

  • Breaking Bad RPG concocted in video

    Fans of Breaking Bad will find loads to love about this faux-game video created by College Humor: accurate character dialog, comical asides that break the fourth wall and perhaps the greatest Duck Hunt clone known to man. Chemistry!

    David Hinkle
  • CollegeHumor figures it out, creates the Jersey Shore RPG

    How had we never put this together before? MTV's sorrowfully popular reality show Jersey Shore shares common elements with every RPG ever: Dudes with outrageously spiky hair, puzzlingly proportioned women, so much fighting, near-incomprehensible dialogue ... the list of similarities goes on and on.

    Griffin McElroy
  • College Humor reveals the 'super easy' modes of classic games

    You might find College Humor's latest video game parody clip, posted just past the jump, a hilarious look at what might have been had classic games been laughably more accessible. We see it as a haunting vision of things to come. That easy mode included in Mega Man 10? That's how it all starts.

    Griffin McElroy
  • Duck Hunt's workplace violates most HR guidelines

    On first blush, the workplace behind the scenes of the "increasingly frustrating action" game Duck Hunt doesn't seem so bad -- the boss is smart and organized, the space is very modern and clear of cubicle clutter, and all the worker ducks get free drugs and junk food! We have to pay for our meatball subs and cocaine here at Joystiq. But then you start to realize, thanks to this hard-hitting expose from the folks at College Humor, that the pressure can get to you after a while, especially when the players you're meant to be entertaining start bending the rules. Watch the full short (which is NSFW thanks to language) after the break. [via GoNintendo]

    Mike Schramm
  • College Humor reveals the 'Video Game Bosses' Lament'

    We have to give it to College Humor, they know how to hold up a satirical mirror to video game conventions and culture. Whether to show the horror inflicted upon The Sims or the pervasive nature of l33t speak. What's interesting about College Humor's latest video, "The Video Game Bosses' Lament," is that the site created a retort for the problems management had with the help two years ago. In "Bowser's Minions," from mid-2008, it's the hired help who have the last laugh. Anyway, if you want to hear management's issues, check it out after the break. But we side with the lackeys on this one.

  • College Humor writes a complaint to Mario Bros. Plumbing

    We've all seen Super Mario Bros. parodies before -- some that even make Mario a pretty sick and deranged dude. Been there, done that. But, what makes this College Humor video so special -- aside from its unusually grody depiction of the brothers Mario -- is its surprise ending. We won't spoil it for you, so you'll have to click on over if you want to check it out.

    David Hinkle
  • Where does the next Tetris block really come from?

    Perhaps, in the past, during a rousing round of Tetris, you may have found yourself in an existential funk. "Where does the next block come from?" you mused. Sure, it's easy enough to pin your extraordinary luck (or misfortune) on the wonders of random generation, but what if it wasn't so simple? What if the real source of your bliss and/or frustration was more ... divine? College Humor introduces us to Tetrises, the God of Tetris. Witness his terrible glory after the break. Just remember that the next time you pray for a line piece, you actually have someone to address. And, if you're looking for some extra luck, you might consider slaughtering a lesser puzzle game to appease him.

  • The Sims transformed into a horror movie

    "They won't let me pee, they won't let me sleep, they won't let me eat." – doomed Sim citizen Ah yes, the life of a Sim. Not so funny when one sees what life would be like if our actions were controlled by the unholy Plumbob (which is itself controlled by little Damian Van Horne of 999 Wisteria Lane). We understand that CollegeHumor was trying to be funny in its The Sims movie clip, but it actually encapsulates the pain and suffering of every Sim murdered by sadistic teenage girls around the world. Watch the full clip after the break. Save a Sim.

  • Meet the L33t parents and bow before them

    A young girl brings her boyfriend home to meet the parents, to disastrous results. Yes, it's a tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme. However, in this case, the girl's parents are the "L33ts," an upper-class and tech-savvy family with a penchant for FiOS and fine gaming. Unleashing a hail of overwhelming DPS, the parents take down the über suitor with verbal sparring that causes insurmountable levels of DoTs. Check out the carnage after the break.

  • "Cell Phone Reunion" shows what happens when handsets stop being polite

    Ever wonder what some think your choice of cell phone (or cell phone accessory) says about you? You could ask your friends, or you could just check out this video called "Cell Phone Reunion" that anthropomorphizes today's (and yesterday's) most popular cellies, giving them all distinctive -- and some abrasive -- personalities. We'll let you guess which one plays the role of smug braggart. Find out for yourself after the break!

    Tim Stevens
  • CollegeHumor reveals Bowser minion coup d'etat

    It was bound to happen. One day, the minions of Bowser would stand up and ask, "Why won't you let us kill The Mario?" That day has come, my friends. The minions of Bowser have revolted against their king and are ready to take the issue of killing The Mario into their own hands, paws, mouths and assorted tools, once and for all. Witness CollegeHumor's astounding footage after the break. There will be blood!

  • Grand Theft Auto NES

    We don't get to talk much about Grand Theft Auto on a Nintendo blog, but the folks at College Humor whipped up this silly video showing what the game would be like on the NES. After seeing this, we think Rockstar should seriously consider adding a tanuki suit in the next iteration of the game (we kid). In any case, it's amusing to see the sandbox-style game in limited, pixelated glory. We're not sure if people would have been ready for Grand Theft Auto in the late 80s, though, which makes this video all the more humorous.

    Candace Savino
  • Readers pick best webcomic: Visceration Station

    Big thanks to Supafine's "Legend of Zelda: Visceration Station" webcomic for finally (and logically) explaining the heart system to us. The least we, as the Joystiq community, can apparently do is bestow you the honor of best game-related webcomic of the week.Second and third place went to XKCD and College Humor, respectively. Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any gaming comics you stumble upon this week!

    Ross Miller
  • Today's Segway one-upping video: Personal Yoshi

    Scott Gairdner posts a short, sweet video about the advantages of riding a Yoshi over a Segway. The subtle edits and great production entertain, even if the theme is less epic than other videogame riffs. Keep a close eye--and ear--on the action for Super Mario World in-jokes.See the video after the break.[Via VideoGamesBlogger]

    Zack Stern
  • Street Fighter's Blanka: an electrical oompa loompa

    This and other gems are what you get out of the third installment of Street Fighter: The Later Years. It's a brilliant ongoing series at that follows the lives of everyone's favorite Street Fighter characters, years after the game has come and gone. This is the sort of thing we'd like to see on G4, or any sort of video gaming channel. Toss in this, some Red vs. Blue, some in-game feed, game guides, This Spartan Life, a World of Warcraft show, and some Major League Gaming, and you've got yourself something people will watch.Of course, we need to cram a Joystiq show in there somewhere. Video is after the jump. Give it a whirl, and brace yourself for Christmas. Note, if the video isn't embedded for some reason, like's code not being up to snuff, then click the image above or here for the vid.

    Kevin Kelly