

  • Microsoft bringing home Too Human demo next week

    We can go ahead and cross off one square from our press conference bingo. Microsoft has announced that, as part of their annual "Bringing it Home" series, the Too Human demo is coming to Xbox Live next week during E3 (via IGN). No word yet one what else will be available, but expect a usual flock of videos, themes, gamerpics and other random surprises. So how does Dyack's epic stack up to the hype? Find out yourself next week.

    Ross Miller
  • XBLM to receive "Bringing it Home" GDC Content

    Just as they've done in the past, Microsoft will be "Bringing it Home" once again for those who check the XBLM during GDC. Specifically, the show will run from Feb 18 to Feb 22, but the Marketplace will begin to see content from it on the the 20th. Theoretically the content flow will stop after the show ends two days later, though there may be some final additions after the official end date. The only content that's an absolute at this point is the keynote address highlights from Microsoft's Corporate Vice President, John Schappert, which is entitled "A Future Wide Open: Unleashing the Creative Community." With all the rumors swirling and the dwindling of E3, we'll likely see see some juicy nuggets come out of GDC, and (with any luck) onto the Marketplace.The full announcement after the break.

    Terrence Stasse
  • Bringing it Home Wrap: Harry Potter demo too

    Okay, we thought we experienced all that E3 Bringing it Home had to offer and even expressed out heartfelt goodbye to all the Marketplace fun. But we were a little premature in calling Bringing it Home finished, as Major Nelson just sent word that a Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix demo just went live. Major also confirms that this Harry Potter demo officially marks the end of E3 Bringing it Home and so we advise taking a look at the completely complete list of Bringing it Home content we've gathered for you after the break. No heartfelt goodbye this time Bringing it Home, because it's too painful the second time around.

    Dustin Burg
  • Bringing it Home Wrap: Stuntman demo and trailers

    It's day two of our Bringing it Home offerings and look what just crashed into the Marketplace. Stuntman: Ignition has arrived in demo form and is available for download off the Marketplace right now as well as a jumble of other E3 content. The Microsoft E3 press conference is finally up, broken into six separate parts, and will run you multiple GBs of bandwidth. Also, new trailers from games like Assassin's Creed, Frontlines: Fuel of War and Two Worlds are posted for download too. As always, a complete list of all the E3 Bringing it Home content is viewable after the break with new content bolded for your convenience. Happy downloading.

    Dustin Burg
  • Bringing it Home Wrap: Ace Combat 6 and trailers galore [update 1]

    New content was lovingly placed on the XBLM this morning right after the Microsoft E3 conference ended and so it seems fitting that we recap all the new goodies. Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation (campaign) and Blue Dragon demos are available for download and are technically the first official demos of Bringing it Home as NCAA Football 08 wasn't actually part of the E3 fun. So, go get those. Also available is a set of free E3 2007 gamer pictures and theme as well as paid gamer pictures and themes from Halo Wars, The Idolmaster and Project Sylpheed. Microsoft also placed new HD game trailers on the Marketplace from games like Guitar Hero III, Call of Duty 4, Mass Effect and Lost Odyssey. Also noteworthy are today's two new XBLA titles Sonic the Hedgehog and Golden Axe.Update 1: We just added a few more listings included in-game content. Looks like new Guitar Hero II content is just as expensive as before.We'll be keeping a running tally of all the new E3 XBLM content with new additions highlighted each update. So, check out the complete list of all the Bringing it Home content after the break.

    Dustin Burg
  • NCAA Football 08 demo available on XBLM

    Less than an hour ago we were graced with our first Bringing it Home XBLM content which offered up gamer pictures and a theme. And now we're happy to announce that we have our first Bringing it Home demo! Up for download off the Marketplace is a NCAA Football 08 demo coming in at 684MBs of what we expect to be full of football fun. Though, this cannot be guaranteed. We welcome football fans to give the demo a download, tell us what you think and share your overall impressions as we aren't overly familiar with the genre. Heck, maybe you could count every frame in a second to see if the game runs at its promised 60 FPS.

    Dustin Burg
  • Devil May Cry 4 pics and themes galore

    And so starts the promised E3 Bringing it Home Marketplace content with a few Devil May Cry 4 downloads. Available for the picking today is the HD DMC 4 trailer featured at last year's Tokyo Game Show, a theme, and a set of DMC 4 gamer pictures. The five gamer pics feature Nero, Dante and Kyrie and will run you 100 Microsoft points while the theme will set you back 150. Keep your dial tuned into X3F as we'll be keeping an eye on all the Bringing it Home downloadable goodness throughout the next few days.

