

  • AOL

    Facebook details its plans for a brain-computer interface

    Nicole Lee
    Nicole Lee

    Facebook wants you to use your brain to interact with your computer. Specifically, instead of using something primitive like a screen or a controller, the company is looking into ways that you and I can interact with our PCs or phones just by using our mind. Regina Dugan, the head of Building 8, the company's secretive hardware R&D division, delved into this on stage at F8. "What if you could type directly from your brain?" she asks.

  • Bloomberg via Getty Images

    Facebook may show off its hardware efforts in April

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    When Facebook launched its hardware-focused Building 8, it raised all kinds of questions: just what was it making in there, and when would you see the first fruits of its labor? You might not have to wait long to get the details. Sources speaking to Business Insider claim to have a broad overview of not only what Building 8 is creating, but when you might get to see it. The team is reportedly working on four advanced technology projects, and is poised to play a key role in Facebook's F8 conference in April. In other words, some of its secretive work would be revealed in a matter of weeks.

  • Facebook snags modular gadget startup Nascent Objects  

    David Lumb
    David Lumb

    Google's Project Ara was highly anticipated by consumers excited to upgrade their modular devices over time, but that dream died when the tech giant pulled the plug on the endeavor three weeks ago. Seems like Facebook isn't done with mix-and-match gadgets: The social media titan just bought Nascent Objects, a Bay-area startup, to bring its modular electronics approach into its growing hardware R&D world.

  • Barry Brecheisen/Invision for Park City Live/AP Images

    Facebook poaches Google's advanced technology lead

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Facebook just scored a big coup in its longstanding rivalry with Google. The company has hired Regina Dugan, Google's Advanced Technology Technology and Projects leader (think Ara and Tango), to lead a new team at the soon-to-be-built Building 8. Just what the former DARPA leader be doing there isn't evident, but she tells Forbes that her group will rely on "ambitious R&D" to make "breakthrough" hardware that leans on Facebook's technological skills. It'll be in sync with the ambitious 10-year roadmap Facebook unveiled at F8 on April 12th. There, the long-term goals included getting people connected, developing artificial intelligence and fostering wearable tech like virtual reality.