

  • Breakfast Topic: Looking for group!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Do you remember the mass chaos that occurred with the global looking for group channel went in? As I recall, it was a little crazy. The line was quickly overrun by random spam which drove many players from the line and lead a number of people back to old habits -- like typing /who priest 58-60 and whispering down the list. Many protested the flawed system and asked for it to be removed. And now that it's gone, replaced by a sleeker interface? There's a number of players that can't stand the thing and demand the global LFG channel be reinstated. So if the old system wasn't right, and the new system isn't right, what's the best way to go about looking for a group? What do you think Blizzard should have implemented?

  • Breakfast Topic: Bad Guys?

    David Nelson
    David Nelson

    When I first started playing Warcraft games, way back in high school, I always chose the humans in multiplayer. Why? Well, I was a pretty straight laced fellow, and the humans were the good guys! The orcs were terrible, evil folks who allied themselves with the equally as nasty trolls. And ogres. Why would I want to associate myself with that? Then after Warcraft III hit, the line was completely blurred between the good and bad. The orcs didn't seem so terrible, and boy, those humans sure did screw things up. The storyline in World of Warcraft has really done nothing to change that blurred line. Which leads me to my question for you there any true villain race or faction in WoW? Sure, the Undead seem kind of creepy, and they send you off on some truly questionable quests, but they are counterbalanced by the Tauren, who I think may be the most virtuous race in the game. And for some reason, don't the humans seem a little shady? Onyxia fools them and hangs out in their capital city and, in all honesty, I think they stuck it to Van Cleef. Come the expansion...what about the Blood Elves? They surely don't seem as nice and docile as their Night Elf cousins. So what do you guys think? Which WoW race is the most evil? Which one the most noble?

  • Breakfast Topic: The best thing about Warcraft today

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Last weekend we talked about the biggest problem with Warcraft today. This weekend, let's switch gears and try to decide what the best thing about Warcraft today is -- after all, despite the game's flaws, we're all still here and playing. So what is it that keeps you logging on and interested in the game, rather than jumping into any other MMO on the market?

  • Breakfast Topic: Bugs, bugs, glorious bugs!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Ah, yes, the exciting aftermath of a patch. Battlegrounds have been functioning intermittently at best, faction-specific loot is dropping for both factions, talent trees differ from the PTRs (and the patch notes), re-building my UI seems like an impossible challenge, and newly bugged raid encounters one-shot tanks in the game's best gear. (Though admittedly they've already hotfixed Patchwerk.) So how are you coping? Not having any problems? Taking a break from playing while all the kinks get worked out? Switching to a less problematic class? For my part, I'm hoping some of the worst of it is worked out by the weekend, when I'll have more time to play...!

  • Breakfast Topic: Best Looking Tier Set

    David Nelson
    David Nelson

    We saw the tier 5 video yesterday, and it got me thinking...which of the tier sets look the best? I will admit to being partial to the tier 2 paladin set, simply because it looks positively awesome...less so when some pally is bubble hearthing in front of me, but awesome nonetheless.Another set that I find rather interesting is the warlock tier 3 set. Sure, it makes warlocks look a little like Sand People, but there is something about it that makes me want to look at it. Whether I want to look at it because I like it, or because I am fascinated by it's lameness, I am not entirely sure.What do you guys think? What is the best looking tier set out there?

  • Breakfast Topic: The season of giving

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I was in the process of doing a little Christmas shopping this weekend, and as I hurried home to catch an Onyxia attempt, the thought occurred to me: am I going to get my favorite guildies anything?I only play with a few real life friends-- most of the people I know well in my guild I've only known online through Warcraft. But we've had a lot of fun, and I've gotten to know some of them pretty well. Considering Blizzard has included giftwrap in the game, it's no stretch that I might want to grab them something during the holiday season as a gesture of goodwill.The only question, then, is what? RazorbladeKiss asks the same question over on Livejournal, and people suggest quite a few good things, from Snowshoe Rabbits to other faction specific cosmetic items. Almost anyone would love a good potion, or a few farmed mats you know they've been waiting for. But some things that would be really cool to give, like mounts or crafted items, are soulbound, or so common that every 60 has them. So are you getting your guildies anything in-game for the holidays? And if so, what?

  • Breakfast Topic: What will you be playing in the expansion?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    We're getting closer and closer to the expansion's release date, and if you're anything like me, you're making plans! As a long-time Horde aligned healbot, I'm excited about the addition of paladins to the Horde, and will be making one of the hundreds of newbie Horde paladins -- and possibly making it my new main character. And with the countless changes to classes across the board, I can't be the only one planning on having a different main in the Burning Crusade than I do now. So, what do you think you'll be playing in the expansion?

