

  • Exclusive: A look at RIFT's Dominator

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Mages in RIFT are not particularly nice people. Admittedly, that's not speaking to their character so much as the souls available to them, but between the corpse-raising Necromancers, entropy-spreading Warlocks, and strength-leeching Archons, the precedent has been set. And today's reveal of the Dominator isn't going to change that image, even though it's a soul quite likely to make a number of new friends. But those friends may or may not be willing companions. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, even if you have little to no intention of letting your opponent use it. That's the Dominator philosophy in a nutshell, with a number of abilities designed to confuse, terrify, and control opponents. Although physically fragile, the Dominator will hopefully be in a position where none of his opponents are still coherent enough to take advantage of physical weakness. Take a look at more lore and ability details on RIFT's latest soul past the break, and check back tomorrow for our last soul reveal. %Gallery-101448%

  • iPhone meets Arduino, tilt joystick for mobile games results (video)

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Even though games like Infinity Blade can be great fun on the iPhone, there's no getting around the fact that touchscreen-centric, buttonless devices don't offer the best gaming ergonomics. A modding project gone horribly right, however, might just fix that right up for all of us. Shane Wighton set out to build a robot to try and beat his favorite iPhone game, replete with a webcam and an Arduino setup, but in the process of doing so he "just realized that [he'd] made a mechanism to play tilt based phone games with a joystick." Yes indeedy, one of the most awesome DIY gaming accessories was built by fluke as much as design. See it revolutionizing mobile gaming just after the break.

  • Movea SmartMotion Air Mini Keyboard remote and Air Mouse revealed alongside Sunrex partnership

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Don't quote us on this, but we've got a feeling that remotes will be more than just remotes by the time 2012 rolls around. HDTV companies have been slyly adding motion support to their remotes here at CES, and with PrimeSense's technology going over so well in the Kinect, there's an obvious next-step when looking at TV control. Movea -- the company responsible for the Gyration Air Mouse and Air Mouse iOS app -- has just teamed up with Sunrex here at CES, with the newly formed relationship expecting to yield new kit based on the former's MotionIC platform and SmartMotion technology. We're told to expect the first products to be available in Q1 of this year, with the SmartMotion Air Mini Keyboard remote and SmartMotion Air Mouse being named in particular. The former includes a full four-row QWERTY keyboard and relies on 2.4GHz wireless technology, but no images, pricing and availability details are available just yet. %Gallery-113688%

  • Snapstick could use your iPhone to program your television

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The video after the break shows off a product called Snapstick, though there's not actually a product yet, just more of an idea. The idea is that you select a bit of web content (like a YouTube video or Hulu show) on your phone, and then use a flicking motion to send that content up to a bigger screen like your TV. The company is really excited about the 'snapping" motion, but the idea is that you can use your phone to control what's shown on screen, and pull that from anywhere on the web. At this point it's all vaporware, unfortunately -- you'll obviously need something plugged into your television, whether that's an official Snapstick piece of hardware, or something like an Xbox 360 or an Apple TV that's designed to actually show that content off. But however they figure it out, the idea will be that you can use an iPhone app to program and then share web content on your television. Interested? Doesn't seem to me like much more than a glorified web browser, but Snapstick's taking sign-ups for a private beta right now. We'll have to see how this pans out.

  • Drama Mamas: Control freak

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Drama Mamas Lisa Poisso and Robin Torres are experienced gamers and real-life mamas -- and just as we don't want our precious babies to be the ones kicking and wailing on the floor of the checkout lane next to the candy, neither do we want you to become known as That Guy on your realm. We continue to receive the results of advice that we have given over the course of this column. But we're greedy and we want more! If we have answered a letter from you and you want to participate in our roundup column, please email us at We received the following letter a couple of months ago. It is impossible for us to answer every letter in a timely fashion, unfortunately. Still, we hope that this can still be of some help. Note: "Control Freak" was the subject of the letter writer's email and that's why we chose it as the title, not to be judgmental.

