

  • Atari 2600s get PC innards, 22,857 times more processing power

    Atari games redesigned in HTML 5 may bring back a flood of nostalgia, but they leave out a key part of the gaming experience: the classic hardware. Hard Drives Northwest filled that void by gutting a limited number of authentic Atari 2600s and stuffing them with modern PC components. Packing a Core i7 3.4GHz processor, the retro console now boasts 22,857 times more processing power than it did in its heyday, according to Microsoft's calculations -- more than enough oomph to handle the recent remakes. Other internals include 8GB of RAM, a 120GB SSD and a Radeon HD 6570 graphics card with 1GB of video memory. With support for USB 3.0 and 2.0, eSATA, DisplayPort, DVI and HDMI, the system is well stocked on the connectivity front. Finally, the signature of Atari founder Nolan Bushnell acts as the cherry atop the faux wood grain-toting package. While the souped-up machines aren't up for sale, a pair of them are slated for a giveaway. Glamour shots and the full set of specs await you at the source.

    Alexis Santos
  • Call of Duty case mod has spinning gatling gun, energy drink fridge (hands-on)

    We've had our fill of Ultrabooks and tablets at CeBIT, so now it's finally time to move on to the crazy stuff. This over-the-top case mod was awaiting unsuspecting attendees at the far back end of the China pavilion, of all places, and only caught our eye (or ear, rather) thanks to its squeaky gatling gun. It seems that this case first made an appearance at the Taipei Game Show last month, and has now landed on German shores, making a miraculous pass through EU customs to settle here, hidden amongst a hodgepodge of accessories on the outskirts of Hannover. This Thermaltake Level 10 GT chassis was modded by Brian Carter, and is highlighted by a six-barrel rotating gatling gun. There's a bazooka up top where the handle would be, a .50 caliber cartridge on the side and a combination energy drink / hand sanitizer compartment just below. Yes, hand sanitizer. The rotating (and rather noisy) gatling gun makes our hands-on video a must-watch if you're looking to get the full mod experience, so jump past the break and check it out.

    Zach Honig
  • PC modding takes an architectural twist with Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired Usonian

    We admit, we're pretty jaded when it comes to PC casemods, having seen everything from the inscrutable Edelweiss to Russian Ark of the Covenant-like monstrosities. Jeffrey Stephenson, though, charmed us with his wood-carved Level Eleven case, and now he's back with Usonian, inspired by the work of famed Fallingwater architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Split-level cantilevered roofs made of teak, mahogany highlights, all that Cherokee Red and Covered Wagon coloring – it's enough to make an architecture nerd swoon. Beneath all that fine styling it sports an Intel Core i7-875K on a Gigabyte Mini-ITX motherboard, with 8GB system memory. There's a 256GB SSD along with a 2TB hard drive, so it's not just built for looks; Wright, after all, emphasized utility over pointless fashion. Still, it's very pretty to look at. More pics in the source link and after the break.

    Jesse Hicks
  • Calibur11 Vault eyes-on, protecting your Xbox from tactical nukes and stuff

    Although it won't protect your console from a certain red ring, the Calibur11 Vault will fend off pretty much everything else. Calibur11 claim that the MLG approved plates that latch on to your Xbox 360 increase console airflow, while adding an integrated game interaction through the use of LED / USB lighting effects and the extravagant 3D extremities protruding from the sides of your console. The pieces themselves are interchangeable as well as customizable with colors, decals, nameplates and accessories packs. Calibur11 has several versions of the Vault available, including an MLG special edition as well as an upcoming chainsaw-wielding blockbuster-title special edition sometime in Q3. Calibur11 plans to release at major retailers like BestBuy in March 2011, so we'll have to keep our consoles safe from nuclear attacks the old fashion way till then. %Gallery-113317%

    Kevin Wong
  • DIY casemod features fins, automatically vents your rig

    Truly epic casemods grace the humble pages of Engadget from time to time, but here's a spoonful of liquid awesome you might actually be able to try. Using an off-the-shelf fan controller, servo motor and Arduino board, plus some water-cut styrene parts he farmed out to an online shop, user SXRguyinMA outfitted his NZXT Tempest Evo case with a rad robotic cooling system. When the Arduino detects the temperature changing, it automatically actuates the servo to raise or lower the louvers accordingly, and the rig features a pair of supercapacitors that can store enough power to close the vents even if power is lost. There's also the all-important little red button to instantly make jaws drop. Video after the break, full worklog at our more coverage link.

