

  • Hulu asks Boxee to pull content, it complies

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    That was short lived -- it hasn't been six months since Boxee added one of its most popular features yet and now Hulu is putting a stop to it. A real reason wasn't given -- big surprise -- but Hulu is saying it was at the request of the content providers. While no one really knows what Fox and NBC's objections are to Boxee, we're sad to say it actually kinda makes sense to us. Both media giants make most of their money from traditional cable and broadcast TV, and offering this content on your TV in a convenient way threatens the current model (read money) -- you can't say you haven't thought about getting Hulu on your TV so you could cancel cable. The real bad news is that we'd bet that this is just the beginning, and that every STB out there with Hulu will follow. Of course some of them won't comply, but either way it puts them in a bad situation. Hopefully this won't another trend and that the likes of ABC, CBS and Netflix don't follow.[Via Boxee Blog]

  • How-to guide explains boxee / Vista Media Center integration

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've already seen boxee for Windows previewed, but if you've been toying with the idea of integrating it into your Vista Media Center setup, you'll probably want to give the read link a look. In short, the step-by-step guide walks you gently through the integration procedure in order to provide easy access to built-in Windows functions (recorded shows, for instance) as well as boxee's portal to the best content the web has to offer. Have a look at the results video just after the break.

  • boxee adds to its slew of internet video sources

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    With the latest announcement from boxee, we are really starting to wonder what's left? Sure we know there is plenty of internet content out there that isn't accessible on boxee, but not much. At the very least with that addition of, you can now stream video from every major online video source worth mentioning. The bad news is that at this point only boxee Mac users can enjoy the season premiere of Lost via boxee, but the team is working furiously to add it to the Apple TV build just as soon as possible -- hopefully in the "next few days."

  • boxee mulls production of its own set-top-box

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    boxee took full advantage of its space at CES this year, and according to a recent post on its blog, it fielded quite a few inquiries from other companies about crafting a boxee-branded set-top-box. Currently, the only way to get boxee running is to install it on your TV-connected PC or inelegantly onto an Apple TV. A number of companies approached boxee asking for its thoughts on embedding the application into "existing or future products," so the cats at boxee are coming right out and soliciting your opinion on the matter. boxee does caution that getting it baked into a device would take "a long time," but it certainly seems like that ball is rolling. So, what say you? Would you snap one up? Or would you balk at the notion of adding yet another STB underneath your television?[Thanks, cros13]

  • boxee reviewed: great application, more content needed

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    boxee has morphed from a no-name application into a highly desirable portal for discovering internet content, and while we just recently saw the Windows alpha previewed, the good folks at PSFK have assembled a picture-filled review of the alpha on Apple TV. They seemed to have no issue at all getting the program up and running on Cupertino's set-top-box, though they were a touch underwhelmed by the content. To be fair, however, boxee navigated through what was available with ease, and if access to more content does indeed become available in the future, it was stated that boxee was solid enough to convince legions of pay-TV users to ditch their cable and resort entirely to web TV. We're not exactly sure we're ready to believe all that given the amazing lack of high-def material available over the net, but we catch the drift. All in all, boxee was found to be a helpful addition for any media addict, and for the phenomenal price of $0.00, we really can't understand why you're not heading over for a download right now.

  • boxee for Windows alpha previewed

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Looking for another Windows Media Center complement / alternative? Download Squad's taken a look at the currently in private alpha Windows version of boxee and found the interface a breeze to operate with a standard Windows Media Center remote, not surprising since it was originally designed with Mac remotes in mind. Of course, without Media Center's DVR underpinnings it's not a full replacement, but with a slick video browser and often updated sources, it could find its niche as a way to navigate both locally stored and online streaming video. Hit the read link for more impressions if you haven't been invited to the party (now open to all on Mac or Ubuntu) yet.

  • Boxee opens up alpha, adds iPlayer support for UK users

    Christina Warren
    Christina Warren

    It isn't just about Macworld; shockingly there is some other tech news happening this week as well. Our pals over at boxee have just announced a new version, some love for UK users and some great news: no more invites needed! Instead of hounding me (I kid, I never minded) for a boxee invite, you can sign-up yourself at and get downloads for the Mac, Apple TV and Ubuntu. The Windows alphas are still in closed testing, but progress is moving quickly. Here's a run-down on what's new and improved: iPlayer support for UK users -- no more crying over the lack of overseas Hulu; you can now get the iPlayer via boxee Joost support MTV Music support dual-screen support Netflix improvements search in Hulu updates to the SMB library Netflix is still only working on the Mac and not on the Apple TV, but this is a great update. I've been seeing some of the private builds and the improvements are nice. A reminder, boxee is still in alpha, but the development process is on a tear!