  • The Daily Grind: When have you felt superfluous?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Being a low-level Mesmer in Guild Wars is not often fun times. You know that later on the class becomes the absolute master of interrupts and lockdowns, nearly vital in a good party. But when you're still early in the game with few useful skills and few caster enemies to worry about, more often than not you find yourself standing in the back of parties casting a hex or two and waiting for the fight to be over. It makes it a lot harder to take claims of "great group" seriously when you didn't really do anything. Nobody likes the feeling of being carried in a game, but it's inevitable that once or twice the weak link is going to be you. Sometimes it's inexperience, sometimes it's being at a low level, and sometimes it's just the stars lining up perfectly to make your life miserable. So when have you felt like you were a complete third wheel? Was it during your learning phase for endgame content, or in the midst of a mid-game run where you weren't really necessary? Or was it just a matter of teaming with people who all knew one another with you as the stranger? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Power Gig's full-size, handmade guitar / controller now on sale for $250

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Ah, ha! There it is! Way back in March, we had a sit-down with folks from Seven45 Studios about their plans for Power Gig: Rise of the SixString (for PS3 and Xbox 360), focusing mainly on how they intended to rival the Rock Band and Guitar Hero franchises from a peripheral standpoint. The six string guitar accessory that ships with the game bundle today is already leaps and bounds better than what RB3 is packin' (pending Stratocaster launch plans), but an instrument we were keenly interested in at GDC was also one we couldn't photograph at the time. The company made clear that it was looking at releasing a real-deal, bona fide guitar in the future -- a full-size First Act axe that could be used with the game or with a legitimate amplifier. Now, that limited edition piece is on sale for both of the aforesaid consoles, boasting a single cutaway basswood body, humbucking pickup, and a maple neck with a rosewood fretboard. Each one is available for $249.99, but there's no telling how many will be produced. We'd also prefer to see these in larger music shops in order to give consumers an idea of the fit, finish, feel and sound, but those into taking chances can get one headed their way as we speak.%Gallery-105816%

  • The Daily Grind: Do you like debuffers?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Controllers and dominators in City of Heroes, mesmers and necromancers in Guild Wars, affliction warlocks in World of Warcraft -- the debuffing class has long been a staple of MMOs. While the class frequently is closest to being a damage dealer, its primary function is to cripple enemies. Played properly, the resultant effects can turn a normal challenge into a cakewalk, or knock a seemingly invincible enemy back down to normal levels. Of course, as time has gone by the archetype has become a bit less common, with the holy trinity of tanks, healers, and DPS becoming more focused and less open to more esoteric inclusions. But it hasn't gone away -- science ships in Star Trek Online make heavy use of debuffs to cripple and wear down opponents. Do you like having debuffs and debuff classes as a central element of party gameplay? Or would you rather designers continue to emphasize the holy trinity and have classes focused on doing damage while debuffing targets? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of our readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's The Daily Grind!

  • Apple thinks of the children, patents parent-controlled text communication

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    US patent 7814163 has been granted to Apple under the title "Text-based communication control for personal communication device." It describes the ability to control content sent and received from an "administered device" as defined by a parental control application. If objectionable content is detected based on a table of words stored locally on the device, the content can either be removed or the message blocked entirely. It can also enforce a designated language for children who, for example, are required to practice a foreign language. Note that the controlled content is limited to text, so it won't stop naughty Kin owners from foolish behavior, like, well, buying a Kin.

  • Atlantica Online unveils Sheriff Christine

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Atlantica Online has given us a rather appealing bit of information -- a new mercenary is moseying into town tomorrow. And true to form, she's promising to bring some interesting new wrinkles to the gameplay for anyone interested in laying down the law. Sheriff Christine is the latest addition to the game, offering players a variety of abilities to help control the flow of battle and interactions with the enemy party, using stuns and control-like abilities to turn the tide. Among her arsenal of stuns and control abilities is her new Arrest ability, which freezes an enemy unit for two turns. She also brings area damage into play with her Revolver Rush skill, or single-target damage with her self-buffing skill Steady Stance. We've also been given a few exclusive screenshots of Christine in action, so check them out in our small gallery, and keep your eyes open for Christine's full launch in Atlantica Online tomorrow. %Gallery-102377%

