

  • 'Calendula' wants to be a weird mix of 'Twin Peaks' and 'PT'

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Why would anyone play a game that doesn't want to be played? It's a question with an answer, though it may be buried within the spastic, terrifying scenes of Calendula, the game in development at Blooming Buds, a small studio in Madrid, Spain. Developers describe Calendula as a game with roots in experimental art and classic horror, taking inspiration from famed thriller TV series Twin Peaks and PT, Hideo Kojima's spooky demo for the PlayStation 4. Designer Aleix Garrido says that Calendula aims to break classic video game conventions and the fourth wall in one weird blow. It all begins with a question posed by Calendula itself: How do you play a game that doesn't want to be played?