  • Breakfast Topic: Biggest problem with Warcraft today

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you read the official forums, you've seen page upon page of nerf this!, nerf that!, and lolcoil is overpowered! threads, some even complete with suggestions on how to bring balance back to the game. However, how can 7 million players agree on a solution when we can't even agree on a problem? So I ask you now: what is the biggest issue facing World of Warcraft today?

  • Breakfast Topic: Dealing with downtime

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    We've all had to do it time and time again -- the servers are down for regular or emergency or just plain unscheduled maintenance, and your evening plans are suddenly ruined. So what do you do about it? Spend the evening trying repeatedly to log on to your realm? Troll the forums? Switch to a different realm? Roll a new alt? Fire up a different game? Go out for dinner? Go outside and try to remember what the sun looks like? Or something else entirely?

  • Breakfast Topic: Weird Stats

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    You've probably seen the new stats page-- Blizzard has made numbers available for created and gathered items, most dangerous mobs, most auctioned items, and even most completed quests. To be sure, it is a little useless (three warlock pets are in the top 20 of most dangerous mobs, which doesn't tell us much besides the fact that warlocks are overpowered).But then again, there's interesting stuff if you poke around a little. Of the top auctioned items, almost the top 200 are all mats for crafting. The first actual equippable item i could find was Hillman's Shoulders at #142 (look for them on this week's Phat Loot Phriday). And while most of the created items are pretty self explanatory (raiders and PVPers alike are creating Heavy Runecloth Bandages like nobody's business), just what exactly is Roasted Boar Meat doing at #28-- I had no idea that many players were into Cooking. And while I laugh at the fact that Drek'Thar has killed more people than any mob in the game (and he only kills Alliance, which means he's killed a lot of Alliance), I'm puzzled by who's pissing off all the Gadgetzan Bruisers (they come in at #17). Haven't you all learned that if you start a fight in Gadgetzan, they'll end it for you?What other strange stats have you found hidden in those charts? I haven't even started looking at trends from day to day-- do the raid totals for bosses fly up on the weekends?

  • Breakfast Topic: Looking forward to the patch?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    We now know that the next patch is coming out on December 5th -- Blizzard has given us a week's warning on this one, presumably to allow PvPers time to try to get in those last ranks in the last week of the honor system. What's the new patch have in store for us? New honor system (old ranks will be scrapped) Revised talent trees (up to 41 points) for all classes) New LFG system Changes to +spell damage (making lower rank spells receive less, HoTs/DoTs/channeled spells receive more) Stacking HoTs Resilience Weapon skill changes (no longer reduces the percent damage lost due to glancing, adds a minor amount of +crit) Crowd control effects reduced to a maximum of 12 seconds in PvP with a higher resist chance. New arenas Agility change (1AGI == 1AP) for hunters Rage normalization for warriors Skill level required for disenchanting Signifigant UI changes and the death of Decursive With some of these good and some of these not so good, are you looking forward to the patch or getting the most out of your time pre-patch?

  • Breakfast Topic: Easiest class

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I'm sure I'm opening an endless range of complaints about the proper definition of "easy" -- but still I'm curious as to your opinion of the easiest class to play in the World of Warcraft. I would personally lean towards the hunter. While there's certainly a difference between a skilled hunter and a mediocre hunter, hunters do high damage from range (autoshoot ftw!), hidden behind the relative safety of a pet. They can be fast and efficient levelers as well as dangerous in PvP and PvE. And if I know someone just starting the game, I'll often recommend the hunter class, as the most pain-free way to get playing. But I've heard other opinions -- and maybe today I'll hear more. So what do you think is the easiest class to play in the game?

  • Breakfast Topic: Patching!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Ah... the patch distribution system. You know it and... er... love it? Well... maybe not on that last part. Blizzard has a unique system of patch distribution that I often find problematic on patch day. If you can jump on and start downloading early in the day (out of prime time), you'll often find the download quick and painless. But if you get off work, drive through traffic, come home, and login? You're much more likely to be met by a screen similar to the above. The workaround to this scenario for many seems to be grabbing patch files from 3rd party sites, but I always wonder why the patching process has to be such a headache. Of course, the background downloader application was introduced to solve some of these problems -- by allowing you to download the bulk of the patch in advance. However, it doesn't always seem to make the experience any better. But that's just my opinion -- what do you think of Blizzard's patching system?