  • boxee announces widened availability, iPlayer / Joost support

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    boxee has come a long way from its humble beginnings, and you knew it wouldn't just show up in Vegas without a little something new to share. In fact, a lot to share. Unless our memories are far worse than we imagine, this is the most substantial update on the media software since its inception. After receiving 200,000 sign-ups for its private beta, boxee has announced that it's opening its alpha to all Mac, Ubuntu and Apple TV users. Better still, the Windows flavor is sliding into private beta, and for UK users, they'll certainly appreciate the addition of proper BBC iPlayer support. Additionally, Joost support was added along with MTV Music, and a few new keyboard shortcuts were thrown in for good measure. Finally, a whole slew of bug fixes are included in the public alpha, so we're really wondering why you're still here and not downloading. Hmm? Full release is after the break.

  • Hulu comes to XBMC

    Steven Kim
    Steven Kim

    If you've been dying to get Hulu integrated into your HTPC and the Boxee experience isn't your cup of tea, now you can give the Boxee's older cousin, XBMC, a whirl. Hit the link for details on how to get rolling, and lest you blanche at the idea of retrieving the latest XBMC source from Subversion, there's a merciful link to a compiled installer. After getting your XBMC install squared away, simply add a script and away you go! Based on the one comment in the link, it sadly sounds like Xbox 360 owners might not be able to join in on the fun just yet; but if you give this one a go, let us know how things pan out.

  • D'Oh! The Simpsons TV makes it to iTunes

    Megan Lavey-Heaton
    Megan Lavey-Heaton

    Back in 2005, TUAW conducted a poll of its readers to see what TV series they wanted to purchase through iTunes. Among the top five was The Simpsons.The Simpsons Movie was previously available through iTunes, but it is one of the movies that has disappeared in the past few weeks. In the past couple of days, however, the main Simpsons TV series has finally made it into the iTunes lineup.Only the eight episodes aired thus far in season 20 are uploaded in standard definition. Hopefully earlier seasons will arrive, along with high-definition once it starts. The Simpsons (link opens iTunes) can be purchased from the U.S. iTunes Store for $1.99 an episode with a season pass for $37.99. Or, for those wanting a free alternative in the U.S., the episodes are also on Hulu and can be streamed onto Apple TV using boxee.Thanks for the tip, Tyler!

  • So you just got an Apple TV -- now what?

    Christina Warren
    Christina Warren

    All day on December 25, TUAW presents "Now What?" We've got first steps and recommendations for all the Apple gifts you (hopefully!) found under the tree today. Happy holidays! The Apple TV launched almost two years ago and has yet to really "take off." That's OK, with more and more downloadable HD content, improved support for stuff like podcasts and Airtunes and some awesome third-party solutions, the Apple TV can easily become a great media center. Did Santa bring you an Apple TV this year? These are my tips for making it even more awesome! Boxee It I've made no secret about my unabashed love for boxee, the awesome media center with a social kick that can run on your Apple TV. It should be no surprise that my first piece of advice is that you set-up boxee on your Apple TV as soon as you get it connected to your TV and home theater. Need an invite? If you don't have a friend to ask, check out the boxee forums, hit up the boxee Twitter feed or pester me (@film_girl) and you should be able to get one pretty quickly. On January 8th, 2009, boxee will be opening up the alpha for everyone. After you've updated your Apple TV to the latest firmware, follow my instructions or take a look the information at the ATV USB Creator project page for the the details on making a patchstick. The process is extremely easy and you just need a USB stick (1 GB or more recommended) and a few minutes to get everything up and running. Once boxee is installed, you can enjoy Hulu (if you live in the US), streaming video from other services, and playback of other file types that won't natively play on the Apple TV; you can store those files either on the Apple TV, or that you access from another hard drive. Learn about the other cool software add-ons I really love the Awkward TV Wiki, which is a great way to stay abreast of the latest programs and hacks users have created for the Apple TV. Most of these plugins can be installed via a patchstick -- like boxee -- and they run on-top of the existing Apple TV interface. Some of the coolest utilities, like Couchsurfer, have recently been updated for firmware 2.3. Although modifying your Apple TV does come with some risks (you might have to do a factory restore if something goes wrong), the methodology of applying said modifications has become much, much easier and you really aren't putting your Apple TV at risk. Still, keep in mind that Apple won't provide any technical support for a modified Apple TV (which means, restore it to factory settings before sending it back :-)). Try out a new remote, ore the iPhone/iPod touch remote app One of the most usefulf feature additions in firmware 2.3 is the ability to program a universal remote to work with the Apple TV. If you have a really nice programmable remote, like the Logitech Harmony, you've already been able to use it with the Apple TV -- but now you can do the same thing with your TV or receiver remote. Even better, if you have an iPhone or iPod touch, the Remote app [iTunes link] is pretty awesome. The Remote app let's you control music from your Apple TV -- which is fantastic if you want to use the ATV as a music center. Rent some holiday movies or buy a holiday TV show 'Tis the season! Rent or buy a Christmas movie directly from the Apple TV! You can also peruse some holiday TV classics, like The Best Christmukkah Ever from the first season of The O.C.

