

  • CCP reaching out to potential EVE players with "Get a Clone"

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online creators CCP Games are taking a different approach to promoting the game with a new website. All players in EVE's setting of New Eden are "capsuleers" -- starship pilots who have attained immortality through cloning technology. CCP's "Get a Clone" site invites you to "Clone yourself. Not the way you are, but the way you want to be." The site belongs to Duvolle Laboratories, one of EVE Online's NPC corporations, and provides an in-character introduction to some of the basic career paths a pilot can explore in the game. But first, Duvolle Labs asks you five questions that pin down how morally flexible you are (as a game character). Would you rather build or tear down? Would you risk your life for money or glory? Is success is measured by profits or progress? Your responses to five questions Duvolle Laboratories asks places you in one of four broad career paths - military, exploration, business, or industry.

  • Earthrise lore features clash between utopian idealism and anarchy

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Earthrise is a new title that we haven't seen much of thus far beyond screenshots and concept art. Still, it's one that's holding the interest of a small but growing community, waiting to see if the game will offer an experience that's a far cry from a fantasy MMO. In making the game a departure from the fantasy genre, the Earthrise creators at Masthead Studios have been fleshing out the game's lore and relaying it to potential fans through its own newsletters and some media exclusives, at IGN's RPG Vault in particular. IGN continues its series of Earthrise previews, focusing on the lore of the post-apocalyptic setting. That is to say the old world is dead, wiped out in World War III. Those who weren't part of the Continoma-selected elite are either ash or reduced to slavering mutants prowling Enterra in search of their next meal. The previous piece titled Continoma: The Beginning focused on the corporate entity that rose to power and came to rule what was left of the earth following the near-annihilation of human society. IGN now looks at what happened after the burn in "Continoma: The Rebirth." Check out their piece for the full story on the pioneers of Earthrise who work to rebuild society to utopian standards, and the anarchists who resist the order of this new establishment.

  • EVE Visual Guide: Before you undock

    James Egan
    James Egan

    There are a few essential things any pilot in EVE Online should do before they undock from a station and get themselves into a potentially hostile situation. Come to think of it, anytime you undock there's at least some chance of hostility. Keeping that in mind, think of this as a visual checklist you should go through before entering space, as you're not only risking your ship, but your skillpoints if you bite off more than you can chew. This happens all too often, to novice and veteran pilots alike in EVE. So to help you avoid this fate... Head to the guide >> %Gallery-30109%

  • Player vs. Everything: The MMO clone wars

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    You can say a lot of things about a game you don't like. You can say that it sucks or that it's poorly balanced. You can say that the art direction is all wrong, or you can say that it's lacking in any number of features a good game should have. But sometimes a game takes flak for committing the most grievous sin of all: copying another game. One of the most commonly cited complaints about any given game is that they copied "feature X" from "game Y." For some reason, MMOG players in particular just love to cite the classic "It's just a clone of (whatever)" when they're trying to challenge the very essence of a particular title. If a game is a copy (the reasoning goes) then clearly the designers are wholly uninspired, worthless, and incapable of creating anything interesting or original. It really seems to irk players who feel that their game is being somehow wronged when another game uses similar ideas. But is this really such a bad thing? Might cloning features, or even cloning games, actually be the best possible thing for the games industry?

  • TurpsterVision: Did I mention there is a war going on?

    Mark Turpin
    Mark Turpin

    Every Tuesday think "T" for Turpster and take the "a" in "day", capitalize it, remove the little bit in the middle, turn it upside down and you get a "V". Put the two together and you'll have TV for TurpsterVision -- the best Internet video podcast on Massively! (Never mind that business about it being the only video podcast on Massively...)Another average week, another fantastic TV Episode. This time around I've decided to have a look at Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa. I've heard a few good things about this title, but to be honest, I've heard far more bad things. I am not one to make up my mind on a game before I've played it, so I went down to my local store and picked up a copy. It just so happened that the Collector's Edition of the game was cheaper than the standard edition – go figure. I'm not complaining since I get a nifty little floating robot non-combat pet that follows me around!To see the review as always you have to take the step into the void and join us on the other side of the break.

  • Rogue Signal: The unwritten rules of EVE PvP, part 1

    Phillip Manning
    Phillip Manning

    EVE Online is a PvP driven game. It is not merely PvP oriented, nor does it only contain strong PvP overtones. The game, its politics, and its economy, are all controlled by the ever-present PvP that takes place. No matter your path in EVE, you are participating in PvP, be it through market competition with another trader, competition for ore rights with another miner, or the time-honored tradition of turning your opponent into space dust. Staying out of the PvP environment requires a conscious effort. Even the most casual PvE enthusiast is contributing to PvP by selling loot or minerals, and may well become the target of some non-consensual combat. Suffice to say, even though this guide will have some things that will apply only to those looking for a fight, there is something for everyone, since you will get killed, someday. Ignoring these bits of advice is a surefire way to make that inevitable ship loss that much more painful. Also, bear in mind that each and every one of the things I am going to cover here is something that I myself have done in the past. This is not just a guide for noobs, but also a cheat sheet for those of us who get so busy preparing the bigger picture battle, that we forget things that end up making us look like total noobs in the end.

  • British could accidentally make Taurens [update 1]

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The BBC reports scientists at Newcastle University and Kings College, London, are attempting to create "hybrid human-bovine embryos." They stress the embryos would not be allowed to develop beyond a few days and will be used for stem cell research. To make a very long story short, human embryos are in short supply, so it's easier to extract the genetic information from cow eggs and insert human DNA in its place. The same thing they did with Dolly the sheep.Why not leave the cow DNA in there and see what happens? We would create our very own Taurens, as found in the World of Warcraft. We could raise them on the plains, teach them to respect the "Earth Mother" and then they'd "pwn" us for raping the land! It would be horrible, but they're sooooo cute.Calum MacKeller, from the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics, says, "In the history of humankind, animals and human species have been separated ... you may begin to undermine the whole distinction between humans and animals ... if that happens, it might also undermine human dignity and human rights." Wait, did he just agree that the Taurens would "pwn" us?[Thanks Thraal][Update 1: Apologies to the Newcastle folk, you've been added]