    Sean Hollister
  • Kratos casemod can bring 'God of War' to your desktop... if you really want that

    Well, this is disturbingly creative. Seriously, is there much more to say about this Kratos casemod? Well, Greek mythology and video game fanatics alike should be pleased yet horrified with this one. We certainly were. Video is after the break.

  • Edelweiss PC casemod goes above and beyond insanity

    Sure, these days, it can be pretty hard to get super-stoked over a casemod... after all, they're basically a dime a dozen. We're always impressed with the crazy ones though, and this one over at Million Dollar PC -- the Edelweiss (possibly named after our least-favorite song and flower), really takes the crazy and turns it up to 11. We're not even sure what's going on, to be honest, but we can assure you of this much: we're really, really fond of it. Two more shots after the break.[Via Case Mod Blog]

  • nesPod is a combo of two blasts from the past we can really dig

    We see tons of casemods, but the NES holds a special place in our hearts and memories, so anything in the black-redish orange-gray combo catches our eye pretty easily. The nesPod -- the fine work of flickr user recycledgamer -- is made of a gutted NES controller and an iPod mini circa 2004-2005. The back has been carefully cut out to allow access to the screen and clickwheel, and that's really all there is to it -- no intense mapping of buttons, hacking, or anything -- just a totally chill casemod. You cool with that? Because we are. There's a shot of the back after the break. Hit the read link for the full set of photos.[Via Technabob]

  • Insane Russian casemod shamelessly puts good taste to bed once and for all

    We see plenty of wild casemods around here -- staying on the pulse of what's new with the cool kids is part of our jobs. We've never really seen anything like this one, however. We don't know a terrible lot about the case -- just that it's made of what appears to be solid evil dipped in bronze, and lit by the blood of a terrifying hellbeast. Regardless: it's going to look great in your living room... once you convince Satan to sell it to you for a reasonable price, that is. One more terrifically horrendous photo after the break.

  • Vertex aluminum pyramid PC case looks better in the forest than on your desk

    Something about the mystical look of the pyramid must entice and seduce people into shaping PC casemods into them, because this isn't the first one we've seen. This one -- called the Vertex -- is laser cut aluminum, has an LED power indicator, Scythe Kama-Flex sleeved fans, and suspension for the hard drive. The case also comes with a motherboard, power supply, and a DVD bay, plus side-mounted USB, Firewire and audio ports. For $400, one of these can be yours in red, black or blue, but don't blame us if it doesn't make your desk seem less cluttered -- looks like a real space hog to us. There's one more photo after the break... if you dare.[Via Technabob]

  • Why not: A Mac mini inside an Apple Disk ][ enclosure

    During last night's talkcast, we debated the validity of the most recent Mac mini rumors. I was in the "No Way" camp. I'm sure there's a new mini in the works, but I don't think that's it. At least, the machine depicted in that video isn't what will be offered to customers. I mean ... five USB ports, Firewire 800, two display ports ... why stop there? Throw in SCSI! LocalTalk! Cans and string!Or better yet, cram the whole mini into an Apple Disk ][ enclosure. That's what one enterprising case hacker did, and the results are pretty sweet. This mini has been so carefully placed that even the optical drive lines up with the case's opening. The LED has even been rigged to glow when the Mac is running. We love it.[Via Engadget & Cult of Mac]

    Dave Caolo
  • Hello Kitty Xbox 360 dazzles while you frag

    You may remember deviantART member Ricepuppet from his days dressing up his Xbox 360 in Domo-kun stylings. He's back, combining our love for console paint jobs with all things Hello Kitty. No matching controller this time, but there's more than enough stars, shades of pink, and cuteness to make up for it. The Sanrio charmer isn't the only new mod he's got, we also spotted consoles adorned with Halo Wars, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Chocobos (of Final Fantasy fame). Now how about we see some of that HK love plastered on a Rock Band drum set?Read - Hello Kitty modRead - Go Go Sonic modRead - Halo Wars modRead - Chocobo racing mod

    Ross Miller
  • Chiaroscuro case mod riffs on Beijing Olympics building

    Arboreal case modder Nick "Greensabbath" Falzone's latest creation is an Ebony and Maple Frankenstein inspired by the Beijing Digital Building. Dubbed Chiaroscuro -- meaning a contrast between light and dark -- the tower sports an AMD Phenom X4 9350e quad core, 4GB of RAM and a Radeon HD 4850. Hit up the read link for a full breakdown of the creation, with pictures galore (not pictured: the requisite wooden mouse and keyboard). Your move, Suissa.