  • boxee alpha opens up on Mac, Ubuntu January 8; Windows invites to follow

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Six months and 150,000 signups later, boxee is preparing to move from alpha to beta status, ready to drop any unsent invites on all interested parties by the 25th ahead of the open alpha period starting January 8, 2009. While OS X / Apple TV / Ubuntu have been the required attire so far, Windows users won't be out in the cold much longer, as CEO Avner Ronen revealed in comments on the boxee blog that the Windows alpha program will start "early 2009" with thousands of invites sent out every week. That enough to pique your interest in this media streaming set-top box software?[Via A VC]

  • TV exclusives taking movies off of iTunes?

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Has your favorite movie gone missing from iTunes or Netflix lately? The reason could be television, says CNET -- apparently a slew of movies on iTunes and Netflix's streaming service have recently fallen prey to television exclusive agreements. With the onset of Apple TV and apps like Boxee making it possible to stream Netflix, TV networks with exclusive showing agreements have made sure that while they've got a lock on a movie, we can't watch it anywhere else.Of course, as CNET notes, it's about the money (isn't it always?). If studios can make more money from the TV networks than they can from online rentals, then obviously they're going to go with television. The only problem with that, however, is that with an exclusive agreement, they'll never know, will they?And of course the other issue here is the actual definition of places like iTunes and Netflix -- obviously, retail stores aren't barred from carrying these movies, so does that mean that Netflix and iTunes are actually content channels rather than retailers? Tough issue. You have to think that it'll eventually be settled in favor of digital distribution (what consumer wouldn't want to watch a movie on their own time rather than sticking to a TV network's schedule), but until studios are convinced otherwise, exclusivity agreements will likely be the rule.[via Apple Insider]

  • Netflix proclaims Roku, Xbox Instant Watch streaming problems resolved

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    And there was much rejoicing, as Roku and Xbox 360 owners that noticed a distinct lack of clarity in their Instant Watch streams should be seeing much better today. Netflix didn't say which lever was pushed / pulled to achieve the desired result, but thanks to work with "content distribution partners and key carriers" the dreaded one-dot should be long gone. The final report is yours, with boxee users the most recent to logon, anyone still enduring vintage VHS-quality video and lackluster HD, or enyoing the high quality promised land thanks to a newly unclogged series of tubes?[Via CNET]

  • Boxee releases new alpha, adds Netflix support

    Christina Warren
    Christina Warren

    It's a pretty awesome day to be a Netflix fan. Not only is the Watch Instantly service officially available for OS X, it's also now working via boxee, my favorite media center application!Boxee pushed out an impromptu update last week for Apple TV owners, specifically to address issues with the 2.3 firmware update. Today's update is targeted at all boxee versions and adds a host of new features, including the big dog: Netflix support for US customers. Note: Netflix support is currently only in the Mac version of boxee. The boxee team is working hard to bring it to the Apple TV, but they need to work around some of the hardware limitations. They'll be posting updates on the boxee blog on their progress.Here's the rundown: Netflix support for Mac users Improved Hulu performance and a new Hulu interface, including access to your personal Hulu queues Access to (US only unless you use a proxy) The Boston Globe's Big Picture blog - amazing photos from around the world MTVMusic - songs/artists in your collection are now linked with music videos New YouTube interface, improved performance and .h264 support Custom interfaces and improved playback for CNN, Flickr and Picasa All in all, this is a pretty stellar update. When I talked to the team from boxee last week, they made it clear that Neflix was the #1 priority. That they got Netflx running in boxee in under two weeks is nothing short of amazing. Yes, I do wish that support would be extended to Apple TV users, but I can be patient. If you haven't tried boxee, you can go to and get an invite. You'll need an Intel Mac running OS X 10.4 or OS X 10.5 or an Apple TV. Boxee is also available for Ubuntu 7.10 and 8.04, though I'm unsure if the team was able to implement Netflix support for Ubuntu yet.Give it a shot and tell us what you think in the comments!