    Dustin Burg
  • Sony 'bringing home' E3 too, on PSN

    Much like what Microsoft has been doing with the Bringing It Home campaign since last E3 (and again with this one), Sony has unveiled its initiative to provide coverage of next week's E3 summit to PlayStation 3 owners via the PlayStation Network.The July 11 press conference will be available for download as well as unspecified "trailers, videos, and other editorial content," according to a report. Additionally, the official PlayStation blog will reportedly be updated alongside the show.

    Ross Miller
  • Microsoft 'Bringing it Home' again for Min-E3

    Microsoft is reemploying their Bringing it Home campaign for this year's Min-E3. The campaign has previously been seen during last year's E3 and their X06 event in Barcelona, Spain.As part of Bringing it Home, a barrage of content will be made available via Xbox Live, including their July 10 press conference, game trailers, themes, gamer pictures, demos and other video updates. Some of the games mentioned include Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Blue Dragon and Project Gotham Racing 4. A partial list (expect surprises from the show) is available after the break.[Via X3F]

    Ross Miller
  • Microsoft will be Bringing it Home during E3

    Sweet, sweet news just hit our inbox a little bit ago confirming that Microsoft will be Bringing it Home once again for this year's mini-E3. The Bringing it Home campaign kicks off July 10th and will run through July 13th giving Xbox 360 fans a chance to experience E3 media through Xbox Live and You'll be able to download free E3 news updates, HD trailers, themes, gamer pictures, and game demos straight off the E3 floor and onto the XBLM. Microsoft also promises a few surprises along the way, so be sure to keep an eye on the Marketplace ticker for the latest updates. Make your way to the break to see what content and which games will be offering up media when Bringing it Home kicks off.

    Dustin Burg
  • Microsoft preps for E3 coverage

    Last year Microsoft gave gamers unprecedented access to major gaming conferences including the X06, the Tokyo Game Show and E3. And even though this year's E3 has shrunk a little, Microsoft will still be giving gamers and insider's look into what E3 2007 has to offer. Xbox @ E3 will feature trailers, on demand service, blogs and other media on and presumably over Xbox Live. Currently, they have some content up including a look at how the new mini E3 benefits everyone and a must see list that hints at the Halo 3 campaign being demoed at the conference. Take a gander through the current Xbox @ E3 goods and countdown the days to an exciting E3. Bring it on!

    Dustin Burg
  • Tons of new X06 Marketplace content

    Following today's press briefing, there is now a boatload of new trailers on Marketplace. They are, in no particular order:Assassin's CreedBlue DragonLost OdysseyHalo WarsViva PiñataCall of Duty 3Marvel UniverseBanjo-KazooiePGR4Splinter Cell: Double AgentBioshockFIFA 07All this and a bag of DOOM. We have to wonder, though: what the hell will we get next? They've got two more days to fill after all. Any predictions?

  • BIH content, 9/27: Sonic the Hedgehog edition

    Another day, another demo in the latest batch of X06 content. Today we get a brand spanking new demo of Sonic the Hedgehog. Is it possible we could see a new demo every day? The possibility is titillating. As for the rest, well, there isn't much. Just this:Kane & Lynch: Dead Men trailerIt should also be noted that the Alan Wake theme and picture pack are also available now, though they weren't mentioned in yesterday's official list. The picture pack is 80 MS Points and the theme will cost you 150. Curious by their absence are the promised HD trailers of Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon. We can only hope they'll hit sometime today as scheduled. We'll keep you posted. In the meantime, we're downloading the Sonic demo and working on the sh*t-ton of X06 info that is starting to hit. Stay tuned.

