quite responsive, so it shouldn't have trouble making capacitive converts out of those in the optical trackpad troop. We know, BlackBerry World and the new Bold's debut can't come soon enough, so do some self-soothing, view the new vid, and breathe -- you'll have your hands on one before you know it.

    Michael Gorman
  • BlackBerry 6 OS (finally) available for Bold 9700 on T-Mobile

    To all the fine folks carrying T-Mobile's BlackBerry 9700, we commend your patience. As your friends and co-workers enjoyed BlackBerry 6's spoils: keeping up on social feeds, enjoying a deeper and more fluid search, and -- oh yeah, a WebKit browser -- you've begrudgingly contained your jealousy, applying theme after theme in desperate hope to make your phone feel new again. Sure, you knew 6.0 was coming, but after a long, long wait, even the inevitable becomes questionable -- which makes us happy to announce that your BlackBerry 6 OS is now just a download away. So go ahead, cruise over to T-Mobile's website there in the source, and soon enough you'll be cracking jokes with the best of 'em (at the expense of Tour owners, that is.) [Thanks, Alex]

    Zachary Lutz
  • Verizon offering BlackBerry 6 upgrades for Bold 9650 and Curve 3G tonight

    RIM and its partner carriers have been promising BlackBerry 6 updates for a number of recent models, and Verizon's getting a couple of the heavyweights out of the way today with the introduction of official upgrade packages for the Bold 9650 and Curve 3G 9330. In addition to universal search and an overall streamlined UI, one of the most important improvements here is the addition of RIM's WebKit-based browser that makes hitting your favorite pages moderately less painful than before. Look for the update to become available at 8:00PM Eastern this evening, both online (see the Source links for instructions) and over-the-air.

    Chris Ziegler
  • RIM's WebWorks SDK: make apps compatible with both PlayBook and BlackBerry 6

    RIM's adding yet more incentive for developers to give its PlayBook tablet a chance. The company's just launched a beta of WebWorks SDK, a collection of tools that lets you package up your web applications, with access to the hardware capabilities, as apps compatible with both the PlayBook and BlackBerry 6 smartphone devices. RIM also released a handful of new SDKs and extended the free PlayBook offer to March 15th. If you're the sort who dreams in binary, hit up the relevant links below.

    Ross Miller
  • Just got a BlackBerry? The best apps, accessories, and tips

    So you just got a BlackBerry, huh? First off, welcome to the world of glorious hardware keyboards and the holy grail of mobile messaging we mortals call BBM. Once you get past the novelty of sending the obligatory "mypin" texts to everyone you know, you're probably thinking to yourself -- what now? Luckily for you we've compiled a list of our favorite apps and accessories, as well as some veteran tricks of the trade, so head past the break for a crash course in doing more than just playing BrickBreaker on a BlackBerry. Hey Android friends, we got you covered, too! Did you get an iPad? Check out our guide here! Found an iPhone in your stocking? Read our list of must-haves!

    Jacob Schulman
  • Skype supports Verizon's not-yet-released BlackBerry 6 upgrades for Curve 3G and Bold 9650

    Verizon enjoys a tight relationship with Skype, so it makes sense that they'd want to make sure the Skype Mobile app is good and ready for upcoming products updates. To that end, Skype has already announced a refreshed app for two BlackBerry 6-powered models on Big Red that technically don't yet exist, the Bold 9650 and Curve 3G. At present, both of those handsets are still puttering along on version 5 -- but now that this is going down, we can't imagine the wait's going to be much longer.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Editorial: RIM seems to be as lost as my BlackBerry

    The only way to open this editorial is to admit something I've been rather shy about on the pages of Engadget: I've been an avid BlackBerry fan and user for about six years now. I mean a real addict -- the kind who wakes up each morning looking for a blinking red LED, the kind who's refused to give up push email and BlackBerry Messenger in favor of more powerful, polished, and progressive mobile operating systems like iOS, Android, and webOS. In fact, when my Verizon contract was up last year I opted to get a Curve 8530 instead of the Motorola Droid or Palm Pre -- to say nothing of making the leap over to AT&T for the iPhone.There were lots of reasons I didn't want to give up my BlackBerry, but five days ago I lost that very Curve in a San Francisco cab. Then coincidentally, a day later I saw RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis speak at the D: Dive Into Mobile conference, where he almost embarrassingly avoided every question about the company's immediate smartphone strategy. I had always known that RIM was behind the curve (always a great pun!), but I also always had hope that the company would catch up with modern smartphones of today. Sadly, watching Mike dodge questions on the D stage took that hope away from me -- it's crystal clear that RIM won't have a solution to compete with those powerful smartphones anytime soon. So, what happens to a BlackBerry diehard like myself? Where do I go from here?

    Joanna Stern
  • BlackBerry Bold 9780 finally official, hitting T-Mobile on November 17th for $130

    After what feels like an eternity of leaks, RIM has finally (finally!) come forward with the first BlackBerry Bold to ship with BlackBerry 6. The Bold 9780 looks exactly as we expected it to (meaning not too far from the 9700 design tree), boasting an optical trackpad, QWERTY keyboard, a WebKit-based browser and a five megapixel camera. You'll also get inbuilt 3G / WiFi, and at least on the T-Mob version, UMA / WiFi calling. Geotagging your images is a breeze courtesy of the integrated GPS module, and RIM's also tossing in 512MB of Flash memory as well as a microSD slot. We're told to expect it from "various carriers around the world beginning in November," with T-Mobile USA confirming that its version will hit on the 17th of next month for $129.99 on a two-year contract.