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: The replacements

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Hey, guys, did you know that Going Rogue is launching in less than a week? That's crazy. It feels especially strange to me, since this was an expansion that had barely been announced when I started here, and has since become pretty personally important. But we're not here to talk about my vague feelings about the impending launch, we're here to talk about its larger implications for City of Heroes -- namely, the obvious systemic changes that might well be coming when the expansion goes live. Now, some of you are doubtlessly going to point out that we're not even getting our first Incarnate slot, the expansion isn't changing any part of the system, and so forth and so on. But you forget that there is an interesting change to the system coming that we all know about: the fact that archetypes will no longer be allegiance-locked. That's right -- whether you're in City of Heroes or City of Villains, you'll no longer be limited to five different archetypes. And considering the fact that the archetypes are roughly analogous on both sides now, this might have just a bit of an impact.

  • Wii Classic Controller Pro gets gilded for revamped GoldenEye 007

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Alright, gamers -- time to fess up. Even if you're a self-proclaimed new schooler, there's no way you're passing up the option to flash back to yesteryear in order to play GoldenEye 007 the way it was meant to be played. The Wii remake of the game actually doesn't look all that different than the original when it comes to polygon count, but for those who aren't keen on taking control of Pierce Brosnan (let us dream, okay?) with a Wiimote, there's the gilded Classic Controller Pro. The limited run controller itself is a familiar beast, but rather than being coated in a standard black hue, this one will be doused in much the same color as 007's Golden Gun. It'll reportedly ship later this year within a "Classic Edition" game + accessory bundle for $69.99 (a $20 upcharge over the software alone), but it's still unclear if it'll be available as a standalone peripheral. Not like it matters -- you know you're buying this game, anyway.

  • Game Gripper makes grand entrance on Nokia's N900 (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Say what you will about Nokia's strategy (or lack thereof), but there's no denying that the N900 is one capable gaming machine. Thus, it makes perfect sense for the blokes at Game Gripper to mold a controller specifically for that very handset, no? We've already spent a fair amount far too much time with our made-for-Droid edition, and if you're looking to boost your enjoyment level when playing NES ROMs, you can toss your pre-order in this very second. The company's offering the complete Game Gripper N900 for €14.95 ($20), or the button set alone for €3.95 ($5), with initial shipments expected in around a fortnight. Head on past the break for a taste of that aforementioned Mario action.

  • Addon Spotlight: Satrina Buff Frames

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Addon Spotlight focuses on the backbone of the WoW gameplay experience -- the user interface. Everything from bags to bars, buttons to DPS meters and beyond -- your addons folder will never be the same! This week, Satrina Buff Frames takes your buff and debuff frames to a whole new level. A lot has changed since the early days of buff and debuff presentation. Back in the early days, we were limited by very basic buff and debuff trackers. These days, however, one addon truly stands tall and proud, a giant among men. I speak of the impeccable Satrina Buff Frames, a wonderfully customizable and skinnable buff and debuff frame that can give any user interface awesome amounts of flexibility.

  • IntensaFIRE click-on mod bringing programmable / rapid fire modes to PS3 controller

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Xbox 360 gamers may have had a solid year head start, but PlayStation 3 loyalists will soon be able to join the programmable / rapid fire party, too. BGRMods has announced that its much-hyped IntensaFIRE controller mod is finally coming to Sony's latest console, bringing with it fewer installation steps and an equal amount of tinkering possibilities. This new board requires no glue and no solder; users simply "click" it into place and enjoy the spoils of having rapid-fire potential at their fingertips. Purportedly, the mod is useful in "all PlayStation games," and it'll begin shipping out on May 21st for those who just can't game without a macro. We're told that the $69.95 device will also be making its public debut at E3, so you can bet your bottom dollar we'll be hitting the show floor in hopes of snagging a bit of hands-on time come June. [Thanks, Kristofer B]

  • MacBook Pro i7 in a 'command' performance

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    This isn't the first keyboard assembly snafu we've seen and it certainly won't be the last. But once again it's time to point and laugh at Apple after its new Core i7-equipped MacBook Pro was accidentally fitted with three command keys in Japan. Funny, knowing Steve Jobs you'd think he'd opt for more ctrl.

