

  • RuneScape opens 2013 Premier Club, donates $90K to charity

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    If you've got the cash and interest to spare, then RuneScape would like to convince you to invest in one of its 2013 Premier Club packages. Jagex has unveiled its new limited-time Premier Club membership tiers, which offer extra goodies in exchange for committing to a multi-month subscription. The bronze package is $23.50 for three months, the silver is $44.50 for six months, and the gold is $86.50 for a full year. Extras include exclusive pets, bonus spins on the squeal of fortune, and access to a VIP server. Jagex congratulated the community on donating in-game wealth via the Well of Goodwill that was translated into a real-world donation by Jagex to several charities. The studio split $90,838 between seven charities. RuneScape also just added a level 92 slayer, the Airut, for players to defeat.

  • World of Tanks Veteran's Day tournaments will support veterans charities

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Recently, we learned of's support of historic preservation; now the maker of World of Tanks is offering a special e-sport event to support veterans in honor of Veteran's Day/Remembrance Day. In November, WoT will host Veteran's Challenge, a series of three separate tournaments -- one each for tiers four, six, and eight. Winners of the top two tiers will receive cash prizes. How much? That depends on all of the game's players! The cash prize will start at $30,000 and increase for each player over 30,000 that logs in. But folks logging into the game will do more than just fill the coffers of a few tournament winners, they will also directly influence the amount donated to five different veteran-focused charitable organizations. will take the number of concurrent users at its peak and convert it to a cash donation, splitting the amount between the organizations. One note: All tournaments will be run concurrently, so teams can only sign up for one of the three. For full details or to sign up, visit the official Veteran's Challenge announcement. [Thanks to RMS_Gigantic for the tip!]

  • YouTube Campaigns lets nonprofits draw our interest without the telethons

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Trying to launch a concerted nonprofit video campaign can feel like tilting at windmills: you might have one moment of undivided attention from viewers before they're off to watch cats and Nigerian pygmy goats. Google wants to make the most of that time through its YouTube Campaigns initiative. The strategy brings on-video overlays and channel sections that show viewers both a progress meter for the campaign as well as a handy links to explore and share what they've found. If all goes well, charities and like-minded organizations get more donations and YouTube views, while we in the general public are reminded that there's more to life than K-pop videos. It certainly beats manning the phones for a celebrity fundraiser.

  • The Perfect Ten: Reasons why it's great to be an MMO fan today

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    After my last Perfect Ten list, I strongly debated creating a new one revolving around the issue of spiders and their relation to insects and gigantism, but my editor told me that that wasn't enough of an MMO topic to suit Massively's needs. So, bowing and scraping in apology, I must instead present to you my back-up plan: Ten reasons why it's great to be an MMO fan today. I can hear some of you grimacing right now: "But Justin -- if that is your real name -- are you really so doe-eyed and naïve? Don't you know that all MMOs suck, that it's all the same old crud, and that you have gray in your beard?" That's where I'm different, I guess. I'm not blind to some of the serious issues that plague the MMO industry, and I've had my fair share of burnout, disillusion and frustration with the games, but I can't bring myself to become an MMO cynic. On the contrary, I feel that part of being an MMO fan is that it's fun to look on the bright side and get excited about this hobby we all share. So in that spirit, I present to you 10 reasons why it's a great time to be an MMO fan right now more than ever before. And, yes, I'm still calling spiders "bugs." You can't stop me. I'm immune to all conventional weapons!

  • Hello Kitty Online's Food for Friends 2 event provides Haiti disaster relief

    James Egan
    James Egan

    One of the things that's different about Hello Kitty Online, beyond the pink hearts and stars motif, is that the game ties in with some great charitable causes. Now Sanrio Digital has announced the "Food for Friends 2" guild competition, an event that lets guilds compete for Loyalty Point prizes for use in the Hello Kitty Online item mall while helping people in the real world. Players from select regions (North America, Europe, Singapore, Malaysia) who participate in Food for Friends 2 will generate real money donations (from event sponsors) through their gameplay that will help disaster relief efforts in Haiti. Food for Friends 2 runs from January 21-30 and getting involved is very simple. Players can log in and head on over to Hello Kitty Online's version of London to speak with an NPC named Cinnamaroll. He's collecting crafted consumable items for the needy. The more people from your guild who donate these items, the higher your guild's point standings increase.

  • Extra Life raises over $150,000

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    A little over a week ago, we told you about Beau Turkey (from Spouse Aggro) and his participation in Extra Life, the gaming marathon created by Sarcastic Gamer and the Texas Children's Hospital to raise money for the Texas Children's Cancer Center. He easily achieved his goal of $192 -- raising $270 -- but he was one of many, many people who pitched in their time and money to help out. Thanks to Beau and all the others who helped out, Extra Life hit quite a milestone. Yesterday they announced that they had raised over $150,000 -- an amount well over last year's total which will see 100% going to the Cancer center (Check out the header for a running total). Extra Life has designated this Saturday as "make up day," when participants can finish up their full 24 hours, if they couldn't make it before. Of course, the site will remain open for donations until then as well. We applaud Beau, Sarcastic Gamer, and all of you who participated. Thank you!

  • Blogger to play 24 hours of MMOs for charity

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Beau Turkey, the guy-half of the Spouse Aggro blog and podcast -- and a regular guest on our own Massively Speaking podcast -- is participating in a very special charity event all day today. The charity is called Extra Life, and it is a 24-hour gaming marathon with the slogan "Play games, heal kids", created to raise money for the Texas Children's Cancer Center. Beau has chosen his games -- twelve games for two hours each -- and posted his list here. He's included in-game names and servers for each game to make it easier for those who'd like to join him. If you're more of a voyeur, Beau has been kind enough to set up live streaming video of the event as well. We're predicting that it's going to be pretty fun to watch, especially around hour eighteen or so, when he starts to lose feeling in his right hand.Of course, it's good if you want to watch; better if you log in and play with Beau, and best if you donate. Beau's goal is a pretty reasonable $192.00, and you can help him reach it here. Good luck Beau, we think you're doing a great thing. Hope you have plenty of coffee on-hand!

  • Introducing Nike+ Group Goals: donate your miles, run for a cause

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Boy, this Nike+ thing just keeps getting cooler and cooler. I just received an email from Nike introducing a new Nike+ Group Goals program through which Nike will donate $1 to a cause for every mile participants run (using the Nike+iPod kit, of course). It appears that causes will rotate periodically, as this month they're featuring three: the Lance Armstrong Foundation and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, as well as Cubs and White Sox charities.This is a stellar idea, and call me what you have to, but I'm genuinely inspired to finish this post and lace up my shoes; this is such a great way to get people even more motivated. I'm excited to see what other charities and groups hop on board with one of the most arguably unique and active iPod accessories to date.