

  • It isn't a fair contest, and it won't be anytime soon

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    I'm getting kind of annoyed at seeing more and more posts like this since Apple's Intel announcement, claiming that "we can finally settle this Mac OS X / Windows performance war, once and for all." Apparently there's a whole legion of people out there that think just because you might be able to hack and slash Windows to run on an Intel Mac, or you can do some tinkering and get Mac OS X to run on a PC box or notebook, that suddenly we'll have a side-by-side, no holds barred final showdown to prove which is the bigger, badder and faster OS. (Don't mind, for now, the conversation about how much a match like this really matters.)Ladies, gents, boys and girls: the showdown isn't going to happen. At least not anytime soon, and certainly not when, like in this Lifehacker post, OS X is having fairly significant performance issues running on hardware it was never intended to - which brings me to the crux of my rant: until Apple sits down with Dell (haha) and spends days/weeks/months to optimize OS X to run on their (crappy) hardware, or Microsoft drops by the Apple campus to bang out a version of Windows to run on a Macintel, we won't nearly begin to have an even playground for these two OSs to duke it out. You might as well race identical cars, pouring sand in one of their gas tanks.I'm not saying I don't have faith in the many enterprising hackers who will inevitably hack out a way for this fence-hopping to (somewhat) work. What I am saying is that this isn't a simple black and white boxing match that's going to be over after round 1 - and who knows: it might never be. Just make sure you don't spend too much time arguing over the inevitable post claiming there's a clear winner. After all, this is just the internets.

  • Everlan

    Josh Owens
    Josh Owens

    Jonesing for that rare murloc pet? Wish there was some kind of LAN based competition to compete in for WoW? Guess what...  There is!Everlan is a LANparty in Denver CO that hosts 500-600 gamers and they are being sponsored by Blizzard. They have a whole slew of WoW competition lined up for party goers, including scavenger hunts, leveling races, and other in-game competitions. Makes me wish I lived in Denver :P.Kudos to these guys, I know it was a challange to throw a 120 person party, so I tip my hat to them for their 500-600 gamers!