  • Breakfast Topic: New PvP system bringing you down?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    With the upcoming 2.0.1 patch, the existing honor system will be scrapped and an entirely new method applied. Instead of spending hour upon hour each week struggling to aquire countless honor points in order to maintain PvP rank (when the highest ranks required more weekly effort than a standard full-time job), the new system is rankless, and rewards will be purchased from vendors using honor points as a type of currency. But if you're just shy of rank 14 the week the patch comes out, I'm certainly going to feel sorry for you -- because all of your time and effort within the system vanishes with the application of the patch. Yes, you'll still have any rewards you've purchased, but if you were still attempting to rank up to obtain higher level rewards, you'll be starting from scratch with everyone else. And the PvP factions? Meaningless -- their rewards will also now be purchased with honor points. For my part, I completely stopped PvPing when I heard this new system was being implemented (I didn't have 80 hours a week to put in anyway, so high warlord was already out of the question!), feeling that continued efforts to grind myself up could be better spent elsewhere. But there are many players, even now, hard at work grinding honor and ranking up. So which side of the fence are you on -- desperately trying to get that last rank before the patch is released, or biding your time and waiting for the new system to show up?

  • Breakfast Topic: The worst thing about being a....

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Sure, we all picked our classes for a reason -- perhaps they're the most fun to play, or perhaps they're the most powerful in PvP, or perhaps they've got the best group utility. But no one class is perfect -- no, not even warlocks -- and we all have things we love and hate about our class of choice. As a priest, for me, it's always being expected to heal -- including when I'm out of mana, when I'm sitting down drinking, when I'm not grouped with you, when I'm healing someone else, when I'm dead... Oh, sure, I really do play a priest to heal, but sometimes people's expectations (and the blame that follows) are outrageous! So what do you find to be the worst aspect of your own class?

  • Breakfast Topic: It's the end of the world as we know it....

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    ...and do you feel fine? The level of general grumpiness on the official forums seems to be going up without any sign of stopping. Nearly every class is complaining of game-breaking nerfs as adjustments continue to be made to the Burning Crusade beta. So what do you think? Is it really the end of the world (of Warcraft)? Time to respec, reroll, or just find a new game? Or might things still work out in the end?

  • Breakfast Topic: Worried about your class?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    The Burning Crusade is coming -- and with it comes numerous changes for all classes. Some of them are crazy good, and others are, well, more questionable. But with changes coming every day, I'm not sure any class can be positive what to expect. I'm a little concerned -- not that I think my class of choice, the priest, is going to be worthless, but the classes talent options don't seem to sparkle the way some other classes do. And, yes, after playing two priests up to level 60, I'm wondering if I want to play a different class in the Burning Crusade. But I don't think priests came off the worst for the current state of changes -- but who knows what will happen before Blizzard finishes their tweaking. And what about you? Do you have major worries about the state of your class? Or are you keeping up hope?

  • Breakfast Topic: Killing time before the expansion...

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    The other day, Dave pointed out a blog post by Relmstein listing things - he says -- you're not supposed to do before the expansion's release. And... maybe it's just me, but I think they all sound like excellent ways to kill time until the expansion is released! Sadly, neither of my priests are Night Elves, and so cannot shadowmeld near the entrance to BRM in order to mind control players into the lava -- a sacrifice to Ragnaros in hopes of an on-time expansion release. So I'll have to think up other ways to amuse myself -- while there is no leveling to be done and little point in attempting to aquire new gear. And how do you think to kill time -- do you have any additions to Relmstein's list?

  • Breakfast Topic: Most over-used guild name

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Sure, plenty of these names sounded clever and funny, or perhaps serious and dignified the first time you heard them. But now there are dozens or even hundreds of them across the realms, and variations on the same theme within your own realm. Knights of the Alliance, Heroes of the Alliance, Army of the Alliance, Defenders of the Alliance... really, who thought these were all a good idea? This post on the forums tries to make a list -- but I wonder about yours. So, do you have any least favorite guild names -- names seen so many times that they've become old, tired, and, well, over-used.

  • Breakfast Topic: Favorite Class

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Well, this is more of a brunch topic than a No, I'm not asking about the most powerful class, the most versatile class, or the least likely to die class -- I'm asking what your favorite class to play is, which may not be any of those. I'm sure everyone does have a favorite for their own reasons... perhaps it's that one skill you can't live without, or perhaps you get some special glee from tanking or healing (or letting people die). For myself, my favorite remains the priest. It may be a sign of a masochistic streak, but I really enjoy healing a group, and priests have a very versatile set of healing options.But what about you? Have you picked a favorite? Hate the class you're raiding with but thinking about another? Can't stop switching between alts? Chime in and let us know!