

  • Hands-on with Halo 3: ODST's new Firefight mode

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    click to Brute-size Don't call it Horde mode. Well, actually, yeah, go ahead and call it Horde mode. Just know that there are some significant differences between Halo 3: ODST's Firefight mode and the Gears of War 2 sensation. Still, if you enjoy the thrill of a lone group of human partners staving off dozens of bloodthirsty enemies, Firefight should be right up your alley.%Gallery-64703%

  • Gazillion Entertainment Names Stuart Moulder as VP

    Jon Shute
    Jon Shute

    Gazillion Entertainment have announced that their expansion into the MMO market continues with hiring Stuart Moulder as their new Vice President of Studios, with responsibility for game development across all of their studios. Gazillion recently announced that they had purchased Netdevil, who are developing Jumpgate Evolution and LEGO Universe. They also announced that they are developing two games based on the Marvel superhero licence.Moulder has most recently worked as Senior Vice President at Screenlife where he was responsible for bringing the Scene It? license to games as helping with the sale of the company to Paramount Digital. He also spent eight years at Microsoft where he was responsible for acquiring and managing companies such as Halo developer Bungie, Age of Empires and Halo Wars developer Ensemble Studios and veteran developers FASA of Mechwarrior and Shadowrun fame, although since he has left Microsoft we have seen Ensemble Studios and FASA shut down and Bungie has become independent.

  • Joystiq vs. Bungie: A Mythic Halo 3 Challenge wrapup

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    On Thursday evening, Joystiq vs. Bungie: A Mythic Halo 3 Challenge came to an awkward, head-scratching close. We're sure most everyone who was interested in the outcome either watched the live stream or read through Bungie's uninspired Humpday challenge recap. But with so much misinformation circulating the internet, allow us to tell the real story. Allow us to clear the stench of deceit that has been wafting about.%Gallery-49910%

  • Joystiq vs. Bungie event starts tonight, watch it LIVE! [update]

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Update: Now that the challenge has concluded, be sure to check out the official recap of the battle including all of Bungie's shenanigans.Earlier this week, Bungie challenged Joystiq to a Halo 3 competition to help get the word out about the just released Mythic Map Pack and to prove that developers are more skilled gamers than journalists. Over the course of a few days, we sought the help of the Joystiq community by having an open enrollment as we looked for nine individuals to represent Team Joystiq in battle. Well, we found our nine Joystiq representatives (along with one editor) and will be taking on Bungie Studios in a few hours in an event we're calling "Joystiq vs. Bungie: A Mythic Halo 3 Challenge".Tonight, Joystiq's hand-selected team will enter the Halo 3 arena and do battle with Bungie. While they've been spending their time talking trash on their forums and even finding it necessary to mock Team Joystiq, know that we don't play those adolescent games. Instead, our team has put all its time and energy into honing its Halo 3 skills and is determined to earn Recon armor for all participants involved. Failure is unacceptable. Each game Joystiq loses, its editors will be required to wear Bungie supplied apparel at E3 for one day and the humiliation that's sure to come.If you're interested in viewing the matches as they're played, we'll be streaming the whole event LIVE! Starting tonight at 9:00 pm EST (6:00 pm PST), you'll find a Ustream embed of the match after the break. Even though there is no audio and the video quality isn't exceptional, it gives those who are interested in the competition a place to hang out with other like-minded gamers and a chance to watch history unfold. Be sure to bookmark this post and be here for all the carnage. For those who'll miss the stream, we'll be posting a recap of the Joystiq vs. Bungie shenanigans sometime late Friday.Best of luck to all parties involved ... GO TEAM JOYSTIQ!

  • Gamer Doc to host Halo 3 tourney

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Given that there are only five locations in North America, there's a good chance you haven't heard of Gamer Doc, a new retail franchise that began last year. The fledgling franchise, whose locations have a unique, video game-inspired design, will host a Halo 3 tournament starting May 1 at its Bear, Delaware; Burlington, Ontario; Highland Park, California; and Springfield, Pennsylvania stores -- no love for the Miami store, apparently. Each store will host a double elimination tournament. The winning teams will face off on May 30 competing for a grand prize of $4,000, with $1,000 and $500 going to the second and third place winners, respectively.Registration for four-man teams will be accepted through April 24, with a $50 entry fee required per team. Visit your local Gamer Doc (if you have one) to register.The chance at $4,000 sounds pretty nice and all, but let us remind you: Joystiq can get you Recon armor and the Mythic Map Pack for free.

  • Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack releases April 9, 800 points

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Major Nelson has revealed that the Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack will be available to everyone come April 9 for the price of 800 ($10). The pack contains three new maps: Sandbox, Assembly and Orbital. So, if you haven't broken down and bought the limited edition of Halo Wars, which contains a token to download the maps, you now know exactly how long you have to wait. Mark your calendars kids, just a few more weeks until you too can have fun with Killballs.If you haven't already, be sure to check out our hands-on impressions of the Mythic maps as well as our video preview.

  • A Legendary weekend of Halo 3 double EXP

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    A new Halo 3 double EXP weekend is going on right now through Monday morning, March 16. To participate, make your way into Halo 3's Legendary Brawl Double EXP playlist. But note, the Heroic and Legendary maps are required -- the Mythic maps are not necessary for this weekend's EXP earning, but "don't be surprised" when they show up in a future double EXP event. So, dust off your Mjolnir armor and bring along some extra teabags (for the caffeine boost, of course) because it's gonna be a long and (hopefully) memorable weekend.

  • Speed painting Halo 3: ODST, like ... really fast!

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    How long did it take to paint the Mona Lisa? Had Sean "Str8Artist" McCoy been responsible, probably not very long at all. Of course, we much prefer him spending (little) time on things like his rapidly assembled Halo 3: ODST painting. Watch the speed painting video after the break and view Str8Artist's other work on his YouTube channel, including a painted tribute to Gears of War's Carmine. (Rest in peace ... our headless friend.)

  • BrySi says goodbye with final Halo 3 song

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It had to end sometime. Bryan Simon, maestro of original Halo 3 songs has written his final anthem to Bungie (embedded after the break). The subject of this heartfelt goodbye: Recon armor gives you cooties. Frankly, we're inclined to agree, as we are overcome with the urge to explode any poor sap we see wearing Recon. There's something about it. It just makes you want to kill the person wearing it. We're not sure if that's what Bryan meant, but hey, the song is pretty, so who cares?He didn't say where his music will take him from here, but we have a suggestion: Halo Wars. It only seems natural, really.[Original image: Sgt Spiffy]

  • Video: The expanded Halo universe of Halo Wars

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    With the release of Halo Wars less than a week away, Microsoft has released a new video examining the expanded Halo universe present in the game. Believe it or not, Halo actually has a very detailed background. Over the years, it's been laid out in books, graphic novels, comic books and even ARGs. Still, for a great deal of Halo fans, Halo Wars will be the first time players get to experience the history behind the first three games.Check out the video and learn your Halo history, because it's much more fun than learning about real history.

  • Microsoft explains 'Halo 3: ODST' name change

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Microsoft has explained that its decision to rename the upcoming Halo 3 storyline expansion was made to "accurately reflect" the gameplay "experience" of the Fall 2009 release. So, if you're the kind of user who thought Halo 3: Recon -- the game's original name -- was based around being some kind of perverted Covenant voyeur, Halo 3: ODST leaves nothing to the imagination. Microsoft Game Studios product manager Ryan Crosby told GamePlayer that the change helps showcase the new stars of the action, the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers. Not familiar with the elite unit? The ODSTs are to John McClane as Master Chief is to Superman ... and if you still don't get it, read a book or something. Correction: Ryan Crosby is an employee of Microsoft Game Studios, not Bungie. [Via Gamepro]

  • Video: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack preview (now in HD!)

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/xbox/Video_Halo_3_Mythic_Map_Pack_preview_now_in_HD'; We got the chance to preview Halo 3's upcoming Mythic Map Pack and figured we'd whip up a tasty video preview (in high definition, no less). Embedded above is the footage we took from the map pack including a look at Orbital, an Assembly preview and plenty of Forging fun in Sandbox. You may even spot footage of non-shooting recreational activities, like a leisurely game of golf.The Mythic maps are not currently available, but will be included as part of the Halo Wars CE and will release to the XBLM later this Spring. Also, be on the lookout for our Mythic Map Pack gameplay impressions, coming later today.

  • Joystiq Review: Halo Wars

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    click to enlarge Halo Wars is a loaded game. For one, it's the first Halo title developed outside of Bungie, and you can bet Microsoft doesn't want anyone killing its golden goose. Furthermore, the developers have touted the control scheme since the game was first announced, allowing myself and others to hope that it might, just might, do for console RTS games what Halo did for console FPS games. And then, of course, it's the last game from Ensemble Studios ... ever. That's a lot to live up to.%Gallery-45393%

  • Most realistic cardboard Halo Battle Rifle you'll see today

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    In need of a replica weapon for an upcoming cosplay convention? If so, we recommend getting in touch with Cosplay.com member "featherweight," who meticulously crafted the Halo Battle Rifle seen above. From what we gather after looking through his gallery of BR construction photos, the entire replica was built from nothing but sheets of cardboard.Not only is this Battle Rifle a perfect tool to seduce most Cortana cosplayers, but it's probably an effective weapon to defend a cardboard Earth against an invasion of cardboard Covenant.[Via halo.bungie.org]