  • Nintendo ships Wii Classic Controller Pro to sweaty-palmed Americans

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Nothing like coming through on a promise, right? You bet. If you'll recall, the Big N assured us all back in January that the jumbo-sized Wii Classic Controller Pro would begin shipping to America in April, and sure enough, that's exactly what it has done. After giving the Japanese a few months head-start, both the white and black accessories are now shipping from none other than Amazon for the tidy sum of $19.99 apiece. And yes, gift wrapping is available for a nominal fee.

  • Algoriddim's djay Remote app available now

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    One of my favorite apps at Macworld Expo this past February was actually Algoriddim's djay 3 -- it's DJing software for the Mac that had a surprising amount of new features and fun UI elements even in one of the oldest and most-traveled of music software functions. One of the things I got to see during the hands-on was a tester version of an iPhone app they were working on, and now that app is finished and out on the App Store. The price is US$4.99, which is actually a little high for a satellite application -- you must be running djay 3 on your Mac, and while there is a free trial, it would have been nice if they'd just released the iPhone app as a free add-on to the $50 app. But as you can see, it's a full controller for the app -- they have the vinyl artwork included, you can set cue points and tweak FX and audio levels from right within the app. Also, you can queue songs up for an Automix directly from the iPhone (if, say, you happen to be at a party and don't have time to run upstairs to your computer to add a little more music to the playlist). The app works over WiFi, and note again that you must have the djay 3 software running on your Mac -- this is basically a remote for that app. But if you do a lot of DJing from your computer and want to get even more remote, setting this up on your iPhone seems like a great solution.

  • GDC 2010: From concept to Top Paid with Unity iPhone

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Unity Technologies hosted the sponsored lunch panel during GDC 2010 today, and their "product evangelist" Tom Higgins gave a quick rundown of the software platform that enables developers to assemble and release games extremely quickly on multiple platforms. The company was actually founded in Denmark, but has since expanded around the world with just two products: Unity Pro and Unity iPhone Pro. The second product, as you might imagine, allows developers to put together an application that can then be exported out into an Xcode project and released on the App Store. Higgins said that they've had over 90,000 people download the software since it was released for free last fall, and that more than 500 games in the App Store were authored by Unity. He also ran a short demo of the software at the panel. While some of the coding got a little technical (the system allows you to create and change variables on in-game objects even while the game is running in the engine), the coolest feature was the way they simulated iPhone controls: by using a real iPhone as a remote. They've released a free app on the App Store that will connect via Wi-Fi with a copy of the development tool running on your Mac, and as you touch and turn the iPhone, the editor reacts, and sends the (slightly lower resolution) output to the iPhone's screen. You can also make changes to your code as the game runs in that mode, so you can be playing and coding at the same time.

  • Seven45 Studios ups the ante for music games, intros fully functional six string controller

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've seen "real" guitars made to "work" with existing music-band titles, and we've even seen MIDI guitars play nice with Rock Band, but we've yet to see a company design a game from the ground-up to work with a legitimate six string. Until now. Here at GDC, Seven45 Studios is making a name for itself by introducing Power Gig: Rise of the SixString (for PS3 and Xbox 360) along with a bona fide axe. The newfangled company is a sister firm to First Act -- the same guys who made that guitar sold with your '07 Jetta -- and the instrument debuting here at the show uses proprietary technology "that can distinguish and recognize gamers' input all along the guitar." Better still, the instrument includes all of the innards necessary to make noise through an amp, so you could theoretically use this to rock out in real life as well. If you're skeptical about the game's ability to actually recognize complicated inputs, get a load of this: "Power Gig also introduces the option to switch on chording, or chord play; chording presents the added challenge of playing the game using chords that require specific finger placement on the strings." The tandem is slated to go on sale this fall for an undisclosed amount, and we'll be snagging some hands-on time with the game and guitar here in just a few hours -- stay tuned! %Gallery-87744%