

  • not just stuff, but Wiimotes on your cat

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    In the great tradition of sites like Stuff On My Cat -- tasked with putting all sorts of "stuff" (like Katamari prince outfits and Xbox 360s) on cats -- we're thrilled to discover, a site with a very similar, albeit niche, focus. Instead of just any old thing being put on cats, they're going to concentrate on just putting Wiimotes on the fuzzy little guys. To help kick the site off right, we've submitted our very own entry. Ladies and gentleman, meet Link. He's a 5ish-year-old cat who enjoys overeating, bothering his sister, Zelda, and knocking things off counters. Like Wiimotes. Payback's a bitch, eh Link?[Thanks, Erick]

  • DIY cat feeder powered by Ubuntu Linux, CD-ROM tray

    Cyrus Farivar
    Cyrus Farivar

    It seems, from our very unofficial research, that cat owners tend to be geeks. And to prove our point, we bring you the geekiest cat owner in history. Lee Holmes, of Ontario, Canada, recently combined his Ubuntu Linux server to create a Rube Goldberg machine of a cat feeder. By running a script on his server, the CD-ROM tray pops open, a trap door opens, allowing cat food to flow down a cardboard chute into his cat's bowl. (Bah, just go watch it in action on YouTube, which is linked from his site.) As if that weren't geeky enough, he can use his i-mate JasJar to SSH to the server, allowing him to feed his cat from across the room, or across the world. Now all he needs is to figure out a way for the restocking process to be automated, and he could retire from his day job and sell these things to cat owners worldwide. [Via MAKE:Blog]

  • Cats and dogs totally dig Macs

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Christopher Phin over at his wildly optimistically named blog, Receding Hairline, has brought my attention to a brilliant Flickr group called "Cats love Macs." As the name implies, the photos all feature two elements: a cat and a Mac. With over 230 members, it's pretty clear that cats really do like Macs. There's plenty of space for canines in the similar group called "Dogs love Macs too!" Some highlights from the cat group include Mac owner's pets lounging on toasty iBooks and pawing at new MacBooks or even jumping on top of eMacs. Fortunately for the owners, no poo is involved at this point. Now, how about a "Humans love Macs" Flickr group?

  • Isn't that precious? Catamari Damacy!

    Vladimir Cole
    Vladimir Cole

    Stuff on my delights with this little homage to quirky game Katamari Damacy. By the way, the cat's name is "Catty" and her expression has been interpreted by our expert, in-house feline psychologists to mean, "I will be pooping in daddy's shoes later today."

  • Even cats can be Xbox 360 fanboys

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    From the depths of the ultra-cute, super-wuper, cuddly-wuddly unique blog Stuff on My Cat, whose tagline reads "stuff plus cats = awesome," comes this entry entitled "Garfield is a Xbox 360 fanboy."That is one docile feline! My cat won't voluntarily allow me to put anything on him (not even that cute little Halloween costume we got him!). Another thought: that cat is huge! Anyone got a good caption for this pic?