    Darren Murph
  • RIM pushes out software update for BlackBerry Torch, promises speed improvements aplenty

    Well, it looks RIM hasn't been ignoring all those complaints about its less than speedy BlackBerry Torch -- the company has just pushed out an updated version of BlackBerry 6 for the device that promises a whole host of speed improvements. That includes faster page loading and improved panning in the browser, improved responsiveness after unlocking the device, faster application launching, exiting and switching, faster rendering and smoother transitions on the home screen, faster rendering of thumbnails in the picture application, and faster and smoother scrolling in the message list and when reading email -- oh, and improved audio quality too. Look for the update (v6.0.0.695) to begin rolling out directly to devices over the next week and a half, or simply hit up either RIM or AT&T below to skip the wait and download the update right now.

    Donald Melanson
  • Unannounced BlackBerry Bold 9780 covered in detail -- twice over

    The floodgates are really starting to open wide on this Bold 9780, a phone that by all accounts seems like an ultra-mild Bold 9700 refresh with BlackBerry 6 preinstalled. Both TechnoBuffalo and Mainguyen, a Vietnamese retailer, have full previews posted where we can see the darker bezel in full detail along with confirmation that it'll be packing a 5 megapixel camera and 512MB of RAM, double the 9700's. TechnoBuffalo is reporting that the new WebKit-based browser is still mad slow on this thing -- but let's face it, painful browsing is something BlackBerry customers are already well-accustomed to, so it shouldn't come as a surprise. Check out the source links for plenty of imagery and video (or, you know, just pull your 9700 out of your pocket and imagine BlackBerry 6 on it).

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry Bold 9780 in the wild one more time, still looks exactly like a 9700

    Look, we know that every new BlackBerry model is going to bear a striking resemblance to the model it replaces -- that's just how RIM does things -- but isn't this getting a little out of hand? The BlackBerry 6-equipped Bold 9780 has been leaked a few times at this point, but we're seeing it now for the first time totally unshackled from Mr. Blurrycam's surly bonds... and yeah, if you had any doubts as to whether it was a dead ringer for the 9700 it'll likely be replacing, you can put those doubts to rest. Of course, when you've got a keyboard as good as the Bold series does, sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone, we suppose -- just makes that lucrative early upgrade market a little tougher to tap. [Thanks, Dion]

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry Bold 9650 gets a fresh 6.0 leak, might be stable this time

    BlackBerry 6 has yet to hit any non-touchscreen (or non-Torch, for that matter) devices in an official capacity, but goodness knows that doesn't mean there aren't binaries floating around. A version labeled for the Bold 9650 offered by the likes of Sprint, Verizon, and US Cellular has recently hit the streets, and it's apparently a good deal more solid than the older that had been leaked previously -- so if you're the enterprising type and you've no interest in waiting for your carrier to get their butt in gear, this might be an option worth investigating. Proceed with caution as always, of course... or with wild abandon. Up to you.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Sprint gets a BlackBerry Curve 3G of its own, going for $50 on contract

    Unless you're a huge fan of Sprint's Everything Data plan, it looks as if Verizon's BlackBerry Curve 3G is the one to get -- unless you enjoy spending $20 more (on contract) for the same thing on Sprint, that is. Just hours after Big Red announced that the 9330 would soon be coming its way, in flies Sprint to play copycat. The Curve 3G is the same as it ever was, boasting BlackBerry OS 5, a trackpad / QWERTY layout, two megapixel camera, 802.11b/g WiFi, GPU, dedicated media keys 512MB of Flash memory, a microSD / SDHC slot (2GB card bundled in) and a couple of color options (graphite gray and royal purple). Sprint's keen on you knowing that this here phone will be eligible for an upgrade to BlackBerry OS 6 in early 2011, but you can go ahead and grab one starting September 26th.

    Darren Murph
  • BlackBerry Style 9670's UI demoed in leaked official videos

    RIM has yet to officially announce the upcoming Style 9670 flip, but the leakfest continues today with a handful of new videos -- professionally-produced ones this time -- that show off key features of the UI and how to use them. Unlike the Torch, the Style lacks a touchscreen -- it just wouldn't be prudent in a clamshell form factor -- which means we're seeing just what it's like to navigate the finer points of BlackBerry 6's user interface with an optical pad (and secondary display) alone on a larger, portrait-oriented display. We're hopeful that RIM's new platform has a certain... well, a certain "something" on non-touchscreen devices that the Torch lacks, but time will tell, we suppose. Follow the break for the full video series.

    Chris Ziegler
  • BlackBerry Bold 9780 spotted in the wild yet again, this time in white

    It's still not official, but the BlackBerry Bold 9780 hasn't exactly been making itself shy over the past couple of months, having turned up in the wild, on video, and now in the wild yet again in a white version. As before, the device appears to be mostly identical to the Bold 9700 it's presumably replacing, with the biggest changes being a new 5-megapixel camera, 512MB of RAM instead of 256MB and, of course, BlackBerry 6 for an OS. Still no firm indication of a release date, but Phone Arena is speculating that it will launch in October, possibly on T-Mobile and AT&T. Hit up the source link below for a few more pics.

    Donald Melanson
  • Bold 9650 spied running BlackBerry 6

    RIM has already gone on record saying that the CDMA-equipped Bold 9650 has been mercifully tapped for a BlackBerry 6 upgrade "subject to carrier certifications in the months ahead," but where's the proof, RIM? How do we know you're not just spouting a bald-faced lie? Okay, okay, we don't doubt BlackBerry 6 is coming for the 9650 owners out there, but it's still nice to see a few shots of a Verizon-branded model with the new code in the wild. Word on the street is that it's running really slow right now, so it might be a while until they iron out enough kinks to get it to retail -- but who knows, maybe we can count on a leaked firmware or three in the meantime.

    Chris Ziegler