Comic book


  • Read comic books on your Nintendo DS

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Joystiq's sister site DS Fanboy recently posted about a homebrew effort called Comic Book DS that lets you transfer comics from your computer and read them book-style with the DS flipped on end. You don't have to conceal issues of Action Comics underneath an old copy of Newsweek that you swiped off your dentist's waiting table on your commute any longer. Now people will think you're doing some serious work on your stylish PDA while you secretly use the touchscreen to pan and zoom on comic panels -- pure genius. Comic book fanboys can rid themselves of their secret shame.If you're wondering when pr0n will start appearing on your DS so it can catch up to the PSP, you either have to wait for the browser -- available only in Japan, or else check out the ... educational effort from Ubisoft's Heather Kelley. Will that thing support multiplayer?What are some real-life things you'd like to see migrate to your DS? Personally, we'd love a Checkbook Lite program to keep track of our finances, since the DS is so checkbook-ish looking already. Maybe even turn it into an RPG so we could level-up our savings. If someone made balancing finances fun, more people might actually do it. Final Fantasy XXXIV: Tax Time, here we come.[Thanks AF]

  • Joystiq hands-on: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    After previewing Call of Duty 3 and seeing the trailer for Flags of our Fathers for the umpteenth time, we wanted a diversion from the battlefields. Returning to Activision in search of something that would allow us to shed our daily mundane identities and to become heroes that weren't dressed in fatigues, we encountered our friend the receptionist again, still holding a grudge from our earlier victory. She led us into a dark room that had the villainous look of a secret lair. We had entered the realm of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.The green glow of Xbox 360 rings of light around the room looked like laser-activated booby traps, but we managed to evade them and press on. After a short briefing we were off to hand pick our four fellow heroes. You pick from tons of playable characters, although some of them are unlocked as you explore areas and find more heroes. Putting The Thing, Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, and the Human Torch on our team got us a Fantastic Four bonus (it was a no-brainer, we admit it), but we couldn't figure out any of the other combinations. We spied Deadpool and Spider-Woman on the Wii version -- which are probably the two unique characters that only the next-gen systems will be serving up. There is an extremely Nick Fury-esque shoulder holster on one of the silhouetted locked characters, and our fingers are itching to play the cigar-chomping, insult-hurling leader of the Howling Commandos.