

  • Thirty homebrew apps and games to try out

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Looking for some reasons to throw yourself into the homebrew scene? Or do you already have a flashcart, but you're not sure what else to look into after trying out the recommendations in our homebrew cookbook? GBAtemp has put together a list of 30 homebrew releases -- 13 of which are applications, the remaining 17 being games -- that warrant your attention. Videos, screenshots, and short summaries are provided for each downloadable item, giving you a quick synopsis of the notable projects out there. We've previewed most of the mentioned games before, like Setsuzoku no Puzzle, BulletGBA/Vulkanon, and WarCraft: Tower Defense, but having them all rounded up in one place is convenient.

  • BulletGBA shoots us in the face

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    With the World's Greatest Shmup Player Tournament coming up, now is the perfect time to try out Takayama Fumihiko's recently updated BulletGBA. The homebrew shoot 'em up simulator has over 300 bullet patterns picked out from genre favorites that you can test your dodging skills against. BulletGBA's 5.0 release adds some new "stages," a remodeled shooting mode, and music tracks from the chiptune champions, Nullsleep. We've got a video of us attempting to last longer than a few seconds with one of the bullet hell patterns, so jump past the post break for a good laugh.