

  • Breakfast Topic: Did you get your BlizzCon tickets?

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    In a stunning twist, we actually didn't experience any catastrophic failures in regard to the BlizzCon ticket purchases yesterday morning. Any of you who were around for last year's fiasco know why it's so surprising! In fact, the only real issue we can think of is that there just weren't enough tickets for all of us to buy this go-'round. Not even Matt "Matthew" ""Matticus"" "Low", the Smartest Blogger, was bright enough to purchase extra tickets. Thankfully, half of eBay was, so we can still (defeated though we are) purchase them for a million dollars. Or we can wait two weeks. So, what about you guys? Do you like the new ticket queue system? Did you get your BlizzCon tickets? If not, are you determinedly planning on trying again on the 30th, sulking about and eating pints of cookie dough ice cream until then, or swearing off WoW completely and running away to live in a convent? We should know! You should tell us!

  • What's your best BlizzCon memory?

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Did you manage to get your tickets? I'm sure there will be plenty of folks who are returning to BlizzCon. I wasn't able to go but I followed WoW Insider's coverage of the event from the opening ceremonies to the final concert. It was an awesome time for fans to get insight on some of the behind the scenes aspects of WoW, including an art gallery, a sound panel, and an introduction to Ghostcrawler.I have to admit that even with the massive amount of information on classes and mechanics, my favorite part was the goofy fan stuff. I love how some people really get into their costumes and dances. I think I missed out most by missing the WoW Insider meet up. It's amazing that real people get so into our favorite game franchises.For those of you who went last year, or even were following along with me, what's the best BlizzCon memory that you carry with you?BlizzCon 2009 is coming up on August 21st and 22nd! We've got all the latest news and information. At BlizzCon you can play the latest games, meet your guildmates, and ask the developers your questions. Plus, there's some great looking costumes.

  • BlizzCon Flashback: The Panels of BlizzCon 2008

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Tickets are sold out for the day, and most of us are probably a little angry, but don't forget! There's another day of ticket sales on the 30th! If you haven't made your decision on whether you want to go or not yet, you're running out of time and it's probably a good time to look back on the BlizzCon that was. BlizzCon 2008 lacked any major World of Warcraft announcements, Blizzard's other franchises stole the spotlight last year, but that doesn't mean WoW wasn't there in spades. Let's take a moment to look back on that, shall we? The Opening CeremoniesBlizzCon 2008 kicked off with the opening ceremonies, hosted by Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime. Morhaime delivered many facts and figures about the World of Warcraft at the time (if WoW were a country, it would be the 75th largest in the world), and announced a new class for Diablo III: The Wizard.

  • BlizzCon ticket status

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    This post will be updated throughout the day today as tickets to BlizzCon 2009 are being sold. Ticket sales are expected to begin at 10:00 a.m. PDT / 12:00 p.m. CDT / 1:00 p.m. EDT. Please feel free to leave a comment with your latest BlizzCon ticket experiences, and let us know if you run into any difficulties. If you have questions or want to be alerted to updates in a different way, check us out on Twitter today.1:28 p.m. EDT: Sold out until May 30th. I'd really love to know how many tickets they released. We had people on staff in position 5000 in the queue not get a ticket.Older updates after the break. BlizzCon 2009 is coming up on August 21st and 22nd! We've got all the latest news and information. At BlizzCon you can play the latest games, meet your guildmates, and ask the developers your questions. Plus, there's some great looking costumes.

  • Breakfast Topic: Will you be chasing BlizzCon tickets?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    In just a few short hours from now, we'll have our first chance to get our hands on BlizzCon tickets. Many of you (and most of us, too) are probably already parked in front of your computers, hoping and praying that Blizzard's new queue system works as intended and the whole thing goes smoothly. What I'm curious to find out is exactly how many of you are actually doing that.We know it's a lot, because BlizzCon's popularity speaks for itself. I think that any of you that were around for last year's ticket sales know that very well. This year, though, there are more offerings that will let you see BlizzCon without actually attending BlizzCon. DIRECTV customers can see the whole thing on PPV for just shy of $40, and non-DIRECTV customers can stream it online for the same price. That's quite a bit cheaper than making a trip to California. That's not even taking all of the fansites into consideration, either. I've had a few people say to me, "Why go to BlizzCon when I can just read the liveblogs on X and Y site?"Where do you stand on this whole thing? Are you going to try to get tickets, or are you going to avoid getting wrapped up in the mess this year? I, for one, will be in the queue today.%Poll-30175%

  • BlizzCon ticket sale time for Saturday announced

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Just a day before the first batch of ticket sales for BlizzCon happens, Blizzard has announced the time the ticket sale will begin:10:00 a.m. PDT tomorrow.As we've mentioned before, BlizzCon tickets this year will be handed out in a queue system. That means first come first served. If you haven't done so already, follow our pro tip and get your account setup today.We'll be here with updates throughout the day tomorrow on the ticket sales, and hopefully it will all be smooth. However in the event that sales falter again like they did last year, expect to see that news as well.Good luck!

  • BlizzCon Pro Tip: Setup your account now

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    You want tickets to BlizzCon 2009?You want to enter the queue to purchase them tomorrow?You've heard the horror stories about how it all went haywire last year?Well, here's the pro tip of all pro tips, even better than Turpster's Tips: make your account now and make sure your credit card / check card has enough money to cover the $125 cost of the ticket. While Blizzard has done a lot to make sure that the system will be smoother than last year, if you've already bought a plane ticket out to LA and have the hotels booked, etc., you'll want to be 100% sure you do everything you can do get these elusive tickets easily.The whole process takes just a couple of minutes, and you don't have to tie your World of Warcraft account to the account unless you want to. They can remain entirely separate. Head over to the account creation page and do this now!

  • WoW Insider's BlizzCon coverage this Saturday

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    BlizzCon tickets will be going on sale tomorrow, Saturday May 16th. While no specific time has been announced when they go on sale, there has been some conjecture. But it should be taken with a very small grain of salt.WoW Insider will be up and running from 8am EDT onwards tomorrow, bringing you everything as it happens. This includes posting and twittering the moment the ticket sales go up. For additional BlizzCon information, check out our recently released Guide to BlizzCon 2009. All the latest information will be kept there, and of course, right here on the main site when the news breaks.And if there are any ticketing problems... well, we'll be covering that too. Here's hoping for the best.

  • Blizz doesn't know what time BlizzCon tickets will go on sale

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    BlizzCon tickets go on sale in two days, this Saturday, May 16th. One question we at WoW Insider have received several times is: "when on Saturday do the tickets go on sale?" So far, Blizzard has been silent on this issue. Turns out there's a good reason for that - they don't know themselves. Bornakk puts it as follows: "we don't have an exact time on when they will be up but our web engineers will need to be here to properly start and monitor the system when it goes live so we don't plan to be doing that in the middle of the night." In response to a poster's conjecture that since the billing department is going to be open from 9 AM to 6 PM this Saturday (they're not usually open on weekends), tickets will be sold during that time as well, Bornakk calls it a "solid line of thought." So that's the best information we have so far: not in the middle of the night, and probably sometime between 9 AM and 6 PM PDT. If we hear any more, we'll keep you posted. BlizzCon 2009 is coming up on August 21st and 22nd! We've got all the latest news and information. At BlizzCon you can play the latest games, meet your guildmates, and ask the developers your questions. Plus, there's some great looking costumes.