

  • David Cox details the 'epic yet sad' score of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    In an interview conducted last summer with Castlevania: Lords of Shadow producer David Cox, we found out that the much loved Castlevania: Symphony of the Night music composer Michiru Yamane wouldn't be joining the team at Konami to compose the upcoming game. What was unclear at the time, however, was who exactly would be assigned the task of creating the game's score. David Cox explained to Joystiq this morning that Oscar Araujo, a Spanish symphonist, has been granted that burden. "Our composer for this game is Oscar Araujo who is a Spanish composer. He is creating a very epic yet sad and melancholy score that perfectly suits the game and emotion that we are aiming for." While Cox added that he's "a big fan of Yamane-san's work," he admitted that her music wouldn't have been a great fit for Mercury Steam's take on the Castlevania series. It certainly doesn't hurt that, according to Cox, she's no longer an employee of Konami. "Yamane-san left Konami quite some time ago as I understand it. She is currently working freelance, though I am not 100% sure. "Yamane-san has a style that fits perfectly to the previous Castlevania games but this game is very different to those more recent 'vania's in style and direction. I don't think I would be doing her any favours by including her music in the game." He also pointed out that we'll understand his point more clearly when we "eventually get to see the game." With any luck, that'll be sooner rather than later. %Gallery-65043%

  • ESRB rates Castlevania: Rondo of Blood for Wii

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    [Castlevania Dungeon] According to a recent "T for Teen" classification by the ESRB, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (better known as Dracula X: Rondo of Blood) appears to be heading to the Wii. An OFLC rating of the game back in December already hinted at the possibility of the game arriving on the Wii's Virtual Console (the Japanese version was released in April 2008), but the ESRB rating's description seems to clinch it, citing the "early-90s rendering" of "reddish blood-like bursts." Previously, unless you were a resident of Japan who owned a PC Engine CD in the early '90s (or, more likely, a PSP owner anywhere in the world within the past two years ago), there wasn't an easy way for you to get your hands on "Akumajō Dracula X Chi no Rondo" (Rondo of Blood's Japanese title). But now, it seems that Wii owners outside of Japan will get the chance to check out the game.

  • Upcoming Castlevania's 'lead' console is PlayStation 3, Konami producer says

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow may be in development for both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, but the game's producer David Cox recently pointed out via his Twitter account that the "PS3 is the lead platform" for the upcoming game. That isn't to say the Xbox 360 version will be lesser for the fact, as he quickly followed up his statement with the assurance that "the game is identical on both formats [Xbox 360 and PS3]." He's also noted a few times recently that we'll be hearing more about the game sometime "soon," so in lieu of no new information, at least be contented with the thought that you'll get some additional Castlevania deets sometime in the near future. Maybe. %Gallery-65043%

  • Castlevania's last 'Rebirth' -- as a pachinko machine

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    You may never have watched six minutes of promotional footage for a pachinko machine before, but that's about to change.

  • Luigi's Mansion + Castlevania = Mansionvania: Vacuum of Sorrow

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    We'll have to file this one under the "Games That We Wish Existed" category, as the screen you see above is little more than a pixelart mash-up of Luigi's Mansion and the Castlevania series. Masterfully created by Shane Gill for his PixelJoint page (and spotted by the folks at Tiny Cartridge), the piece is the living embodiment of what we wish the DSiWare service played host to more often. Alas, we don't believe we'll be seeing "Mansionvania: Vacuum of Sorrow" landing on Nintendo's digital distribution service anytime soon -- but we can at least point to it next time someone asks what we'd like to see available for download. "That! Go make that! That 2D pixel game with the vacuum-wielding Luigi! And enough with the calendars already!" [Via Tiny Cartridge]

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Castlevania ReBirth, Pilotwings, Oregon Trail

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Nintendo's been on quite the roll recently, providing plenty of content in its weekly offerings -- and today is no different. There are ten new titles to check out, including high-profile downloads such as Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, Oregon Trail and -- finally! -- Pilotwings on the Virtual Console. Head past the break to check out the full list.

