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    Trump creates American Technology Council to 'modernize' US government

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    The White House has issued an executive order creating the American Technology Council. "Americans deserve better digital services from their government," Donald Trump writes. "The Federal Government must transform and modernize its information technology and how it uses and delivers digital services." The Council's aim is to "coordinate the vision strategy, and direction for the federal government's use of information technology (IT) and the delivery of services through information technology," according to the order.

  • White House appoints first ever chief data scientist

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    The White House has a new employee: Chief Data Scientist and Chief Technology Officer for Data Policy, DJ Patil. His high-level job description, according to the White House blog, is that he'll help "shape the practices and policies to help the United States remain a leader in technology and innovation." On a more granular note, newly appointed US chief technology officer Megan Smith says that he'll be working on the Precision Medicine Initiative that uses data to help physicians provide better care while protecting their privacy.