  • HD Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey tomorrow

    YouTube shaky cam be damned! Microsoft is set to bring us the real goods on both Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey tomorrow. That is to say, we'll be getting big, beautiful high definition trailers for both games on Marketplace. Make sure you grab 'em tomorrow and soak up the high resolution goodness. Makes us wish the 360 could queue up scheduled downloads, Tivo style.[Thanks, Sjohn]

  • BIH content, 9/26: Lego Star Wars edition

    Another day, another batch of BIH content. See what we did there? BIH. See, it's an acronym for Bringing It Home. Pretty sweet, huh? Anywho, here's the almighty list for today: Forza 2 Physics & Damage trailer NBA 2K7 trailer Sonic The Hedgehog trailer Shrek 3 trailer Just Cause trailer NHL 2K7 trailer The Darkness trailer LEGO Star Wars II demo(!) A potent list indeed, capable of discombobulating even those of the strongest constitutions. The real winner here is of course the demo of the UK's recent chart topper, LEGO Star Wars II. On a more peculiar note, wasn't there a trailer for The Darkness up yesterday? Is this one different? We'll be back shortly with our thoughts on the LSWII demo. We're sure you're waiting with bated breath.

  • TGS Marketplace content, 9/22

    Here's the rundown of today's Marketplace content.Fuzion Frenzy 2 demoPortal TrailerTGS Showfloor video 1TGS Showfloor video Day 1 (Japan)GM Sensui Interview (Japan)Xbox Live The Party #1 (Japan)Xbox Live The Party #2 (Japan)Xbox Live The Party #3 (Japan)Xbox Live The Party #4 (Japan)Not much for those of us outside Japan., but the Fuzion Frenzy 2 demo is certainly welcome. We guess that whole "no demos on Friday" thing is pretty much dead by now.360 at the Tokyo Game Show:Lost Planet and Viva Piñata videoMicrosoft TGS briefing video now availableToday's Marketplace content, 9/21DOAX2 video makes us feel naughtyLost Odyssey intro videoVideo of Trusty Bell

  • TGS: Today's Marketplace content, 9/21 [update 1]

    Another day, another batch of content. TGS rolls on, and Microsoft gives us more to drool over. Now, without further ado, today's content:Vista Game MontageFusion Frenzy 2 trailer (Weren't we just talking about this?)Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom trailerTeam Fortress 2 trailerTable Tennis trailer (Japan only)TGS ThemeWe haven't had a chance to watch any of these, but we'll give you the skinny once we do. If anybody spots one of these trailers floating around the interweb, send us a tip and we'll post it.360 at the Tokyo Game Show:DOAX2 video makes us feel naughtyLost Odyssey intro videoVideo of Trusty BellSee Blue Dragon gameplay (finally)And the mystery XBLA game is ...Update: We've realized there will be a lot of content in the next few weeks. Changed headline to reflect the date that the content went up.

  • Today's TGS Marketplace content

    The first batch of Marketplace content has (mostly) gone live. For your downloading pleasure, the following is now available.DOA X2 E3 Trailer (Japan)Project Sylpheed Trailer (Japan)Tenchu Senran TrailerHalf-Life 2 - Episode 2 TrailerTGS Picture PackTenchu Senran Demo (Japan)There are also map packs available for BFMEII, though one of them -- Aragorn's Journey -- is supposed to be free, it's not working correctly right now. Don't download it or you will be charged. The other pack -- Northern Badlands -- is not supposed to be free so, you can grab it for 350 MS Points if you want. Also, as of this writing, the Half-Life 2 - Episode 2 trailer doesn't seem to be up. We're not really sure if this counts as TGS content, but several XBLA games have been updated to take advantage of the Vision camera.360 at the Tokyo Game Show:HD-DVD for $170, $250 Core w/ Blue Dragon1080p for 360!

  • Xbox Live is "Bringing It Home" in numbers

    In case you didn't know, Xbox Live is kind of a big thing.As a matter of fact, it has officially been christened "the world's largest platform for high-definition on-demand content," having topped 24 million downloads. That's a huge growth spurt from its humble beginnings in November last year. During the "E3: Bringing It Home" event, over 1.5 million people logged on to download 5 million nuggets of content. That's 600 terabytes of data in only 7 days, for those of you interested.Here were the top downloads during E3: Bringing It Home:1. Halo 3 Game Trailer2. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Playable Demo3. Test Drive Unlimited Playable Demo4. MotoGP '06 Playable Demo5. X-Men: The Last Stand Pack6. Gears of War Game Trailer7. Call of Duty 2: Skirmish Map Pack8. Spiderman 3 Game Trailer9. Fable 2 Trailer 10. Uno Xbox Live Arcade GameDid you participate in the Xbox Live frenzy during E3?

    Adams Briscoe