  • Dracula X rated by OFLC

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    [Castlevania Dungeon] No, the world's most famous vampire wasn't judged unsuitable for families. Rather, it's a long-awaited hint of a localized Virtual Console release for Dracula X: Rondo of Blood. The legendary PC Engine Castlevania game came out in Japan in April 2008, but never made it to the Virtual Console elsewhere. Now, the Australian OFLC ratings board has classified the game, listing Nintendo as the publisher. The impact of this development may be dulled somewhat by the game's availability in both original and remade form on the PSP Dracula X Chronicles disc, but we would enjoy the opportunity to play this game without first purchasing another system, and then unlocking the game somewhere in its remake. [Via GoNintendo]

  • Mankind definitely needs a Castlevania music collection such as this

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Depressed about the lack of availability (as of right now) of Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth in North America? Then you'll be crying Bloody Tears over this Japan-only CD collection, releasing March 24. The Akumajou Dracula Best Music Collections BOX contains nineteen discs of Castlevania music. The collection includes soundtracks for Castlevania games ranging from NES, Game Boy, and MSX releases to more recent games on Game Boy Advance, PS2, and the arcade. Even the spin-off, Kid Dracula, is included on Disc 2! Disc 18 is an "arrange" album, with covers Castlevania tunes by Symphony of the Night composer Michiru Yamane, and disc 19 is a DVD featuring recording studio footage and interviews with Yamane. It's very unlikely this collection will be officially made available outside of Japan, and if an importer does carry it, you'll have to whip a bunch of candles to scrounge up the coins: Konamistyle prices the collection at ¥21,000 ($232). [Via Original Sound Version]

  • Why 'Lords of Shadow' wasn't 'Castlevania: Lords of Shadow' at first

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Being Dave Cox, head of European development for Konami, can't be an easy job. For one, he's not Hideo Kojima, so he's already got that going against him. Worse yet, he's had to tow the company line and let his upcoming Castlevania: Lords of Shadow languish out of the spotlight while Castlevania Judgment got all the attention. It seems Konami didn't even have the confidence to allow Lords of Shadow the Castlevania license -- nor did fans. "It was quite a radical departure from what had gone before with Castlevania, and there was a little bit of nervousness that perhaps it wouldn't be accepted as a Castlevania game," Cox told GameReactor. Though he claims the project was approved originally as a Castlevania game and was built from the get-go with the vampire-hunting series in mind, the folks in charge at Konami had cold feet going into the big reveal at Games Convention 2008. "Senior management took the decision that we were going to announce it as Lords of Shadow, see what the reaction is, and if it's a good one then this would become a fully-fledged Castlevania." It was definitely a good one. %Gallery-65043%[Via VG247]

  • 'Half-Contra' explores NES Contra as done by Half-Life 2

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Machinima user M0rtanius has created another video that mashes up a classic Konami title with Half-Life 2. His original piece placed Half-Life's protagonist into the world of Castlevania, whereas this latest one features Contra. The attention to the level design is pretty neat in both, and the music is lifted straight from the NES games, but it's just not the same without the Contra arsenal and Simon's whip. Also, we're not seeing any Konami code being entered, which means a quick end could not be far behind. Check out both clips after the break.

  • Castlevania Half-Life 2 mod brings Belmont to the Source

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Man, is this National Awesome Half-Life 2 Mod Weekend, or what? user (and assumed Source engine guru) m0rtanius recently made a 3D adaptation of the first level of Castlevania, which you can view in the video after the jump. Before you pass judgment on this mod, we suggest you view this clip from Castlevania 64. We've come a long way, baby. [Via GoNintendo]

  • Whippin' out some Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth footage

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Upon close inspection of two new videos of the WiiWare title, Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, we can confirm the following: It's definitely a Castlevania game. While the game is a remake of the Gameboy title of the same name -- sans the "ReBirth" bit -- the WiiWare version is more reminiscent of the 16-bit games found on the Super Nintendo and Genesis. In fact, we're fairly certain we spotted some reused art from said 16-bit games, which is pretty characteristic for a Castlevania title! Still, the classic monster-slaying, holy-water-tossing gameplay looks to be firmly intact. Check out the footage after the break.

  • A single screenshot of Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Taken directly from Konami's Japanese website, we present to you a solitary screenshot from its upcoming WiiWare remake, Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth. Given that the game is based on a GameBoy title, it's perhaps appropriate that the screenshot is very small. Still, we apologize for the pathetic tininess of the image. Then again, we're not sure what we were expecting. After all, what is a screenshot but a miserable little pile of pixels?

  • Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth arises in scans

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Though Konami still has yet to officially announce Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth for WiiWare, the title has shown up on the ESRB's database, Nintendo's release calendar and now in Famitsu ... with full release details. We're going to go ahead and call "case closed" on this one.As the name suggests, the new game is a "concept remake" of Castlevania: The Adventure for Game Boy; a game that desperately needed to be remade. ReBirth will have new enemies and altered level designs -- most notably, stairs have been implemented to replace the ropes from the Game Boy game. It'll also have new arrangements of classic Castlevania music. Like the other ReBirth games, this one is going for a faithful 16-bit look.ReBirth will be out in Japan on October 27 for 1,000 Wii Points. Nintendo's calendar gave it a "Q3 2009" date for North America, so it could be out here by Halloween as well!

  • Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth is real, whips onto WiiWare soon

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    The Wiimake of Castlevania: The Adventure for Game Boy that was recently rated by the ESRB is totally happening, but it wasn't Konami that took the lid off the coffin. Nintendo confirmed the game today as Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, and gave it a release timeframe: Q3 2009. Holy water! That's pretty much now!We've put in word to Konami in hopes of staking nailing down a more specific date.

  • ESRB rates Castlevania the Adventure ReBirth for Wii

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    It's been over a year since we last heard rumors of a re-Vamped Castlevania installment on the WiiWare service -- now, a new ESRB listing has rekindled the flames of conjecture. The board recently gave a Teen rating to Castlevania the Adventure ReBirth for the Wii -- as you may have noticed, it shares the suffix applied to the similarly renovated Gradius ReBirth and Contra ReBirth, both of which surfaced on Nintendo's download platform this year. According to the ESRB rating, the game will finally deliver the "side-scrolling action" which classic 'Vania fans have been clamoring for. If it's based off the Game Boy title of the same name, our only request is that they smooth out the game's unscalable difficulty curve. To this day, we're not sure that game has a second level.

  • 2009 Dream-Build-Play winners announced, Dust takes top honor

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    It must be nice winning $40,000! We imagine Dust: An Elysian Tail developer Dean Dodrill will be drinking his fair share of shirley temples this weekend with all those extra duckets, after winning first place in this year's XNA Developer Dream-Build-Play competition. As you can see in the gallery below and video after the break, Dust is a beautiful, hand-drawn side-scroller that features action-RPG gameplay in the vein of Castlevania ... but with furries.Second place (and $20,000) went to Panya Inversin from Coin App who created Max Blastronaut, which looks to be a mix between Super Stardust HD and ... Double Dragon? We're just as confused as you are, but see for yourself after the break, below the Dust clip. Third and fourth place went to Mauricio Garcia's Rotor'scope and Hu Ling's HurricaneX2 Evolution, respectively. Congratulations to all of this year's winners!%Gallery-72019%

  • The evolution of Castlevania's 'Vampire Killer' theme

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    A wave of nostalgia washes over us when we hear music from our favorite classic franchises. One of those iconic pieces is Castlevania's "Vampire Killer" series theme. The folks at Tiny Cartridge (specifically, Joystiq's own JC Fletcher) stumbled upon a YouTube clip featuring every version the classic track has spawned since the origin of the Castlevania franchise.While musical style and technology has evolved, this video showcases how Kinuyo Yamashita's original piece has lived on throughout nearly two dozen Castlevania games (as well as some non-Castlevania titles). Feel like taking a stroll down memory lane with us? Check out the comparison videos after the break ... but stop holding our hand. It's kind of weird.

  • Producer: Lords of Shadow was always a Castlevania title (also: new trailer!)

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We were a bit perplexed when Konami announced Castlevania: Lords of Shadow at E3 earlier this year. The reason: Konami announced the exact same game last year, minus the "Castlevania" in the title. Many of us here at the 'Stiq had assumed that Konami had seen an opportunity to raise the profile of the title by attaching the Castlevania name but, according to producer David Cox, that wasn't the case.Cox tells 1UP that the game was always meant to be a Castlevania title, but the association was removed when it was first announced at E3 2008. It seems Konami didn't want to steal any thunder from its then upcoming Castlevania: Judgment. Probably a good call, considering Judgment's nominal thunder could be stolen by a reasonably large rubber ball.Cox also revealed some fresh details on the game, most importantly saying that it will not follow the design of most of the recent titles in the theory, abandoning Metroid-esque exploration in favor of more linear action. In response to franchise purists, Cox pointed out that some of the best entries in the series (notably Castlevania II and IV) have been action-only affairs. Of course, it helps that the main character, Gabriel, is actually a Belmont. Head over to 1UP for more details and be absolutely certain to watch the new, extended trailer above.

  • These Metroidvania games are neither Metroid nor Vania

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    "Metroidvania" is a term used to describe side-scrolling games with large, open worlds, new areas of which are accessible only with certain items or powerups. Take away the side-scrolling element, and you've got Zelda; take away the powerups, and you've got Pitfall. It's named after the two most famous series to make use of the format, Metroid and (later) Castlevania. Shadow Complex has suddenly thrown the Metroidvania genre back into mainstream gamers' attention, thanks to its fancy graphics and being an Xbox 360 game. It isn't the first game that isn't a Metroid or Castlevania to apply this formula -- in fact, many developers stumbled upon the Metroidvania formula or a close variant even before Symphony of the Night.Join us on a brisk tour of some notable free-roaming games. If you are overcome by Metroidvania fever, you can read more detailed writeups of many of the games in GameSpite's ToastyWiki.Click here to start your adventure!