  • boxee adds Netflix support, other tweaks in new alpha

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    The guys and gals at boxee have been relentlessly working to update the media management software, and just over a month after Hulu support was added, we're now thrilled to announce that Netflix support is joining in. Additionally, users will find custom interfaces for CNN, Hulu, Flickr, Picasa, and YouTube, not to mention portals for TheWB, MTVMusic and The Boston Globe's Big Picture blog. One important caveat is that Netflix isn't yet compatible on Apple TV, but the team is working hard to overcome the hardware limitations and make it happen as soon as possible. Peep the full release after the jump.%Gallery-38485%

  • TUAW talks to boxee and brings you invites

    Christina Warren
    Christina Warren

    Happy Thanksgiving! I'm super thankful that I have been able to spend the last 13 months blogging for TUAW and interacting with all of you. On a more superficial note, I am also thankful for my Macs and all the cool stuff Apple products enable me to do. The newest member of my Apple family is the Apple TV. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to talk to Avner and Andrew from boxee, the company behind the social media player of the same name. Boxee released an update earlier this week, but the next big version is set for December 4, 2008. Avner and Andrew were nice enough to answer my questions, share some details about the future of boxee and best of all, provide a link so that TUAW readers can join in the fun! If you want to try boxee on your Mac or Apple TV, enter your e-mail address at and you should get an invite within 24 hours. In the comments, on Twitter and via e-mail, many of you have asked questions about boxee, its limitations and its future. I took these questions and comments to Avner and Andrew, and here's what I got back. On .MKV support for Apple TV Boxee supports the .MKV container and if you are using a Mac mini, MacBook, iMac or Mac Pro, boxee can play back 1080p .mkv files without a problem. Apple TV is limited by its processor and GPU, and it maxes out playing back 420p and 720p .MKV content. I don't usually deal with .MKV, but a quick Google search turned up a lot of information about programs that can be used to convert files. Apparently, the PS3 has this same limitation. Hulu performance A number of users have complained about the quality of boxee's Hulu playback. I also noticed a decrease in quality after the latest update. The update on December 4 is going to address this. The big problem, for Apple TV owners, is once again the limitations of the hardware. Seeing as Apple TV's can stream HD content from iTunes (when downloading anyway), I think this is something that can be greatly improved, but it might take some time. Boxee is still in alpha and the goal is to enter beta sometime next year, so while I think the fact that Hulu is supported at all is fantastic, the Apple TV experience might take some time to fully evolve. If you are using a Mac for boxee playback, your performance will be much better.

  • Boxee is updated for Apple TV 2.3

    Christina Warren
    Christina Warren

    We've covered boxee, a fantastic media center application that can run on your Mac or Apple TV. With its attractive interface and support for Hulu, boxee is what convinced my boyfriend and me to order an Apple TV. Predictably, the day our second Apple TV arrived from Apple (the first unit broke after watching just one movie), the 2.3 software update was released, nullifying our boxee goodness.Fortunately, the boxee team has updated boxee to support 2.3. Even better, the geniuses behind USB Creator -- a tool that makes installing boxee and the XBMC on an Apple TV a snap -- have updated their awesome software to make the whole process seamless.If you want to install boxee and XMBC on your Apple TV, this is what you want to do. You will need a USB flash drive (minimum of 512 MB, though 1 GB or higher is recommended):

  • Apple TV 2.3 update adds AirTunes streaming, support for other IR remotes

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    For home theater junkies who've been having a difficult time taking the Apple TV seriously, you should definitely have a look at what the latest software update brings to the dinner table. First off, we should warn you that any non-Apple TV software (like, you know, Boxee) will be banished should you choose to update, but if you're kosher on that front, we'll continue on. Apple's changelog notes that AirTunes streaming is now enabled, meaning that tunes can be streamed from the STB to AirPort Express speakers or other ATV units nearby. Additionally, the box can now learn other remotes, meaning that you can probably get your universal remote to handle this bugger, too. The last big addition is that Playlists in iTunes can now be seen on Apple TV, and there's also support for volume control in Music. Grab the download from within your box now if you dare, and feel free to chime in with any other noteworthy changes you happen upon.[Via TUAW]

  • Apple TV update 2.3 released

    Cory Bohon
    Cory Bohon

    Apple has just released software update 2.3 for the Apple TV. Right now, we don't have the change log, but we'll update the post as soon as we get more information. It is important to know that as with all other Apple TV firmware updates, running the update WILL remove any non-Apple TV software. So if you have installed the USB boxee hack you might want to wait on running the update. Apple TV will eventually prompt you to run the automatic update, so boxee or XBMC users might want to check out the forums for information on disabling automatic updates. If you are not using any additional software and would like to download this new update, you can do so by visiting Settings > General > Software Update from the main Apple TV menu. If you notice any new features, be sure to let us know in the comments. Update: Apple has now posted a change log on their website. According to the knowledge base article, the following aspects of Apple TV have been updated: AirTunes Streaming from Apple TV - Music can be streamed via AirTunes to Airport Express speakers or other Apple TVs in your house. Third-party Remote Controls - Apple TV can now learn other remote controls and use them in addition to the Apple Remote. Playlists - Playlists in iTunes that contain Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, and Music Videos can now be seen on Apple TV. Music Volume Control - Support for volume control in Music. Thanks for the tip, Jeff.