

  • Barker lays smackdown on Ebert about games not being art

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Speaking with Scott Steinberg on the latest Digital Trends podcast, horror guru Clive Barker calls Roger "game's can't be high art" Ebert a "pompous, arrogant old man" and says "he's not going to stop us from making games or enjoying them or... making them art." Barker even says that he planned to write a nasty letter to Ebert, but then backed down after discovering Ebert had cancer. Well, at least Barker has a heart and isn't completely about ripping them out while they're still beating.Barker goes on to say that he thinks one day games will be viewed as art just like old Disney animated films are now. There's a lot more in the podcast about the topic. We're not that concerned about the "games as art" debate because we're sure in time the critics will come around. Although we're not too sure if Barker's Jericho would be on that art list before Shadow of the Colossus or Katamari Damacy.[Via GameDaily]

  • New Jericho preview with details to scare you silly

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    If these Clive Barker's Jericho screens don't already demand your attention, we're not sure what else will. Judging from the success of the last Clive Barker Undying outing on PC alone, this is definitely a highly anticipated title for all consoles. The boys at IGN had their fill of the latest build and felt similarly to CVG during their earlier play-test. Needless to say, they came away impressed, noting crisp textures across the diverse levels and enemies with clever touches of detail throughout the world, like swarms of helpful black flies that scurry fallen enemies off the map. Cool. The game also features interactive anxiety-riddled button-pressing segments (ala Resident Evil 4). No official word on SIXAXIS interactivity for these scenes, but the type of game play during these scenes practically screams for it. At any rate, feast your looking balls on the new gallery and stay tuned for more updates as we approach the September release date for Clive Barker's Jericho. %Gallery-3908%