Buena Vista


  • Slaying Dinosaurs in Turok, totally Unreal

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Xboxyde got a handful of screenshots for the upcoming next gen Turok. The game is running on Unreal Engine 3 (then again, what isn't?) and looks awfully nice. The game pits players against humans, dinosaurs, and -- if previous iterations are anything to go by -- robot dinosaurs. The game supposedly mixes up GOW style cover and some intense melee combat as well. The game isn't coming out until 2007, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.Anyone willing to place their confidence in this ailing franchise?

  • Disney's Cars DVD dated, no Blu-ray release in sight?

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    It only took one line from VideoBusiness' note about the DVD details of Pixar's latest hit film Cars to dampen our spirits. The Blu-ray supporting Buena Vista Worldwide Home Entertainment (Disney) didn't mention any plans for a high-def release of the movie yet. The DVD isn't hitting until November 7, well after Disney's first Blu-ray releases featuring Paul Walker in Eight Below on September 19, but we are looking forward to other summer movies getting day-and-date releases, why not one from the friendly budget HDTV calibrators at Pixar?The end of the year and the launch of the Playstation 3 is far enough away however that we still hold out hope for plenty of Blu-ray content to become available, and maybe with codec and dual-layer issues straightened out as well. We're looking forward to some great 1080p CG this winter, and we don't mean from Killzone.[Corrected Cars release date]

  • Disney announces Blu-ray launch titles & exclusive "Blu-scape" content

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    According to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney's Buena Vista Home Entertainment is going to announce nine Blu-ray releases today. Four of them are slated for release September 19, with five more to follow October 17th. Several of the movies will feature short films exclusive to the Blu-ray releases called Blu-scape, filmed by cinematographer Louie Schwartzberg. They also indicate all the movies will feature advanced menu and navigational features accessible while the movie is playing, and that most will carry an MSRP of $34.99. This could be kind of cool, or it could be a cheap gimmick to garner attention for the Blu-ray editions of the movies, we may have to wait until they are released to find out.September 19: Dinosaur* Eight Below* Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back The Great Raid October 17: Glory Road* Haunted Mansion* Gone in 60 Seconds* Dark Water The Brothers Grimm * indicates movie featuring Blu-scape short

  • PC impressions: Pirates of the Caribbean Online

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    Disney's upcoming MMO Pirates of the Caribbean Online is aimed at the teen and casual market, enticing fans of the films to try a new genre. As such, it's a very stylised representation of a pirate world, with fast-paced action that's easy to jump into for a few minutes. The story runs parallel to the films, with sub-plots revolving around the main characters that fans know and love.The aim of the game is to sculpt a career as a pirate, building up notoriety that takes into account skills like sword fighting, captaining ships and playing cards. With a group of players, you can crew a ship, with every player taking a particular role -- from firing cannons to piloting the ship. Disney isn't aiming for historical accuracy, so moving a ship is much like driving a car -- it even has a reverse gear.