    Ross Miller
  • The BlackBoard Pro

    Here's the situation. You're sitting with a friend when she gives you some great information that you want to write down. Or, you want to share something with her, but your Mac is not running, and it seems like a hassle to wait for it to boot just to complete that simple exchange. What's a nerd to do?How about cover the lid of your MacBook Pro with chalkboard paint? That's exactly what Russell Davies did, and the BlackBoard Pro was born. It's got a certain "Little House on the Prairie Schoolhouse" charm, and as Russell says, "...there's something very satisfying about crossing off a to do by licking your finger and smearing it out."Well done, Russell. We think.[Via Joshua Blakenship]

    Dave Caolo
  • Motorized Madness is, in fact, just that

    You know, we're normally not very into the whole case mod scene, but every once in a while some whack job with way too much free time and talen comes along and completely blows our minds. In this case it's rendermandan's Motorized Madness, a vaguely steampunk reinterpretation of the PC replete with the usual complement of colored lamps and fans, as well as a full outfit of unnecessary rotating, extending, and moving external displays, switches, and toggles. Oh, and that thing up top is a turbine water cooler. Videos after the break -- you won't be disappointed.

    Ryan Block
  • MacMod '07 has begun

    Each August, we anticipate the start of the MacMod Challenge, a time for case modders to compete for bragging rights and glory (among other prizes). Last year's entries included the iMac mini LCD and the Tonka iMac. In fact, did the 2005 challenge produce the first iMac with "Intel inside?"The list of prizes and judges for 2007 are yet to be announced , but a glance at the information page reveals a new category: "iPhone mod."Thanks, Timmy!

    Dave Caolo
  • ThermalTake's gawdy iFlash+ PC fan reviewed

    So we recently threw together a little rig of our own, and though we made sure to toss in at least four fans for keeping everything nice and cool, we has no idea that for a lot more money we could get ones that pull double duty as obnoxious billboards for flashing the internal temperature. So would we have done things differently had we known about ThermalTake's iFlash+ 120mm model with built-in POV (persistence of vision) display? Of course not, don't be silly. But for those of you who take pride in shlocking up your case mods as much as possible, Dark Vision Hardware reports that the iFlash+ does indeed live up to the hype, basically giving you the performance of ThermalTake's TT-1225A coupled with a bright, readable, and mostly pointless bit of ambient information. Reviewer Thomas gives the lively air mover a nine out of ten rating, harshing on it only for its curious but rather minor omission of a Fahrenheit mode (i.e. all temps are shown in Celsius). Still, you're not spending triple the price of a regular fan because of your need for real-time, completely accurate data anyway, so it's probably best to say that this product will be most pleasing to anyone who would actually consider buying it. If that's you, make sure to check out the vid after the break...

    Evan Blass
  • Superbowl XLI Colts 360 Case Mod on Ebay

    Americans love their Football, and the annual Super Bowl that comes with it. But the question is, do they love it enough to buy Super Bowl XLI case mod off eBay? Seller stevenkeno29 seems to think so, as he has an auction (with an astounding 0 bids) up for a Blue Indianapolis Colts themed Xbox 360 and controller, complete with Super Bowl XLI logos and images on the other side. The auction closes on Valentine's Day, so if this interests you, then you may as well step on it and get bidding. More images after the break.

    David Dreger
  • Bloody well done 360 Case Mod

    Fanboy David Hinkle sent us a link to a very well put together case mod. It's so well put together, in fact, that we'll ignore what kind of "fanboy" he is. has made a Blood Splattered Case mod, complete with obligatory hand print on the left side/bottom, and views of the console's innards on the right side/top. It looks very sharp would do any Dead Rising or Gears of War enthusiast proud, and definitely beats out the Diamond case reported earlier. What's most disturbing is that it almost does too good of a job looking like blood, and makes us wonder where, or from whom, did he get the material to do so. Anyway, major props are in order for either making such a convincing case mod, or blatantly flaunting the evidence without getting caught. Side view and picture of the case mod installed after the break.

    David Dreger
  • Halo 3 case mod is ... erm ... backwards

    The above picture is reason enough to leave case modding to the professionals. Klyde over at xbox-scene's forums proudly posted his first 360 case mod and was looking for a little feedback. The cutout of the Halo 3 logo was done quite well, craftsmanship is on par, but there is one tiny problem. The logo was cut out backwards, making this mod look ... craptacular. Oh well Klyde, this was your first case mod so we know your future mods can only get better (as we're looking forward to them). [Via Digg]

    Dustin Burg