  • A Halo 3 Valentine: I Won't Teabag on the First Date

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Halo 3 minstrel Bryan Simon is at it again. This time, he has directed his song writing talents (as well as those of his wife) to create a Valentine's Day anthem to rival them all. Entitled "I Won't Teabag on the First Date," the song some of Halo 3's most sentimental moments: Long walks on the beach in Last Resort, a night time stroll through Avalanche and even a romantic Mongoose ride. Teabagging on the first date, though? That's a no-no -- unless your date really wants it. It's a bit late, but we're sure you'll enjoy the bizarrely romantic ballad. Find it after the break.

  • Halo 3 Sandbox toolkit revealed, golf clubs included

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    We have another Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack reveal. This time Bungie.net has the scoop, posting a list of contents for Sandbox's Forge toolkit. A toolkit that comes with golf clubs and golf balls. Grunt branded ones, in fact. Other objects include the standard assortment of blocks, wedges, doo-dads and thingamabobs as well as four Killballs. Two more than Bungie originally promised.Sandbox also ushers in a new set of Forge budgeting rules, which Halo 3 multiplayer leads Tyson Green and Jon Cable talk about in a brief Q&A. From it, we discover that you can actually "break" the Sandbox map by using black magic (modding) to skirt past the map restrictions. Do so, however, and bad things will happen. Bungie warns that glitching the budgeting system "could result in frame-rate inconsistency, increased latency, or even crashes." We say let the kids experiment.[Thanks, StLouisRibs7734]

  • Top seven things to do with a Halo 3 Killball

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The upcoming release of Halo 3's Mythic Map Pack and addition of the Sandbox Killball has already got Forgers' creative minds working overtime. Over on the HBO forums, member pete_the_duck posted a diagram (it's all about the presentation) of the seven things he'll be doing with a glowing orange Killball. Some activities are funny, some actually look fun and others seem downright evil.Here's a warning to anyone who thinks that placing capture points inside a Killball is acceptable Halo etiquette: we'll come after you. We'll come after you with a Spartan Laser and a Costco-sized supply of tea bags in hand.

  • Floating 'Sky Bubble' in Halo 3's Sandbox will blow your Forging mind

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Continuing its Mythic Map Pack information trickle, Bungie just revealed Sandbox's special Forge twist: the Sky Bubble. In easy to digest terms, the Sky Bubble is a completely playable layer that floats hundreds of feet above Sandbox.This completely Forge-able layer, accessed via teleporters, is outlined by a blue grid (which is exactly what the Edge acceptance video was hinting at). The difference between it and the Sandbox ground floor is that the open areas are considered abysses. Folks who should take a wrong step will find themselves falling, falling, falling to their deaths. Both the Sky Bubble and Sandbox planes are playable at the same time, so snipers are sure to have a lovely time.Fanatical Halo 3 Forgers will have a creative hay-day with the new Sky Bubble option ... but us? We just have an itch to create a floating game of Scrabble. Double word score is located high above the rocket spawn.[Thanks, StLouisRibs7734]

  • Take on the Covenant with your own replica Brute Spiker

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Up for auction on eBay at a starting price of just $275, is a custom made, expertly detailed and almost deadly replica of a Halo 3 Brute Spiker. It's being made available just in case someone has to exterminate Covenant forces on the home turf.The quality of the Spiker looks to be on par with the props WETA creates, seeing that it's cast in urethane plastic, uses real leather, boasts shiny LED lights, features a worn paint job and has shaped aluminum blades that are "pointy but not sharp." Even though we prefer sharp objects and think Halo's "can opener" (aka the Brute Mauler) would be more fun to wield, the Spiker can dish out pain and is almost worth the requested cha-ching.[Via halo.bungie.org]

  • Deadly details on Halo 3 Sandbox map's Killballs

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The latest Bungie Weekly Update informs us about Mythic Map Sandbox and the inclusion of the fiery red, somewhat tantalizing and extremely dangerous Forge Killballs.Basically, the Killballs are ball shaped spheres (duh?) that insta-kill anything on contact. If you drive a Warthog inside, it'll explode. If an Elite rubs up against its orange exterior, it'll die a quick death. If a Scorpion enters Killball territory, you'll witness its destruction and the resulting turret ejection. You get the point. Killballs kill.Nestled between the Flood-like skin folds of the Bungie Weekly Update are details about the recent Mythic Map previews, upcoming playlist changes, how the Sandbox Forge budget will function and Bungie squashes nearly every rumor regarding Sandbox's icy blue grid lines. Knowledge is power. More power can be obtained here.